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    Season 1 of the made-in-Niagara wine industry series "CorkScrewedTV" is now available on YouTube.  A detailed but lighthearted dive into the wine industry, speaking with grape growers, winemakers, owners and others associated with the local scene, each episode will include new content as hosts Patrick Gagliardi and Ralph deGroot follow up with each winery they visited to see how they're coping during the pandemic.

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    The 让天行加速器免费 is a collaborative effort between the Grape Growers of Ontario, BC Wine Grape Council, Association des vignerons du Québec and the Grape Growers Association of Nova Scotia to advance the Canadian grape and wine industry by ensuring a sustainable supply of certified propagative grapevine material. 

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    Eligible wine grape growers can apply for Ontario's Marketing and Vineyard Improvement Program (MVIP). For application forms and information about the program, visit agricorp.com/mvip. All applicants will be informed of their application status when the intake closes.

    MVIP provides growers with funds to help with the cost of improvements to their production of wine grapes.

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    John Fedorkow
    Fruithaven Farm

    John Fedorkow is a grape grower in St. David's and has been selected as the 2019 Grape King to serve as ambassador for Ontario's grape growers. 


During these challenging times, the Grape Growers of Ontario are committed to providing up-to-date and relevant information to our growers. Your Board of Directors remains focused on the issues affecting our industry and those that may arise due to COVID-19. While the health and well-being of our families is a primary concern for all, the GGO office building is closed however all staff are continuing to work from home, and can be reached through the office number 905-688-0990, their cell phone, or email.

Regional Resources

Personal Protective Equipment

Masks - Project Imagine are making masks for growers and their families, workers, and those in need. A $5 donation per mask is requested, with all funds going back to the charity. Please call 905-329-2106 or email info@grapegrowersofontario.com to order masks.

Government Programs

COVID-19 Financial support for farmers and food processors can be found at: http://www.agr.gc.ca/eng/covid-19-financial-support-for-farmers-and-food-processors/?id=1594301472449&utm_source=ext_web&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=COVIDFIN&utm_content=2020-07-16_0019

Important Information regarding the Temporary Foreign Worker Program

Guidance Documents

Click 让天行加速器免费 for additional info


July 27, 2020 - Today, under unique circumstances the Grape Growers of Ontario and the Processors came to a consensus on the 2020 grape prices. It was agreed by the Board of Directors and Growers' Committee to accept the Processors final offer which concluded in an overall 1% increase as outlined here.


July 28, 2020 - ONfruit

[不吐不快] 不是,腾讯加速器这么骚的吗 NGA玩家社区:2021-4-6 · [不吐不快] 不是,腾讯加速器这么骚的吗 分出了vip和svip,vip可以加速电脑和手机,svip可以加速pc、手机和主机 你细品 最后真香还是看uu 补一下,之前开腾讯加速器会员的自动归为vip,想体验原来的服务请加钱[s:a2:你看看你] 距离免费还有不到24天[s:a2:doge]

For the past 2 years we have been sampling vineyards to test for grapevine leafroll associated virus and grapevine red blotch virus.  The vineyard blocks were chosen randomly and the majority of blocks sampled happened to be 10 years old or over.  For the final year of the survey part of the project, we are shifting focus to younger plantings.  We are looking for vineyard blocks 3 years old or younger to sample in August. Sampling involves collecting one leaf from each of 400 vines in the block.  Petioles will be tested for grapevine leafroll associated virus (GLRaV) and grapevine red blotch virus (GRBV) and results will be sent to cooperators and used in pooled anonymous reporting.  Please contact Wendy McFadden-Smith at wendy.mcfadden-smith@ontario.ca as soon as possible so we can organize our survey for 2020.


July 24, 2020 - OMAFRA

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The toolkit can be found at: http://www.ontario.ca/page/working-farm-operators-stop-spread-covid-19-farms#section-0


July 24, 2020 - 求教 IP加速器 自动更新变成 27代{过}{滤}理 - 『悬赏问答区 ...:2021-3-17 · IP加速器 启动后 加速 DNF 就会自动更新 变成27代{过}{滤}理,,,请教怎么才能让它不自动更新呢,都没法玩游戏啦,,,27代{过}{滤}理的免费体验最近也总是关闭,显示体验时间结束,没法用啊

Ontario farmers put a high priority on protecting data and proprietary information related to their farm businesses. The threat of disclosing that type of information poses a significant risk to the health, safety and security of farms, families and operations across the province. The recent freedom-of-information (FOI) request submitted to the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) to release a list of names of all businesses with a Farm Business Registration (FBR) has the potential to jeopardize the privacy and security of that information.

