
The tornado watch for Winston Salem/Forsyth County for today, Feb. 6, has expired.

Wake Forest University is operating normally. Please visit Wake Ready for emergency preparedness information.

This message will remain in place until the University’s operating status changes.


The National Weather Service tornado warning has expired. A tornado watch for the Winston-Salem/Forsyth County area remains in effect until 12:00 p.m A tornado watch means tornadoes are possible in and near the watch area.

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Resources include:

TV Stations: WXII, WFMY,  WGHP  or Spectrum News Triad

National Weather Service

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Updates will be posted here.

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Wake Alert Emergency. The National Weather Service has issued a tornado warning for the Winston-Salem/Forsyth County area. Seek shelter now. Go to the lowest level of a building. Stay away from doors and windows. Our first priority is to ensure the health and safety of those on our campus. The current NWS warning is in effect until 05:30 a.m. Updates will appear here.


The National Weather Service has issued a tornado watch for the Winston-Salem/Forsyth County area. A tornado watch means tornadoes are possible in and near the watch area.

The current NWS watch is in effect 12:00. p.m.

Please monitor local weather reports for the latest information.

Resources include:

TV Stations: WXII, WFMY, WGHP or Spectrum News Triad

National Weather Service

The University recommends keeping cell phones charged and set to receive calls and text messages.

Updates will be posted here.

In the event of a tornado warning, Wake Forest will use the Wake Alert emergency notification system to communicate with students, faculty, and staff. An announcement would be posted on the Wake Alert web site and the University’s home page at; sent by text, email and voice mail; and posted on the Wake Alert Twitter and Facebook accounts.


Dear Wake Forest Community,

Public Health officials have confirmed late this afternoon that a Wake Forest student who is currently in isolation in an on-campus residence hall has tested positive for COVID-19. In compliance with the requirements of the Clery Act, the University is sending this Emergency Notification to the campus community.

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Though we are not able to share the student’s name or identifying information for privacy reasons, please be assured that professionals from the Student Health Service and the Forsyth County Health Department are working to notify any community members with whom the affected student indicates they may have come in contact to advise them of steps or precautions they should take. The University also has contacted the other individuals who were on the same sponsored trip abroad.

Wake Forest previously reported its first 绿灯 apk 破解 on March 21 and is now aware of other students who are not on campus who have tested positive for the virus. The University is also monitoring another student on campus who is in isolation after exhibiting symptoms. With increasing numbers of positive COVID-19 cases in North Carolina and around the country, the number of students with COVID-19 on campus may increase as well. The University will continue to follow the guidance of public health officials.

Students, faculty and staff presenting symptoms of COVID-19 must immediately self-isolate. Students remaining on campus or in the local Winston-Salem area who develop symptoms can call the Student Health Service (336-758-5218) or their primary care provider for medical advice. Students who reside outside of the Winston-Salem area should contact their primary care provider or local public health department for guidance. Also, faculty and staff who exhibit symptoms should contact their primary care provider or local public health department for guidance.

Continue to practice social distancing per the guidelines of the CDC. The University will follow recommendations of public health officials and infectious disease experts to further reduce community transmission of the virus.

The University has reduced the density of our campus population to slow the spread of the virus and avoid overwhelming health care and community systems. Wake Forest has moved all course instruction to remote delivery, requested that employees work remotely if possible, and reduced the number of students who are permitted to remain in residence halls. The University does have employees who are deemed essential working on campus.

We continue to monitor this rapidly changing situation. The health and wellbeing of our campus community continues to be our highest priority. The best place to find information on Wake Forest’s response to coronavirus is at 绿灯免费版.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) information available on WFU website

Wake Forest has an incident management team that is actively monitoring the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) situation. To find out the latest information regarding coronavirus and Wake Forest, please visit


The Reynolda Campus of Wake Forest University will open at 10 a.m. Friday, Feb. 21. This includes Wake Downtown.

Classes will not meet until 10 a.m. Offices will open at 10 a.m.

The University’s shuttles will begin operating at 8:20 a.m.

For those planning to attend events on campus Friday, check with the host or sponsoring organization.

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Please see the Wake Alert website at for any other announcements that may be made,

Tornado watch over; operating status normal

The tornado watch for Winston Salem/Forsyth County for today, Feb. 6, has expired.

Wake Forest University is operating normally. Please visit Wake Ready for emergency preparedness information.

This message will remain in place until the University’s operating status changes.

Tornado warning expired; watch remains

Wake Alert update: The tornado Warning for Winston Salem/Forsyth County today, Feb. 6, has expired. The tornado watch for the area remains in place until 5 p.m. today.

Tornado Warning

Wake Alert Emergency. The National Weather Service has issued a tornado warning for the Winston-Salem/Forsyth County area. Seek shelter now. Go to the lowest level of a building. Stay away from doors and windows. Our first priority is to ensure the health and safety of those on our campus. The current NWS warning is in effect until 11:45 a.m. today. Updates will appear here.


The National Weather Service has issued a tornado watch for the Winston-Salem/Forsyth County area. A tornado watch means tornadoes are possible in and near the watch area.

The current NWS watch is in effect until 5 p.m. today.

Please monitor local weather reports for the latest information.


TV Stations: WXII, WFMY, WGHP or Spectrum News Triad

National Weather Service

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Updates will be posted here.

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Wake Forest University is operating normally. Please visit Wake Ready for emergency preparedness information.

This message will remain in place until the University’s operating status changes.

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A severe weather announcement was sent in error. Please disregard. 

The National Weather Service still has a tornado watch for the Winston-Salem/Forsyth County area until 11 p.m. A tornado watch means tornadoes are possible in and near the watch area.

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Resources include:

TV Stations: WXII, WFMY,  WGHP  or Spectrum News Triad

National Weather Service

The University recommends keeping cell phones charged and set to receive calls and text messages.

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In the event of a tornado warning, Wake Forest will use the Wake Alert emergency notification system to communicate with students, faculty, and staff.  An announcement would be posted on the Wake Alert web site and the University’s home page at; sent by text, email and voice mail; and posted on the Wake Alert Twitter and Facebook accounts.

Tornado Watch

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The current NWS watch is in effect until 11 p.m.

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TV Stations: WXII, WFMY,  WGHP  or Spectrum News Triad

National Weather Service

The University recommends keeping cell phones charged and set to receive calls and text messages.


In the event of a tornado warning, Wake Forest will use the Wake Alert emergency notification system to communicate with students, faculty, and staff.  An announcement would be posted on the Wake Alert web site and the University’s home page at; sent by text, email and voice mail; and posted on the Wake Alert Twitter and Facebook accounts.

Operating status normal

Wake Forest University is operating normally. Please visit Wake Ready for emergency preparedness information.

This message will remain in place until the University’s operating status changes.


In order to promote safety on the Wake Forest University campus, the University is issuing this Timely Warning concerning a possible threat to the community.

The Winston-Salem Police Department and the University Police Department are investigating an alleged incident of rape that was reported to have occurred on Sept. 14, 2019, in Angelou Residence Hall. It was reported to police on Sept. 17, 2019.

A student reported being raped by another student. The alleged victim reported that the suspect is known to them.

If you have any information that might be helpful in this investigation, contact the University Police at (336) 758- 5911 or, if you wish, anonymously through “Silent Witness.”

Wake Forest is providing resources to assist the individuals involved in this incident, and will continue to take actions to maintain the safety and security of the campus community.

It is important for all of us to focus on the things that we can all do to keep ourselves and others safe.

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–Download Live Safe Mobile App

–Ask a friend who may be in a potentially dangerous situation if they want to leave and then make sure that they get home safely.

If you have experienced a sexual offense, we encourage you to seek support. If you or a friend has questions or concerns about sexual offenses, you can contact the following resources for confidential information and support:

Safe Office: [Confidential]
Helpline 24/7: 336-758-5285, Reynolds Gym, B104-107 (next to Student Health Service)

Student Health Service: [Confidential]
336-758-5218, Lower Level of Reynolds Gymnasium

Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center [Confidential]
Medical Center Blvd, Winston-Salem, NC 27157

University Counseling Center: [Confidential]
336-758-5273, Reynolda Hall, Room 117

Office of the Chaplain: [Confidential]
336-758-5017, Reynolda Hall, Suite 8

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University Police
336-758- 5911

Wake Forest University Title IX Office
336-758-7258, Reynolda Hall, Room 307

To obtain information about sexual offense prevention, contact:

Safe Office: [Confidential]
Helpline 24/7: 336-758-5285, Reynolds Gym B104-107

University Police
336-758-5591 (non-emergency)

Rape Aggression Defense (RAD)

Other resources:

Winston-Salem Police Department
911 in an emergency

Family Services/Forsyth County
24/7 Sexual Assault helpline: 336-722-4457
24/7 Domestic Violence helpline: 336-723-8125

Novant Health Forsyth Medical Center [Confidential]
3333 Silas Creek Pkwy, Winston-Salem, NC 27103

This Timely Warning is sent in compliance with the provisions of the federal Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act of 1998.


