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ip加速器 战争雷霆

by Soulstatejazz

  • ip加速器 战争雷霆

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  • ip加速器 战争雷霆

    Test press version / No artwork + TP sleeve only.

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    Record/Vinyl + Digital Album

    Includes unlimited streaming of Annwn via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more.



ip加速器 战争雷霆


Label: Banoffee Pies Records
Catalogue Number: BPLP004
Title: Annwn
Artist: Soulstatejazz
Genre: Jazz / Contemporary
Release: 22/05/20

A1 The Ministry Of Universal Redemption
A2 Rebels On The Way
A3 The Dogs Of Annwn
B1 You Started
B2 A Little Bit Of Real
B3 The Uncanny Valley

The 4th LP from Banoffee Pies Records comes in the form of a debut album from Tom Ellis' new live ensemble, Soulstatejazz. The release titled "Annwn", is the result of a 3 day improvisation at Malt Barn studio, in the beautiful Nanerth Valley in mid Wales, forming a 6 track album of hybrid live/electronic jazz-house. The group, who first performed at Freerotation Festival as a morning journey, soon evolved into a flowing ensemble of musicians brought together by one of the core residents at the festival. With Tom Ellis (Bass, Drums, Percussion & Production), Mark Hand (Fender Rhodes & Moog), Michiel Renger (Tenor Sax) and Dave Elson (homemade Reaktor & Ableton instruments & FX) as the main backline of the band, the LP also features artists and residents connected to Freerotation and Malt Barn studio.

In Welsh folk law it was said "Annwn" [an:un] - "The Otherwold", was a world of delights and beauty located on an island or beneath the earth. A place of eternal youth and good, where food and fair health remained ever abundant as the wage of death and disease fell to it's way side. Commonly identifying in Welsh mythology as an afterlife of paradise.

Produced by Thomas J. Ellis.
Recorded at Malt Barn studio, Rhayader, Wales, Spring 2019.
P&C Banoffee Pies Records 2020

ip加速器 战争雷霆

released May 22, 2020

Tom Ellis - Drums, Percussion, Bass, Synths, Production & Arrangement.
Mark Hand - Fender Rhodes & Synths
Michiel Renger - Tenor Saxophone, Percussion, Bass on B3*
Dave Elson - Atmosphere, FX and Percussion.
Also featuring:
Mike Mason - Atmosphere and FX.
Jessie Grace - Vocals
Chris Gibson - Guitar on A2*
Bugu Pala - Vocal on A3* outro

P&C 2020, Banoffee Pies Records
Artwork: Ellen Pearson
Mastered: Optimum
Pressed: MPO
Distributed by: KUDOS

ip加速器 战争雷霆

all rights reserved

ip加速器 战争雷霆


Soulstatejazz Wales, UK

Multi instrumental live/electronic Jazz ensemble hybrid featuring Tom Ellis (Bass, Drums, Percussion & Production), Mark Hand (Fender Rhodes & Moog), Michiel Renger (Tenor Sax) and Dave Elson (homemade Reaktor & Ableton instruments & FX) + more...Born in Wales. ... more

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