
Kennesaw State University is gearing up for a return to the fall semester on August 17.  In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, we have taken action to protect the health and safety of our campus community while continuing to advance the academic mission of the university.

We have put together information and answers to questions that will help you prepare for your return. It is important to note, however, that this information will continue to be updated as information changes. 


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KSU is partnering with Wellstar Health System to provide testing services to all students, faculty and staff at facilities located on both the Marietta and Kennesaw campuses. Wellstar will work with our University and local health officials as we monitor and immediately respond to any positive tests that arise on campus. Specific procedures will be followed to isolate positive cases so that the spread of the virus can be mitigated. Any positive tests will activate our response team to identify other individuals who may have been in close contact with the individual who tests positive so that they may be provided with information based on guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Georgia Department of Public Health.

We encourage you to self-monitor each day for symptoms and remain at home or in your dorm if you feel sick. If you are experiencing symptoms or have questions about COVID-19, please call our COVID-19 Health Helpline at 470-578-6644 and choose Option 1.

Face Coverings

As a reminder, as of July 15, all students, faculty, staff and visitors will be required to wear an appropriate face covering inside campus facilities/buildings where social distancing of 6 feet may not always be possible. For students and faculty, this includes the requirement to wear a face covering while in the classroom. Face covering use will be in addition to and is not a substitute for social distancing. Prior to the start of the academic year, we will mail you a branded cloth mask for use on campus.

Reasonable accommodations may be made for those who are unable to wear face coverings for documented health reasons. Such requests will be handled through the existing accommodations process for Student Disability Services (SDS). Visit our 虫虫加速器是免费 for information on how to request COVID-related accommodations.


KSU has taken great steps to train and equip the staff responsible for the cleaning and sanitization of facilities around campus and developed protocols that will allow for consistent, multiple cleanings daily for high-traffic areas including classrooms, restrooms, building lobbies and residence halls. Additional hand sanitizing stations have been placed throughout campus and cleaning supplies will be readily available in the classrooms so you can wipe down your desk before and after use.


Classroom Configuration & Course Delivery

Classrooms and learning centers around campus are being configured to adhere to social distancing guidelines. Ultimately, this means that learning this semester will not look the same as in the past. Some courses will have the opportunity for regular face-to-face engagement, some a hybrid of remote and face-to-face instruction, and some will be fully online. You should continue to monitor your registration status so you can remain up to date on the modalities that will be used for your courses in the fall and contact your academic advisor with any questions.

Student Financial Aid

The Office of Student Financial Aid (OSFA) is always open to discussing changes in student circumstances and needs. For those students who have been adversely affected by COVID-19, KSU created the Moving Forward Fund. Such monies can be used for emergency support for various expenses, such as housing, food, travel and technology.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding your financial aid, or would like to learn more about the Moving Forward Fund, please contact OSFA by email at or by phone at 770-423-6074.


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The University Stores offer both in-store and online shopping options for students. The Kennesaw Campus bookstore is currently open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday and is adhering to social distancing guidelines. Beginning August 3, our store hours will be extended, and the Marietta Campus bookstore is scheduled to open. Textbooks for the fall semester can also be purchased online and can be shipped to you or picked up at one of our designated pick-up locations.



Housing & Residence Life

Housing and Residence Life is excited to welcome students to on-campus housing in the fall. Move-in for the fall semester begins on August 12 and has been carefully revised to help keep students, guests and staff safe. Visit our Move-In page for a full list of safety protocols being implemented.

Housing and Residence Life also has enhanced protocols regarding disinfecting common areas like building entrance doors, elevators and stairwells. It is still the responsibility of each residential student to maintain their health and wellness by washing their hands often, wearing a face covering outside of their room or suite, and disinfecting bedrooms, bathrooms and shared common spaces within their unit. Resident Assistants will focus on offering virtual, small-scale and outdoor programming when applicable in an effort to maintain the level of support for residents.


University Dining


Each Meal Plan that includes dining hall entries will come with a complimentary Takeout Club membership, so students can take their favorite foods home using a reusable take-out container. The expanded Grubhub menu will now include combo meal options from the dining halls that cost one Meal Plan entry along with pre-order items from favorites like Moe’s, Starbucks and Chick-fil-A.


Parking & Transportation

The Big Owl Bus offers shuttle routes around and between both campuses as well as service to select apartments near the Kennesaw Campus. Buses will be disinfected daily, and drivers will disinfect high touch surfaces frequently throughout the day. Stairwells and elevators within the parking decks are all designated as one-directional, and increased measures are being taken to clean high-touch areas such as elevator panels and handrails.



KSU will offer events, activities and support services to help welcome you to campus for the fall semester. Most of the events and services will be virtual at this time. However, there are still many opportunities to engage as you begin or continue your special KSU student experience.

Week of Welcome

Join us for our Week of Welcome as we kick off the new academic year. This annual series of events offers fun and engaging ways to connect with other students and learn more about KSU.


Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS)

To support student success and wellbeing, Counseling and Psychological Services will continue to be offered virtually without interruption.


Division of Student Affairs (DSA)

The Division of Student Affairs (DSA) exists to support student success by offering valuable services and unique opportunities to become active with the KSU campus community. Please visit the DSA website for a full list of staff and departments.


In an effort to enhance outdoor space for students to study, lounge and socialize, KSU has installed swings and 虫虫助手免费下载|虫虫助手 V4.2.3 安卓最新版 下载 ...-软件下载:2021-9-11 · 虫虫助手是一款为手游玩家设计的精品应用。虫虫助手为玩家提供了最好玩、最热门的游戏,拥有大型游戏、中文游戏等独立板块,可以满足不同年龄段玩家的需求,为手游玩家带来了很多福利。 on both the Kennesaw and Marietta campuses. Solar powered tables will also be added, and large event tents will be erected to provide for a shady space to work and relax in between classes.


COVID-19 Health Helpline

Beginning August 10, if you are experiencing a fever or COVID-19 symptoms, please call KSU's COVID-19 Health Helpline at 470-578-6644, and then choose option 1 for directions about what to do next. Please do not go to the Student Health Clinic without calling first. If a medical emergency occurs on campus (e.g., difficulty breathing), contact Public Safety at 470-578-6666.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

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