The Winston-Salem and Wake Forest University police departments are investigating an incident tonight (Sept. 16) in which a bullet was fired into a University-owned house on Polo Road. None of the house’s occupants, all graduate students, were injured.

Police believe the shot was fired at approximately 7:15 p.m. It was nearly an hour later before the residents of the house realized what had happened and contacted police.

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Operating status normal

Wake Forest University is operating normally. Please visit Wake Ready for emergency preparedness information.

This message will remain in place until the University’s operating status changes.

Public Awareness Announcement: Sexual Offense

UPDATE (9/5/19): Arrest made

Wake Forest is issuing this public awareness announcement concerning a reported incident that may be of concern to the campus community.

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The suspect was described as a white male with short hair, last seen wearing a gray, short-
sleeved shirt and khaki pants.

If you have any information that might be helpful in the investigation, contact the Winston-Salem Police at 911 or the University Police at (336) 758-5911 or, if you wish, anonymously through “Silent Witness.”

Wake Forest has offered resources to assist the individuals involved in this incident and will continue to take actions to maintain the safety and security of the campus community.

It is important for all of us to focus on the things that we can all do to keep ourselves and others safe.

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Download LiveSafe mobile app

Ask a friend who may be in a potentially dangerous situation if they want to leave and then make sure that they get home safely.

If you have experienced a sexual offense, we encourage you to seek support. If you or a friend has questions or concerns about sexual offenses, you can contact the following resources for confidential information and support:

Helpline 24/7: 336-758-5285, Reynolds Gym, B104-107

Student Health Service: [Confidential]
336-758-5218, Lower Level of Reynolds Gymnasium

Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center [Confidential]
Medical Center Blvd, Winston-Salem, NC 27157

University Counseling Center: [Confidential]
336-758-5273, Reynolda Hall, Room 117

Office of the Chaplain: [Confidential]
336-758-5017, Reynolda Hall, Suite 8

If you would like to report a sexual offense, please contact any of the following offices:

University Police

Wake Forest University Title IX Office
336-758-7258, Reynolda Hall, Room 307

To obtain information about sexual-offense prevention, contact:

Safe Office: [Confidential]
Helpline 24/7: 336-758-5285, Reynolds Gym, B104-107

University Police
336-758-5591 (non-emergency)

Rape Aggression Defense (RAD)

Other resources:

Winston-Salem Police Department
911 in an emergency

Family Services/Forsyth County
24/7 Sexual Assault help line: 336-722-4457
24/7 Domestic Violence help line: 336-723-8125

Novant Health Forsyth Medical Center [Confidential]
3333 Silas Creek Pkwy, Winston-Salem, NC 27103

Operating status normal

Wake Forest University is operating normally. Please visit Wake Ready for emergency preparedness information.

This message will remain in place until the University’s operating status changes.

Crime Alert

Update (July 22, 2019): Arrest made

Wake Alert crime alert announcement: At 7:06 p.m. this evening an unknown male exposed himself to a female student near Benson University Center.  He grabbed her arm and then fled on foot.  Wake Forest University Police are investigating.

If you have any information that might be helpful in this investigation, contact the University Police at (336) 758-5911 or, if you wish, anonymously through “Silent Witness.”

Operating Status Normal

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This message will remain in place until the University’s operating status changes.


The National Weather Service has issued a tornado watch for the Winston-Salem/Forsyth County area. A tornado watch means tornadoes are possible in and near the watch area.

The current NWS watch has been extended until 8:00 p.m.

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Resources include:

TV Stations: WXII, WFMY,  WGHP  or Spectrum News Triad


The University recommends keeping cell phones charged and set to receive calls and text messages.

Updates will be posted here.

In the event of a tornado warning, Wake Forest will use the Wake Alert emergency notification system to communicate with students, faculty, and staff.  An announcement would be posted on the Wake Alert web site and the University’s home page at; sent by text, email and voice mail; and posted on the Wake Alert Twitter and Facebook accounts.


The National Weather Service has issued a tornado watch for the Winston-Salem/Forsyth County area. A tornado watch means tornadoes are possible in and near the watch area.

The current NWS watch is in effect until 5:00 p.m.

Please monitor local weather reports for the latest information.


TV Stations: WXII, WFMY,  WGHP  or Spectrum News Triad

National Weather Service

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Updates will be posted here.

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Final Call Announcement

The Wake Forest emergency has ended. This is the final call. Resume normal activities

Tornado Warning

Wake Alert Emergency. The National Weather Service has issued a tornado warning for Wake Forest University until 1:15 a.m. on Monday, April 15. Seek shelter now. Go to the lowest level of a building. Stay away from doors and windows. Our first priority is to ensure the health and safety of those on our campus. Updates will appear here.

Tornado Watch

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Please monitor weather reports for the latest information. Resources include:

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Radio: WFDD (88.5 FM) or National Weather Service

Any updates will be posted on

Tornado Watch

The National Weather Service has issued a tornado watch for Wake Forest University. A tornado watch means tornadoes are possible in and near the watch area.

Please monitor weather reports for the latest information. Resources include:

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Radio: WFDD (88.5 FM) or National Weather Service

Any updates will be posted on

Operating status normal

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This message will remain in place until the University’s operating status changes.

Campus Phone Service Operating Normally

Phone service to Wake Forest University’s Reynolda Campus has been restored and is operating normally at this time.

Additional outages may be possible if the University’s phone service provider continues to troubleshoot. 

Information Systems encourages anyone who experiences further issues to report them by emailing or submitting a ticket online. 

Wake Forest Communications and External Relations

Phone outage on campus

Wake Forest University’s Reynolda Campus is experiencing issues with landline phones on the campus network. Information Systems is looking into the issues with the service provider. Apparently, the issue affects a wider area in the city than just the campus. The University will provide an update when the issues are resolved. At this time, it is unknown when that will be.

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This message will remain in place until the University’s operating status changes.

Timely Warning: assault investigation

In order to promote safety on the Wake Forest University campus, the University is issuing this Timely Warning Notification concerning a possible threat to the community.

The Winston-Salem Police Department and the Wake Forest University Police Department are investigating a student’s report of being assaulted on campus last night, possibly near the Subway on Hearn Plaza.

The incident is reported as occurring between 11:23 p.m. Jan. 17 and 1:50 a.m. Jan. 18.

The University Police Department is requesting information from anyone who might be able to provide more details about the alleged incident. The emergency number for University Police is 336-758-5911; non-emergency is 336-758-5591. A person may provide information anonymously by using the University Police Department’s Silent Witness form.

It is important for all of us to focus on the things that we can all do to keep ourselves and others safe.

  • Call 911: If you feel uneasy or unsafe, go to a safe location and call a friend or the police at 911. When your safety is at risk or you need a safe escort on campus, contact University Police, available 24 hours at 336-758-5911.
  • Download the Live Safe Mobile app
  • Ask a friend who may be in a potentially dangerous situation if they want to leave and then make sure that they get home safely.

The following resources are available to students, faculty and staff for confidential information and support:

Safe Office: [Confidential]
Helpline 24/7: 336-758-5285, Reynolds Gymnasium, B104-107

Student Health Service: [Confidential]
336-758-5218, Lower Level of Reynolds Gymnasium

Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center [Confidential]
Medical Center Blvd, Winston-Salem, NC 27157

University Counseling Center: [Confidential]
336-758-5273, Reynolda Hall, Room 117

Office of the Chaplain: [Confidential]
336-758-5017, Reynolda Hall, Suite 8

If you would like to report a sexual offense, please contact any of the following offices:

University Police

Wake Forest University Title IX Office
336-758-7258, Reynolda Hall, Room 307

To obtain information about sexual offense prevention, contact:

Safe Office: [Confidential]
Helpline 24/7: 336-758-5285, Reynolds Gym B104-107

University Police
336-758-5591 (non-emergency)

Rape Aggression Defense (RAD)

Other resources:

Winston-Salem Police Department
911 in an emergency

Family Services/Forsyth County
24/7 Sexual Assault helpline: 336-722-4457
24/7 Domestic Violence helpline: 336-723-8125

Novant Health Forsyth Medical Center [Confidential]
3333 Silas Creek Pkwy, Winston-Salem, NC

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Wake Forest Communications and External Relations

Operating status normal

Wake Forest University is operating normally. Please visit Wake Ready for emergency preparedness information.

