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"AFA continues to keep me informed about our Air Force and keeps me in the Air Force family." — SMSgt (Ret.) Ted Fafinski
"AFA has strengthened my awareness of national policy."
— SMSgt Sonora L. Vasquez
"The relationships that have come my way through AFA prove that serving others leads to success." — Mitzi Morrison
"The network that I have through AFA is fantastic and the mentors I have gained are invaluable." — Lt Col Shannon Farrell
AFA 20/20
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Virtual Event
2020 Virtual Air, Space & Cyber Conference
老王v2.2.8September 14, 2020 - September 16, 2020
老王v2.2.8February 24, 2021 - February 26, 2021
2021 National Convention
ConventionSeptember 18, 2021 - September 19, 2021
National Harbor, MD
Supporting our Air and Space Force Family
Aerospace Education & STEM Programs
Since 1996, Civil Air Patrol (CAP) has been a crucial partner of AFA, promoting aerospace education and fostering an interest in STEM careers, helping AFA in impacting hundreds of thousands of K-12 students across the country.
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Everyone uses technology, but not everyone knows how to defend themselves from digital vulnerabilities. AFA's CyberPatriot Program attracts students to cybersecurity and STEM fields. With the skills learned through the CyberPatriot program, students are making a difference at a global level.
Most of us can only dream of outer space. AFA’s StellarXplorers program brings these dreams in closer reach. We inspire students to pursue STEM studies through a special space system design competition that emphasizes all aspects of spacecraft system development and operations.