Although the request impacts Ontario Federation of Agriculture (OFA) members that are FBR registrants, it does not pertain to OFA’s membership database or any related information. The individual who filed the FOI request is seeking FBR information from OMAFRA’s records.

The release of this information would affect all Farm Business Registrants across the province, and not solely OFA members. The concern surrounding the potential disclosure of information is shared by all three general farm organizations in Ontario.


July 17, 2020 - Ottawa, Ontario - Department of Finance Canada

The Government of Canada is taking immediate, significant and decisive action through Canada’s COVID-19 Economic Response Plan to support Canadians and protect jobs during the global COVID-19 pandemic, and to better position them for a strong recovery.

The Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS) protects jobs by helping businesses keep employees on the payroll and encouraging employers to re-hire workers previously laid off. Since its launch, about 3 million Canadian employees have had their jobs supported through the CEWS, and that number continues to grow.

Today the Finance Minister, Bill Morneau, announced proposed changes to the CEWS that would broaden the reach of the program and provide better targeted support so that more workers can return to their jobs quickly as the economy restarts. This support would continue to protect jobs and help Canadian businesses that are the most impacted.

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News Release - Province of Ontario (July 16, 2020)

Government Delivers Early on Expanded Risk Management Program

CHATHAM ― The Ontario government is expanding the Risk Management Program a year earlier than planned by $50 million for a total of $150 million annually. This funding supports farmers with unforeseen challenges such as fluctuating market prices, extreme weather events like flooding or drought, and disease.

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"Our government stands shoulder to shoulder with our farmers during these unprecedented times. As we chart a path to recovery, we will be there for our farmers and their workers to help them continue to put food on our tables," said Premier Ford. "We committed to expanding this program in Year 3 of our mandate, but we are delivering on that commitment a year earlier than promised to provide more stability, income security and peace of mind for farmers, which is long overdue. I'm proud to say promise made, promise kept."

Agricorp news item: Production Insurance peril added for 2020 labour disruptions

July 10, 2020 - Agricorp

The governments of Canada and Ontario announced a new peril for production loss due to on-farm labour disruptions caused by COVID-19 has been added to Production Insurance customer policies for 2020. Agricorp is adding this new coverage immediately to the customer policies for 2020 only, at no additional 2020 premium cost. Customers do not need to sign up. This enhancement to yield-based, acreage-loss and ginseng plans covers crop losses, up to the customer's guaranteed production (or number of damaged acres for ginseng), that are due to:

  • Illness or quarantine of the producer due to COVID-19;
  • Inability to fulfill contracted on-farm labour due to COVID-19; or
  • Illness or quarantine of on-farm labour due to COVID-19.

With this enhancement, customers will have coverage for production loss due to labour disruptions caused by COVID-19 for the full duration of their 2020 policies, from when the crop is planted all the way to harvest. For perennials, coverage starts at the beginning of the coverage period.

Click 让天行加速器免费 for further details.


Guelph ON, July 9, 2020 – Ontario Fruit and Vegetable Growers' Association


Ontario's fruit and vegetable growers welcome the joint federal provincial government decision to enhance crop insurance for the 2020 crop season to include labour shortages resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. This is the first such coverage of its kind in Canada and a change that the Ontario Fruit & Vegetable Growers' Association (OFVGA) has been actively requesting of both levels of government.

Today’s funding announcement by Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food Marie-Claude Bibeau and Ontario Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Ernie Hardeman means that growers enrolled in crop insurance for the 2020 season will have access to coverage against production losses arising from COVID-19 impacts on their workforce, including specifically travel disruptions of workers that arrive under the seasonal and temporary foreign worker programs due to COVID-19, and illness/quarantine in the event of an on-farm outbreak.

“This announcement is an important first step towards giving growers assurances that this government will have their backs during the pandemic,” said Bill George, Chair of the OFVGA. “We thank Minister Bibeau for making this enhanced coverage possible, and we thank Minister Hardeman and the Ford government for their leadership, and for being the first provincial government in Canada to take this step.”

VQA Ontario News & Tips, July 2020


Operations continue to run smoothly at VQA Ontario. Our focus remains keeping core services functioning, including wine testing and approval.

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  • Panels are operating once a week on Wednesdays.
  • Wineries should continue to deliver samples for testing to the LCBO Quality Assurance Department (noting their reduced hours of Monday-Thursday 8:30 am – 3 pm).
  • If you can, please provide samples in clean bottles marked only with the VQA Sample ID# and we will be very grateful if you use screw cap closures.

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