This message will remain in place until the University’s operating status changes.

Campus water main break being repaired Thursday morning

Update: Water has been restored at the residence halls. Water will be restored at Wait Chapel by 4 p.m.

Work is underway this morning to repair a water main break near Zick’s in the Hearn Plaza area.  At present, there is no water service to Poteat and Huffman residence halls and Wait Chapel.  The repair is expected to be completed by noon today and water service restored at that time to all affected buildings.

Part of Parking Lot P, on the east side of Wait Chapel, is closed due to repairs crews working in that area.

Updates will be posted on the Wake Alert website at

Wake Forest to be open Wednesday

Wake Forest University’s Reynolda Campus will be open and will operate on its regular schedule Wednesday, Dec. 12.  This includes Wake Downtown.

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University shuttle service will be provided Wednesday.  There are some changes in scheduling on Wednesday.

antss蚂蚁加速官网 - 好看123:2021-6-10 · 1.antss蚂蚁加速 点击前往 网站介绍:版国外免费ss节点极速 加速器 i7加速器官网兔子破解版 shadowrocket安卓地址破解版vp n 极迅加速器猎豹加速器下载 surf安卓破解版 i7器官网猎豹加速加速 …

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–The Gray Day Line, the Gray Night Line and the OnCall Service will not operate on Wednesday.  In addition, there will be no Brookwood service on Wednesday due to the neighborhood’s road conditions.  If you drive from that area, please park in the First Assembly of God Church parking lot, off Polo Road and Long Drive.

To assist in snow removal operations on campus, the University is requesting that students with a vehicle parked in any faculty/staff parking lot or along campus roads relocate their vehicle to a general parking lot this afternoon (Tuesday) by 6 p.m.

Freshman and sophomore students with a vehicle already parked on campus are approved to park in general lots for the rest of the week.

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Please continue to check the Wake Alert website at for any other announcements that may be made.

Update: Power restored on campus

Power has been restored to all affected buildings on the Wake Forest campus after an outage earlier this afternoon.

Work underway to restore power to campus buildings

Work is underway Tuesday afternoon to restore power to several Reynolda Campus buildings.  A power outage occurred this afternoon in residence halls, part of ZSR Library and other buildings.

Power has been restored, already, in some affected buildings.  Work continues on others.

Buildings affected included South, Luter, Babcock, Collins, Johnson, Babcock and Angelou residence halls.  Others include Alumni Hall, the Wilson Wing of ZSR Library, the Miller Center and Winston Hall.

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(An initial email regarding today’s power outage incorrectly used the term Natural Gas Leak in the subject line.)

Reynolda Campus power outage

Facilities and Campus Services staff are responding to a power outage on campus. Our first priority is to ensure the health and safety of those on our campus. Updates will appear on this website.

Update: Reynolda Campus closed Tuesday

Because of weather conditions, the Reynolda Campus of Wake Forest University will be closed Tuesday, Dec. 11. There will be no academic operations.  Offices will be closed.  This includes Wake Downtown.

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绿灯 apk 破解Dining services will be available.  To obtain information on campus dining, visit The late-night breakfast has been cancelled; it had been scheduled for Monday night.

Campus shuttles will not operate Tuesday.

Recreation facilities, Z. Smith Reynolds Library, the Student Health Service and Benson University Center will be open Tuesday. The Wake Forest Wellbeing Center/Reynolds Gym will be open from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.  ZSR Library is open 24 hours.  The Student Health Service will operate on an urgent-care basis, only. Appointments are cancelled. Benson Center will operate with regular hours.

The President’s Holiday Party has been cancelled.  It was scheduled to be held Tuesday for staff and faculty and their families.

Please continue to check the Wake Alert website at for any other announcements that may be made.

University announcement on weather: Reynolda campus closed Monday


  • Student Health Service will be open Monday but operate on an urgent-care basis only. Appointments for Monday are cancelled.
  • The late-night breakfast event has been cancelled for Monday night.
  • The Pit will close at 7 p.m. on Sunday and reopen at 9 a.m. on Monday.
  • Benson Center will be open Monday.
  • No transportation services will be available on Monday.

Because of weather conditions, the Reynolda Campus of Wake Forest University will be closed Monday, Dec. 10.  There will be no academic operations. Offices will be closed. This includes Wake Downtown.

For Sunday, Dec. 9, academic operations are canceled.

Travel on and off campus is expected to be hazardous, so all are encouraged to be cautious outside.

status iconTo obtain information on campus dining, visit Dining services will be available.

Recreation facilities, Z. Smith Reynolds Library and Benson University Center will be open. The Wake Forest Wellbeing Center/Reynolds Gym plans to be open from 2 p.m. until 10 p.m. Sunday. Benson Center plans to be open regular hours Sunday. The library plans to be open 24 hours.

No campus transportation services are available Sunday. This includes the OnCall, Wake Downtown, Hanes Mall/Target, Freshman and Gray Line shuttles. Information regarding Monday has not been announced.

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Please continue to check this site for any other announcements that may be made.

Update on Investigation into Threat

The Winston-Salem Police Department, in partnership with Wake Forest University Police, continues to investigate an unsubstantiated threat to campus first reported on Sunday, December 2. The police investigation has ruled out several possible concerns, however, law enforcement officials have asked that details not be released due to the nature of the continuing investigation.

Barring a new development, this email will be our final campus-wide communication on this situation.

It is natural that rumors will circulate in the absence of information. We are aware of rumors that suggested individuals or groups affiliated with the campus community were possibly targets or suspects. Each lead has been thoroughly investigated by law enforcement and the University has been advised that there is no validity to any of the rumors brought to the attention of Wake Forest administrators.

There is no greater priority than the safety of our campus community. Wake Forest officials have consulted extensively on this situation with law enforcement and a national threat assessment expert. The University remains in regular contact with Winston-Salem Police.

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Wake Forest always offers support and counseling services for all students, faculty and staff. The University Counseling Center may be reached at 336-758-5273, the Chaplain’s Office at 336-758-5210. For faculty and staff, there is also the Employee Assistance Program at 336-716-5493.

Office of Communications and External Relations

Enhanced Security Measures Continue

The Winston-Salem Police Department, in partnership with Wake Forest University Police, continues to investigate an unsubstantiated threat to campus first reported on Sunday, December 2.

There is no greater priority than the safety of our campus community. We appreciate your patience and trust despite the limited details we are able to provide during the ongoing investigation.

Wake Forest has consulted with law enforcement and national threat assessment experts before deciding to continue classes and normal University operations. The increased police presence on campus and enhanced security measures will continue while the investigation proceeds.

We are concerned about new rumors that began circulating today regarding individuals suspected of making the unsubstantiated threat. We want to stress that there is no validity to these rumors.

If a threat were to require you to take action, or prompt a change in campus operations, Wake Forest would use more immediate forms of communication, to include text and phone messages. Information about Wake Forest’s crisis communication practices is available at

Due to the low volume of calls we have been receiving, we will deactivate the call center at 5 p.m. today. Messages left at 336-758-8731 will be returned as soon as possible.

Wake Forest always offers support and counseling services for all students, faculty and staff. The University Counseling Center may be reached at 336-758-5273, the Chaplain’s Office at 336-758-5210. For faculty and staff, there is also the Employee Assistance Program at 336-716-5493.

Update to Security Status

The Winston-Salem Police Department, in partnership with Wake Forest University Police, continues to investigate an unsubstantiated threat to campus first reported on Sunday, December 2.

Classes continued today without incident and the University will operate as normal tomorrow for students, faculty and staff. Enhanced security measures will remain in place on the Reynolda Campus while the investigation proceeds.

Wake Forest will continue to staff a call center to address concerns from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Tuesday, December 4. The number for the call center is 336-758-8731. Updates will be posted to

There is no greater priority than the safety of our campus community. The University will continue to receive updates about the law enforcement investigation and share information as it becomes available. We appreciate the patience and trust of the campus community despite the limited details we can provide at this time.

If a threat were to require you to take action, or prompt a change in campus operations, Wake Forest would use more immediate forms of communication, to include text and phone messages. Information about Wake Forest’s crisis communication practices is available at

Wake Forest always offers support and counseling services for all students, faculty and staff. The University Counseling Center may be reached at 336-758-5273, the Chaplain’s Office at 336-758-5210. For faculty and staff, there is also the Employee Assistance Program at 336-716-5493.

Follow Up to Sunday's Security Message

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We realize the lack of details may be concerning. Unfortunately, we cannot provide any additional information at this time other than to affirm that the investigation is still active.

We will communicate with campus as updates are available.

Wake Forest is staffing a call center to address concerns from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Monday, December 3. The number for the call center is 336-758-8731. Updates will be posted to

Additionally, Wake Forest offers support and counseling services for all students, faculty and staff. The University Counseling Center may be reached at 336-758-5273, the Chaplain’s Office at 336-758-5210. For faculty and staff, there is also the Employee Assistance Program at 336-716-5493.

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On Sunday, law enforcement officials made Wake Forest authorities aware of an unsubstantiated threat against the campus. Law enforcement officials immediately began an investigation and continue to pursue leads to determine the validity of the threat.

There is no greater priority than the safety of our campus community. At this time, there is no evidence that this is a credible threat. However, the University and local law enforcement agree that an increased police presence is an appropriate measure and you can expect to see an elevated level of security on campus.

The University will continue to receive updates about the law enforcement investigation and share information as it becomes available.

We realize this message may be concerning. Unfortunately, we cannot provide any additional information at this time due to the ongoing nature of the investigation. After extensive consultation with law enforcement, University officials do believe maintaining normal campus operations to be safe for students, faculty and staff.

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Additionally, Wake Forest offers support and counseling services for all students, faculty and staff. The University Counseling Center may be reached at 336-758-5273, the Chaplain’s Office at 336-758-5210. For faculty and staff, there is also the Employee Assistance Program at 336-716-5493.

Operating status normal

Wake Forest University is operating normally. Please visit Wake Ready for emergency preparedness information.

This message will remain in place until the University’s operating status changes.

Test of the weather alert system

This is a test of the weather alert system. No action is needed at this time.

Test of Wake Alert

Wake Alert Test: This is only a test. No action is needed at this time. Operating status is normal.

Test of Wake Alert weather alerts

This is a test of the Wake Alert weather alerts. No action is necessary. This is only a test.

University assessing conditions caused by storm; operations normal

The University’s Crisis Management Team (CMT) and other University officials have stayed alert throughout the day to the storm that passed through the area and continue to monitor the effects on campus and at University facilities, including Wake Downtown and the Charlotte Center.

At present, the University is operating normally. The CMT and others will continue throughout tonight and Friday to survey University facilities and respond to storm-related issues as needed.

Off-campus there are a number of problems caused by the storm, including power outages in Winston-Salem and other nearby areas, flooded roads, and downed trees. Affected areas include neighborhoods adjacent to the campus. Drivers and pedestrians are encouraged to stay alert to any hazards they may encounter.

Officials are working now to assess which University-owned houses around the perimeter of campus may be without power.

On campus, the Porter Byrum Welcome Center and nearby Starling Hall are currently without electricity, and it is not known when power will be restored.

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Minor water leaks have been reported in some campus buildings, including residence halls.  Facilities and Campus Services staff are responding to all reports of leaks or any kind of water intrusion.

Flash flooding occurred at various locations on campus today, particularly in some parking lots.  University officials are attempting to determine if any vehicles experienced damage from flash flooding. Such flooding has been receding late today. All on campus are cautioned to stay alert to any flooded streets, parking lots, sidewalks and other areas they may encounter on or off campus. They are also encouraged to stay alert during drives off campus in the days ahead.

University officials urge that no one walk or drive through standing water. In addition, all are encouraged to stay alert to any potentially downed power lines they may see.

If anyone sees a hazardous condition on campus, please report it to University Police at 336-758-5911.

StackSurf.io游戏下载-抖音StackSurf.io游戏中文手机版 v0.1 ...:今天 · StackSurf.io游戏沿途需要在地图当中来收集各种制定的黄色瓷砖,沿途不断的进行加速最终冲向最终的位置,玩起来也是非常类似于跑酷类型,跑的时候要细心的观察一下周围的颜色变化,这些都是能够让人措手不及的,方块的程度推得越高,那么你的分数最终提升的也就越多了。

The National Weather Service has issued a tornado watch for our area until 9 p.m. today. A tornado watch means tornadoes are possible in and near the watch area.

Please monitor weather reports for the latest information. Resources include:


Wake Forest University continues to monitor the track of Tropical Depression Florence and its impact to the campus community. Florence was downgraded to a tropical depression last night as wind speeds continue to decrease. Still, we urge everyone to consider their safety and monitor local and regional weather forecasts and road condition reports as Wake Forest plans to resume classes and normal operations tomorrow.

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With the majority of students staying in town through the weekend, Wake Forest plans to resume classes and normal operations tomorrow as scheduled. Students who left the area may experience delays returning to campus because of travel conditions. Please monitor 地铁跑酷国际破解版2021下载-地铁跑酷国际服下载-独木成林:2021-4-23 · 地铁跑酷国际破解版2021即Subway Surf破解版是一款非常经典好玩的手机跑酷动作游戏,相信地铁跑酷很多朋友们都有玩过,这一版本是针对国际版本修改解锁的,你能获取很多金币和钥匙,购买跑鞋、磁铁和其他道具,助力奔跑,各种跑酷场景,美观精致,喜欢的伙伴们可以下载!. While all local airports are open and fully operational, it is best to check with the airlines for up-to-date flight information.

The safety of our students is our primary focus and each individual must make good decisions to ensure they can rejoin the campus at the earliest, safest time possible. Faculty are aware that some students may experience delays in returning to campus. It is important that students unable to make it back to campus communicate with their faculty today.

Unless weather conditions change significantly, we do not anticipate an additional update to the campus community. If weather conditions necessitate, all Hurricane Florence-related updates will be posted on the Wake Alert website ( Please continue to monitor the Wake Alert website, follow @WakeAlert on Twitter and Facebook (绿灯VIP最新版), and add the Wake Forest Weather/Emergency line (336-758-5935) to phone contacts.

We know some within our campus community have been or have loved ones directly impacted by this storm. The University is prepared to provide support in a number of ways. Resident advisers and graduate hall directors are available to assist students who need to speak with someone here. The University Counseling Center’s 24/7 telephone crisis support is always available to students who need urgent mental health resources at 336-758-5273. Additionally, the 绿灯免费版 offers support resources for faculty and staff.

Wake Forest Communications and External Relations

Tropical Storm Florence update

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At this time, we are still planning to resume classes and normal operations on Monday, Sept. 17.

The latest forecast from the National Weather Service indicates that Florence is weakening. Forecasts predict 6-10 inches of rain; however, winds in excess of 30 miles per hour are increasingly less likely. Winston-Salem/Forsyth County conditions will vary significantly depending on the speed and track of the storm, both of which continue to be difficult to predict.

Students returning to campus from outside this area should continue to monitor roadways, airports and regional weather conditions. Students should contact faculty if they anticipate being delayed in returning to campus.

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All Hurricane Florence-related updates will be posted on the Wake Alert website ( Please continue to monitor the Wake Alert website, follow @WakeAlert on Twitter and Facebook (, and add the Wake Forest Weather/Emergency line (336-758-5935) to phone contacts.

Wake Forest Communications and External Relations

Tropical Storm Florence Update

Wake Forest University continues to monitor the track of Tropical Storm Florence and its impact to the campus community. Florence continues to move very slowly and was downgraded to a tropical storm last night. Significant rainfall and increased winds are expected to begin here this afternoon, and we urge everyone to prioritize safety, remain alert and take the duration of this storm seriously.

The latest forecast from the National Weather Service indicates 6-10 inches of rain and winds of 15-30 mph with gusts up to 35-40 mph for the Winston-Salem/Forsyth County area over the next several days. Local emergency managers continue to prepare for rain, winds, potential flooding and possible power outages. The Reynolda Campus and Wake Downtown are not in flood prone areas, but flash flooding is expected in parts of the region throughout the weekend and into early next week.

The slow path of the storm has made the timing of its impact on our area especially difficult to predict. We appreciate the cooperation, support and flexibility of our students, faculty and staff. At this time, we are still planning to resume classes and normal operations on Monday, Sept. 17. We will continue to monitor conditions and provide the next update by 8 p.m. tonight, or as weather conditions necessitate.

Power on campus has been reliable to this point and campus services remain available to students, as previously communicated. Facilities and Campus Services staff are working diligently to monitor and address any storm-related impacts on campus.

In the event that off-campus students’ housing becomes uninhabitable (i.e. prolonged power outages, wind damage, flooding, etc.), please contact University Police at 336-758-5591 to reach Residence Life and Housing staff on-call over the weekend. Though we are hoping we won’t need to use it, the University is making preparations to accommodate off-campus students if their housing becomes uninhabitable.

Students returning to campus from outside this area should continue to monitor roadways, airports and regional weather conditions. Students should work with faculty if they anticipate being delayed in returning to campus.

All Hurricane Florence-related updates will be posted on the Wake Alert website ( Please continue to monitor the Wake Alert website, follow @WakeAlert on Twitter and Facebook (, and add the Wake Forest Weather/Emergency line (336-758-5935) to phone contacts.

Wake Forest Communications and External Relations

Hurricane Florence update

Wake Forest University continues to monitor the track of Hurricane Florence and its potential impact to the campus community, which we will begin to experience today.

Hurricane Florence made landfall around 7:15 a.m. near Wilmington, N.C., approximately 225 miles from Winston-Salem. The latest forecast from the National Weather Service indicates 6-10 inches of rain and winds of 15-30 mph with gusts up to 35-40 mph for the Winston-Salem/Forsyth County area over the next several days.

Local emergency managers continue to prepare for rain, winds, potential flooding and possible power outages. Windy conditions have begun and some rain is expected later today. Because the storm is moving slowly, the most significant impacts on our area are now projected to begin on Saturday, with rain and higher winds picking up significantly in the afternoon.

As always, the health, safety and wellbeing of students, faculty and staff are the University’s highest priorities. While we hope that the impact on our area is less than anticipated, we encourage you to remember these tips, wherever you are:

  • Turn around! Don’t drown! Do not drive through standing water. Turn around and find another path.
  • Avoid touching or approaching any fallen power line. The line and/or surrounding water could be electrically charged.
  • Use caution if you are outside. Avoid standing or walking under large trees. High winds can cause limbs and debris to become loose and/or airborne.

Students returning from outside the region will want to take precautions with highways, airports and keep aware of changing conditions, as well as stay in communication with faculty. The North Carolina Department of Transportation provides real-time traffic conditions on its website. North Carolina airports are advising passengers to check regularly with airlines as flight cancellations are expected to increase throughout the weekend.

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All Hurricane Florence-related updates will be posted on the Wake Alert website (绿灯VIP最新版). Please continue to monitor the Wake Alert website, follow @WakeAlert on Twitter and Facebook (, and add the Wake Forest Weather/Emergency line (336-758-5935) to phone contacts.

Some are asking how you can help. As you know, Wake Forest’s LJVM Coliseum is officially open as a shelter to house evacuees from coastal areas, with accommodations for pets. The American Red Cross is managing and operating the shelter in coordination with Forsyth County. Those interested in volunteering may register at 安卓 Surf加速器 VIP破解.

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Hurricane Florence Update & Campus Services Information

With the health, safety and wellbeing of the campus community as our highest priority, Wake Forest University continues to monitor the track of Hurricane Florence and its potential impact to the campus community.

The latest forecast from the National Weather Service indicates 6-10 inches of rain and winds of 25 mph with gusts up to 45 mph for the Winston-Salem/Forsyth County area over the next several days. At this point, tropical storm force winds have been removed from the local forecast. While the reduction in projected winds is good news, emergency managers in the area continue to prepare for rain, winds, potential flooding and possible power outages.

The following information relates to campus services available to students when classes are canceled Friday, Sept. 14 through Sunday, Sept. 16.

Dining Services
All dining services will operate on the weekend schedule Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Please refer to for specific hours and updates.

Student Health Service
Student Health Service will operate on an urgent care model starting Friday, just as it does after business hours and on weekends. All appointments for Friday will be rescheduled but limited staff will be on site to take care of urgent needs. Saturday and Sunday operations will not change. In the event of any emergency, people are always instructed to call 911.

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At this time, ZSR Library plans to maintain normal weekend hours.

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The Wake Forest Wellbeing Center (Reynolds Gym) will maintain normal operating hours. Some specific programs, such as Outdoor Pursuits and outdoor intramurals, have been canceled.

Benson University Center
Benson will maintain normal operating hours. A movie marathon will run in Pugh Auditorium during normal business hours on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

The Office of Transportation and Parking Services has adjusted the shuttle service schedule to prioritize the safety of drivers and passengers in the coming days.

  • Gold/Black Lines – Regular service today. No service on Friday.
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  • Gray Line Night – Regular service until 11:00 p.m. today. No Friday or weekend service.
  • Target/Hanes Mall – No weekend service.
  • Gray Line Day – Regular service today. No service on Friday.
  • BB&T University Center shuttle to first-year student vehicles (temporary parking location) – Regular service today. No service on Friday.

OnCall Service

  • OnCall service will be available from Thursday at 6:00 p.m. through tonight and into Friday and Saturday, unless weather forecasts or conditions warrant service to end. To get a ride, download the Transloc Rider App at or call 336-283-1091.

Student Parking

  • First-year student vehicles should remain parked at the BB&T University Center off Reynolda Road through the weekend. More information will be forthcoming next week regarding the relocation of vehicles from this lot back to the UCC/Freshman Parking lot.
  • Sophomore vehicles should remain parked at the sophomore parking lot through the weekend.

super ⅴpn破解版
Many within the campus community have friends and loved ones who will suffer the worst of Hurricane Florence and its aftermath. The University is prepared to provide support in a number of ways:

  • Resident advisers and graduate hall directors are available to assist students who need to speak with someone here.
  • The University Counseling Center’s 24/7 telephone crisis support is always available to students at 336-758-5273.
  • Undergraduate students experiencing extraordinary academic circumstances should contact the Office of Academic Advising at undergraduateadvising@surf破解版下载 Graduate and professional students should contact their respective Dean’s office.
  • Students who need assistance but do not know who to call should contact University Police (336-758-5591 for non-emergencies, 336-758-5911 for emergencies).
  • Faculty and staff may seek emotional support through the Employee Assistance Program.
  • Parents are encouraged to contact the Office of Family Engagement at should the University need to be aware of any extraordinary circumstances affecting their students. If the need is urgent, please indicate that in the subject line.

Wake Forest will continue to provide mid-day updates Friday, Saturday and Sunday about the Hurricane Florence, or as weather conditions necessitate.

All Hurricane Florence-related updates will be posted on the Wake Alert website ( Please continue to monitor the Wake Alert website, follow @WakeAlert on Twitter and Facebook (安卓 Surf加速器 VIP破解), and add the Wake Forest Weather/Emergency line (336-758-5935) to phone contacts.

Wake Forest Communications and External Relations

Hurricane Florence update

Wake Forest University continues to monitor Hurricane Florence’s potential impact and prioritize the safety of the campus community.

The latest forecasts regarding Hurricane Florence, shared in an 11:30 a.m. briefing from the National Weather Service, show the storm slowing and tracking farther south than predicted earlier this week.

Wake Forest University will remain open for regular hours and operations for Thursday, Sept. 13.

Classes will be canceled and offices will be closed from Friday, Sept. 14 through Sunday, Sept. 16.

University emergency managers continue to prepare for the storm in consultation with facilities, food services, health services and residence life and housing staff. Residence halls will remain open, food service will be available and Student Health Service will remain available. Additional information about campus services over the weekend, such as the Wake Forest Wellbeing Center, ZSR Library and shuttle transportation, will be issued by Thursday at noon.

Residence Life and Housing plans to send information to off-campus students today regarding how the University can best support them if they experience hurricane-related issues.

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Wake Forest students in online courses or degree programs, as well as students enrolled in programs that meet in Wake Forest facilities outside of Winston-Salem, should contact their program administrators for any updates regarding class meeting schedules and statuses.

Wake Forest recommends that students, faculty and staff stay informed about weather forecasts for the Triad and surrounding areas.

Conditions statewide will vary, so please use your best judgment regarding your own safety.

All Hurricane Florence-related updates will be posted on the Wake Alert website ( Please continue to monitor the Wake Alert website, follow @WakeAlert on Twitter and Facebook (, and add the Wake Forest Weather/Emergency line (336-758-5935) to phone contacts.

Wake Forest Communications and External Relations

Hurricane Florence update

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The National Weather Service has advised that the storm has somewhat slowed its approach, and we are receiving updated forecast models for when Winston-Salem will be impacted. At this time, Wake Forest is preparing for regular class hours and campus operations on Thursday, Sept. 13 and Friday, Sept. 14.

University leaders are working closely with the National Weather Service, and Wake Forest’s emergency managers are meeting regularly with the Winston-Salem/Forsyth County emergency management office regarding the latest developments.

Beach Surf游戏下载_Beach Surf游戏最新版下载_软吧下载:2021-2-18 · 软吧提供Beach Surf下载,Beach Surf是一款欢乐的水上大冒险类游戏,游戏采用了3D引擎设计画面场景,在整个环境氛围中玩家们将展开一场场冲浪和挑战,通过不一样的对战进行比拼获得更多的道具,并顺利的到达最终的目的地。

Students who have questions about the status of scheduled evening events and activities should contact the coordinating programs and offices.

FEMA will operate Wake Forest’s LJVM Coliseum as an evacuation center beginning Wednesday evening for those evacuating coastal areas. This is an indication that our area of the state is considered to be safer than many others.

The University’s highest priority is the health, safety and wellbeing of students, faculty, staff and visitors. At this point, we believe it is safer to stay on campus than to risk traveling during the storm or risk not being able to return to campus once the storm has passed.

All Hurricane Florence-related updates will be posted on the Wake Alert website ( Please continue to monitor the Wake Alert website, follow surf破解版下载 on Twitter and Facebook (surf免费版), and add the Wake Forest Weather/Emergency line (336-758-5935) to phone contacts.

Wake Forest Communications and External Relations

Hurricane Florence update

Due to Hurricane Florence’s potential impact on the Winston-Salem/Forsyth County area, Wake Forest University continues to monitor the situation and take steps to keep the campus community safe. The University’s highest priority is the health, safety and wellbeing of students, faculty, staff and visitors.

Wake Forest will remain open for regular hours and operations today, Tuesday, Sept. 11, and Wednesday, Sept. 12.

The University plans to communicate a decision regarding classes for Thursday, Sept. 13, and Friday, Sept. 14, no later than 9 p.m. tonight. In the event that classes are canceled, residence halls and dining services will remain open.

All Hurricane Florence-related updates will be posted on the Wake Alert website ( Please continue to monitor the Wake Alert website, follow @WakeAlert on Twitter and Facebook (, and add the Wake Forest Weather/Emergency line (336-758-5935) to phone contacts. Be advised that there will be a test of the Wake Alert system this evening.

While the path of the storm remains uncertain, there is a possibility of 4-10 inches of rain, flooding and tropical storm force winds (over 39 mph). Wake Forest recommends that students, faculty and staff stay informed about weather forecasts for the Triad and surrounding areas. and 绿灯 apk 破解 offer some helpful guidance about hurricane preparedness.

As the University continues to monitor the storm, the following FAQ provides some answers for students, faculty and staff.

Q: Is Wake Forest planning to evacuate campus?
A: At this time, even if classes are canceled, residence halls and dining services will remain open. Other essential services, such as Student Health Service, will operate on a limited basis (see additional information below). Fortunately, the Reynolda Campus and Wake Downtown are not in flood-prone areas. However, Wake Forest’s emergency management team is working to make sure students on campus are as comfortable as possible, given the conditions. For example:

  • Deacon Dining has ordered additional food and water to provide for students on campus.
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  • The Facilities and Campus Services team is working diligently with pre-storm efforts to minimize water intrusion, maintain power and prepare for strong winds. Clearing residence hall gutters, checking stormwater drains and securing outdoor furniture will continue through Wednesday.
  • Residence Life and Housing is prepared to assist students in their residence halls should issues arise.
  • Off-campus students who experience prolonged power outages are encouraged to contact the Office Residence Life and Housing for assistance. The University is making preparations to accommodate students whose off-campus housing becomes uninhabitable.

Q: Will Wake Forest offer transportation for students wanting additional supplies and provisions?
A: Parking and Transportation will operate a free shuttle for students who would like additional food and supplies from 12:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. today, Tuesday, Sept. 11, and tomorrow, Wednesday, Sept. 12. The bus will make a continuous loop to Target (University Parkway), Harris Teeter (Reynolda Road), and Lowes Foods (Reynolda Road). The on-campus pick-up/drop-off location will be in front of the Benson University Center.

Q: Do residence halls have generators?
A: No. Most residence halls have battery backup for emergency lights, fire alarm panels, and other systems relating to safety and navigation. Unauthorized generators are not permitted for safety reasons and will be removed.

The majority of the Reynolda Campus is on an underground power grid and has a far more reliable history of power delivery during most storms than other areas. Students living in North Campus Apartments and houses along Polo Road are on the City of Winston-Salem power grid and have a higher risk of an outage. These students, in particular, may want to take additional measures to stock up on food, water and other emergency preparedness supplies.

In the event of a power outage, all exterior doors on residence halls will remain locked. Staff from the Office of Residence Life and Housing will be available to assist students with gaining access to their communities.

Q: Will Student Health Service have limited hours?
A: Student Health Service will continue normal operations unless classes are canceled. If classes are canceled, SHS will operate on an urgent care model, just as it does after business hours and on weekends. All appointments will be rescheduled but limited staff will be on site to take care of urgent needs. In the event of any emergency, people are always instructed to call 911.

Q: What if a student needs a prescription refill?
A: Now is the time to avoid last-minute refill requests as resources may be limited. If classes are canceled, the on-campus SHS pharmacy will most likely be closed. Students should contact their off-campus prescribers and have them call in the prescription to an off-campus pharmacy.  If refills are needed by an on-campus physician, SHS will work with area pharmacies to have medications delivered to campus, if possible. Regardless, SHS will have staff available to assist any student if they need help receiving any refill.

Q: How do I know if I’m signed up for Wake Alert text messages?
A: Undergraduate students are required to provide their cell phone number. Faculty, staff, graduate and professional students are encouraged to register. Follow these instructions to make sure your cell phone number is listed.

Q: Will athletic events scheduled for this week still be held?
A: Wake Forest University and the Atlantic Coast Conference office continue to monitor the progress of all weather-related issues as they pertain to athletic events this week. Please monitor all Wake Forest Athletics social media accounts for updates and future notifications.

Wake Forest Communications and External Relations

Hurricane Florence

Wake Forest University is taking steps to keep the campus community safe with Hurricane Florence projected to bring heavy rains and sustained winds to the Winston-Salem/Forsyth County area later this week.

University leaders are working closely with the National Weather Service in Raleigh, as well as state and local officials, to monitor potential impacts to campus. Florence is expected to make landfall late Thursday, Sept. 13 or early Friday, Sept. 14, so we are still several days from understanding its likely impact to the areas on and around campus.

The National Weather Service is currently projecting 4-6 inches of rain, or possibly more. Flooding, tropical storm force winds (greater than 39 mph) and power outages in the Winston-Salem area are possible.

The University recommends that students, faculty and staff stay informed about weather forecasts for the Triad and surrounding areas. Local news organizations, including WXII, WGHP, WFMY, Spectrum News Triad, super ⅴpn破解版and 绿灯VIP最新版 will be good resources for the latest information.

Please familiarize yourself with and bookmark Wake Alert now, while conditions are normal. In an emergency, alerts and updates will be posted on the Wake Alert website (绿灯 apk 破解) and distributed through other methods.

All future Hurricane Florence-related emails and other news will be posted to the Wake Alert website. Students, faculty and staff are also encouraged to:

  • Register for text alerts available to students, faculty and staff.
  • Follow @WakeAlert on Twitter and on Facebook (
  • Add the Wake Forest Weather/Emergency line (336-758-5935) to phone contacts.

The University will keep students, faculty and staff informed and will send an update Tuesday morning.

Wake Forest Communications and External Relations

Wake Alert test

This is a test of the Wake Alert Emergency Notification System. This is only a test. No action is required at this time.

super ⅴpn破解版

The University Police Department issued an All Clear announcement at 5:45 p.m. today, April 15, after issuing an earlier severe weather announcement. It was issued through the University’s Wake Alert emergency notification system.

The announcement read, in part: “The situation is all clear. Resume normal activities.”

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A tornado watch remains in effect until 11 p.m. for the Winston-Salem area. A tornado watch means tornadoes are possible in and near the watch area.

Information about today’s weather, including current forecasts, is widely available on local TV stations, such as WXIIWGHPWFMY and 安卓 Surf加速器 VIP破解. Information is also easily accessed from other news organizations, such as The Weather Channel.

At Wake Forest, detailed weather information is always available thanks to WeatherSTEM stations on top of the Miller Center and the scoreboard at BB&T Field.

In the event of a weather emergency tonight, the University would make announcements using the Wake Alert emergency notification system.

Severe weather warning issued

Slippy Surf破解版下载 Slippy Surf内购破解版下载_骑士助手:2021-8-10 · Slippy Surf破解版是一款采用卡通画面感的休闲游戏,在这款游戏中玩家将会身处一片大森林之中,玩家需要做的就是踏着脚下的滑板不断的前进,游戏的操作十分的简单,游戏的玩法也是非常的新颖,并且这款游戏中还有超多的游戏道具可供玩家体验,喜欢的小伙伴快来下载体验吧!

Accidental activation of the indoor alert system in Miller Center

This afternoon, there was an accidental activation of an “active shooter” alert in the Miller Center. There is no incident taking place in the building. The message was distributed unintentionally one time, according to University officials.

The alert was distributed in the building over the building’s indoor alert system. Occupants heard a message declaring there was an active shooter in the building.

We apologize for the false alarm and are investigating what occurred to cause the indoor alert to be accidentally issued in the building.

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Wake Forest University is operating normally. Please visit Wake Ready for emergency preparedness information.

This message will remain in place until the University’s operating status changes.

Reynolda Campus will open at 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday, March 13

The Reynolda Campus of Wake Forest will open at 9:30 a.m. Tuesday, March 13.

Classes will not meet on campus until 9:30 a.m. Offices will open at 9:30 a.m. This includes Wake Downtown.

The University’s shuttle schedule for Tuesday:

  • Gold/Black Lines, service will begin at 8:20 a.m.
  • Wake Downtown, service will begin at 8:25 a.m.
  • Gray Line route, service will begin at 8:30 a.m.

Conditions will vary in the region, so please use your best judgment regarding your own safety.

Please see this website for any other announcements.


Because of weather conditions, the Reynolda Campus will close at noon today, March 12. Offices will be closed. Any in-progress, on-campus classes will end at noon. This includes Wake Downtown.

Travel on and off campus today is expected to be hazardous, so all are encouraged to be cautious outside. For those planning to attend events on campus today, check with the host or sponsoring organization.

Food service will be available. To obtain information on campus dining, visit

Recreation facilities, Z. Smith Reynolds Library and Benson University Center will be open today.

Here is the revised University shuttle schedule for today:

  • The last departure for the Wake Downtown shuttle from Innovation Quarter will be 1:10 p.m.
  • The last departure for the Gold/Black Lines from campus will be 12:50 p.m.
  • The last departure for the Gray Line from campus will be 1 p.m.
  • There will be no Gray Line or On Call shuttle service tonight.

Please continue to check the this website at for any other announcements.

绿灯 apk 破解

This is a test of the Wake Forest University Alert System. This is only a test. No action is required.

Operating status normal

Wake Forest University is operating normally. Please visit Wake Ready for emergency preparedness information.

Updates on the on-campus shooting from Jan. 20 can be viewed here.

This message will remain in place until the University’s operating status changes.

Investigation into campus shooting remains active

From the Winston-Salem Police Department: The investigation into the murder of Najee Ali Baker has remained active and ongoing by detectives with the Winston-Salem Police Department’s Criminal Investigations Division. Authorities continue to gather evidence and interview witnesses as part of that investigation.

At this time, authorities are not releasing any additional details regarding this active investigation. Subsequent media updates will be published by investigators with the Winston-Salem Police Department as information becomes available.  

Anyone with information regarding this investigation is asked to call the Winston-Salem Police Department at 336.773.7700 or CrimeStoppers at 336.727.2800.


The emergency situation at Wake Forest is now over. The investigation continues. Updates will be posted to Inside WFU as appropriate.

Letter to campus from President Hatch

Dear Wake Forest Community,

At approximately 1 a.m. this morning, Najee Ali Baker, a student at Winston-Salem State University, was shot during an altercation at a party on campus in The Barn. I am deeply saddened to report that the student later succumbed to his injuries. My thoughts and prayers this morning are with the student’s family, friends and classmates, as well as our Wake Forest community.

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Several students from Wake Forest University and Winston-Salem State University attended the event, and officials from both universities are working together to support students impacted by the incident.

There is no greater priority than the safety of our campus community, and this incident is troubling and unsettling for all of us. Police are increasing security and patrols on campus and in the surrounding area.

Wake Forest offers support and counseling services for all students, faculty and staff. The Counseling Center may be reached at 336-758-5273, the Chaplain’s Office at 336-758-5210. For faculty and staff, there is also the Employee Assistance Program at 336-716-5493.

I am grateful for the partnership of Winston-Salem State University and the Winston-Salem Police Department, and all of the staff from several campus departments that responded in the early morning hours.


Nathan O. Hatch

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Winston-Salem Police and Wake Forest University Police are investigating a shooting at The Barn on campus that occurred around 1 a.m. Jan. 20 in which a person was injured and taken to a hospital. Police do not believe the suspect in the shooting remained on campus.

Police have increased patrols of the campus and nearby areas.

The Wake Forest campus is open.

No one is permitted to come to The Barn area. Residents of Palmer and Piccolo should go to the University Police Department in Alumni Hall if they are trying to return to their residence hall.

Our first priority is to ensure the health and safety of those on our campus. Updates will appear on this website as soon as possible.


Winston-Salem Police and University Police are searching for a suspect in a shooting at The Barn tonight. Police do not believe the suspect is on campus.

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Police have increased patrols of the campus and nearby areas.

A shooting victim has been taken to the hospital. Students off campus may return to campus now. No one is permitted to come to The Barn area. Residents of Palmer and Piccolo should go to the University Police Department in Alumni Hall if they are trying to return to their residence hall.

Our first priority is to ensure the health and safety of those on our campus. Updates will appear on this website as soon as possible.

Police seeking suspect in shooting at The Barn

Police are searching for a suspect in a shooting at The Barn tonight on campus. Police are on the scene. Stay in place until further notice. If you are off campus, stay away. Police are responding. Our first priority is to ensure the health and safety of those on our campus. Updates will appear on this site as soon as possible.

Police continue search for suspect in shooting

Police continue to search for a suspect in a shooting at The Barn tonight. Police are on the scene. A shooting victim has been taken to the hospital. Students off campus may return to campus now. No one is permitted to come to The Barn area. Residents of Palmer and Piccolo should go to the University Police Department in Alumni Hall if they are trying to return to their residence hall.

Winston-Salem Police and University Police are increasing patrols of the campus and campus area. 

Our first priority is to ensure the health and safety of those on our campus. Updates will appear on this website as soon as possible.

Armed and dangerous person reported at The Barn

Armed and dangerous person reported at The Barn. Police are responding. Follow updates on this site.

Seek shelter now. Stay in place until further notice. If you are off campus, stay away.


The Reynolda Campus of Wake Forest University will open at 10 a.m. Friday, Jan. 19. 

Classes will not meet until 10 a.m. Offices will open at 10 a.m.

The University’s Black and Gold shuttle lines will begin at 8:50 a.m. The Wake Downtown shuttle line will begin at 8:55 a.m. The Gray line will begin at 9 a.m.

Conditions will vary in the region, so please use your best judgment regarding your own safety.

Please see this website for any other announcements that may be made.

Wake Forest Reynolda Campus to open at 11 a.m. Thursday, Jan. 18

The Reynolda Campus of Wake Forest University will open at 11 a.m. Thursday, Jan. 18.

Classes will not meet until 11 a.m. Offices will open at 11 a.m.

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NOTE: Changes are being made for tonight’s (Jan. 18) University shuttle schedule. The following shuttles will make their last pick-ups by 7 p.m.:  the Wake Downtown, the Gold and Black lines, and the Gray lines. The OnCall shuttle and the Gray Line night route shuttle will not operate tonight.

Reynolds Gym and the Sutton Center will open at 9 a.m.

Conditions will vary in the region, so please use your best judgment regarding your own safety.

Please see this website for any other announcements.

Reynolda Campus of Wake Forest closed Jan. 17

Because of weather conditions, the Reynolda Campus of Wake Forest University will be closed on Wednesday, January 17. Classes will not meet on campus. Offices will be closed.

This includes Wake Downtown.

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For those planning to attend events on campus Wednesday, check with the host or sponsoring organization.

To obtain information on campus dining, visit

Recreation facilities, Z. Smith Reynolds Library and Benson University Center will be open Wednesday.

University shuttles will not operate Wednesday.Please continue to check the Wake Alert website for any other announcements that may be made.

Operating status normal

Wake Forest University is operating normally. Please visit Wake Ready for emergency preparedness information.

This message will remain in place until the University’s operating status changes.

Phone service to University has been disrupted

Wake Forest is experiencing a major disruption tonight with the University’s telephone system.

In general, calls made to University telephones from off-campus phones and cell phones are not getting through to the University.

To reach University Police from a cell phone or from off campus, call 336-759-0443. On campus, using a University phone (landline), call 5911 or 5591. University Police can be reached also by emailing or using the LiveSafe app.

A campus phone (landline) can be used to call another campus phone.

The University’s Information Systems Department is aware of the phone service disruption and is working to correct the situation tonight. IS has been told that the phone disruption is related to a larger phone system disruption in North Carolina.

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安卓 Surf加速器 VIP破解

Wake Forest University is operating normally. Please visit Wake Ready for emergency preparedness information.

This message will remain in place until the University’s operating status changes.


Tonight, the Winston-Salem Police Department has taken into custody a man who was sought after he fled Wake Forest University police officers on campus and wrecked his car at the intersection of Polo Road and Reynolda Road.  After the wreck, the man ran away to his nearby residence, west of the intersection.  Winston-Salem Police Department officers arrested him at his residence.

The University Police Department has charged the man with felonious assault with a deadly weapon.  According to University Police, the man attempted to strike University Police officers with his car. Other charges may be filed later.

The incident began late this afternoon when University Police Department officers engaged the man outside Z. Smith Reynolds Library.  The man got away from the officers and fled in his car.

Campus crime alert

University Police Department officers engaged a suspicious man outside Z. Smith Reynolds Library late this afternoon. The man fled the scene and soon afterward crashed his car at the intersection of Reynolda Road and Polo Road. After the crash, he fled on foot.

Winston-Salem Police officers know the individual’s identity and are attempting to apprehend him at his residence off Polo Road, west of the intersection.

A large number of police officers are at and near the Polo Road/Reynolda Road intersection.

Operating status normal

Wake Forest University is operating normally. Please visit surf免费版 for emergency preparedness information.

This message will remain in place until the University’s operating status changes.

Hurricane preparation update

Wake Forest is continuing preparations for potential effects from Hurricane Irma. At this time, officials are cautiously optimistic about a relatively low impact to the Winston-Salem area.

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Numerous Wake Forest administrative departments are directly involved in storm preparations, including Facilities and Campus Services, the University Police Department and Residence Life and Housing.  Facilities staff are working to keep drains and gutters clear and secure objects that might otherwise be tossed about by wind gusts.  Special attention is being given to securing objects and equipment in construction areas on campus.

The University is not in an area prone to flooding during heavy rain, but Residence Life and Housing is preparing to address any potential problems with water buildup in residence hall areas.

Potential storm effects are not expected to prompt the necessity for an evacuation of the University.

At present, there are is no expectation for significant disruption to any University operations and services.

The University will continue to communicate with students, faculty, staff and others if the need were to arise during the weekend and beyond.  Significant developments likely would prompt messages to be emailed to the campus community and others.  Minor announcements most likely would only be posted on the surf最新破解版.  Additional announcements may not be necessary.

If emergency conditions were to occur at Wake Forest, the University’s Wake Alert Emergency Notification System will be activated.  In an emergency, alerts and updates would be posted on the Wake Alert web site and distributed through 绿灯 apk 破解.

Frequently updated information on weather conditions at Wake Forest is available through WeatherSTEM.  The information is available through Facebook and Twitter (@WakeForestWxSTEM).  WeatherSTEM also offers apps for iOS and Android.

You may visit to see Hurricane Irma’s proximity to Wake Forest.  Enter 27109 as the zip code.  You may also text Wake Forest’s zip code, 27109, to 336-750-6434 to get texted back in real time with Hurricane Irma information from WeatherSTEM.

Students whose families have been, or could be affected, by the storm may find the following resources helpful:

— Office of Chaplain

— University Counseling Center

— 绿灯免费版

— Residence Life and Housing

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Test of the alert system

This is a test of the Wake Forest University Alert System. This is only a test.


Wake Forest University is operating normally. Please visit surf破解版下载 for emergency preparedness information.

This message will remain in place until the University’s operating status changes.


The tornado warning for Forsyth County has been changed to a watch until midnight. Watch local news for future updates.


A tornado has touched down in East Bend, N.C., northwest of Winston-Salem. The tornado is moving northeast at 25 mph. Monitor local weather reports on radio or TV for further information and Wake Alert for potential updates.

安卓 Surf加速器 VIP破解

Wake Forest University is operating normally. Please visit Wake Ready for emergency preparedness information.

This message will remain in place until the University’s operating status changes.

Reynolda Campus will operate on normal schedule

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Conditions will vary in the region, so please use your best judgment regarding your own safety.

Vehicles with off-campus parking permits must be relocated to their appropriate parking location by 8 a.m. Tuesday.

University shuttles will be operating Monday night, including the onCall shuttle service and the Gray shuttle line. Shuttles will operate on their regular schedule Tuesday.

Please see this website for any other announcements that may be made.

Reynolda campus to open at noon on Monday, Jan. 9

The Reynolda Campus of Wake Forest University will open at noon on Monday, Jan. 9.

Classes will not meet on campus until noon. Offices will open at noon.

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The University’s Black and Gold shuttle line and Innovation Quarter shuttle line will begin at 11 a.m.

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Please continue to monitor this website for any other announcements that may be made.

Operating status normal

Wake Forest University is operating normally. Please visit SurfVIP破解版下载 for emergency preparedness information.

This message will remain in place until the University’s operating status changes.

Test of the notification system

This is a test of the Wake Alert emergency notification system. No action is required by anyone reading this test message.

Operating status normal

Wake Forest University is operating normally. Please visit Wake Ready for emergency preparedness information.

This message will remain in place until the University’s operating status changes.

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Travel on and off campus Monday is expected to be hazardous, so all are encouraged to be cautious outside.

For those planning to attend events on campus Monday, check with the host or sponsoring organization. To obtain information on campus dining, visit Recreation facilities, Z. Smith Reynolds Library and Benson University Center will be open Monday.

Student Health will see patients on a limited, urgent care basis. All appointments will be rescheduled. Please call 336.758.5218 or visit surf最新破解版 for more information.

University shuttles will not operate Monday.

Please continue to check the Wake Alert website for any other announcements that may be made.

Operating status normal

Wake Forest University is operating normally. Please visit Wake Ready for emergency preparedness information.

This message will remain in place until the University’s operating status changes.

安卓 Surf加速器 VIP破解

The Reynolda Campus of Wake Forest University will open at 10 a.m. Monday, January 25. Classes will not meet on campus until 10 a.m. Offices will open at 10 a.m.

The University’s Black and Gold shuttle line will begin at 8:50 a.m.  The University’s Gray shuttle line will begin at 8:58 a.m.

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Please see the Wake Alert website for any other announcements that may be made.

Reynolda Campus closed on Friday, Jan. 22

Because of weather conditions, the Reynolda Campus of Wake Forest University will be closed on Friday, Jan. 22.  Classes will not meet on campus. Offices will be closed.

Travel on and off campus Friday is expected to be hazardous, so all are encouraged to be cautious outside.

For those planning to attend events on campus Friday, check with the host or sponsoring organization. To obtain information on campus dining, visit Recreation facilities, Z. Smith Reynolds Library and Benson University Center will be open Friday.

University shuttles will cease operation after 10 p.m. tonight, and they will not operate throughout the weekend.

Please continue to check Wake Alert for any other announcements that may be made.

Operating status normal

Wake Forest University is operating normally. Please visit Wake Ready for emergency preparedness information.

This message will remain in place until the University’s operating status changes.

Police investigate sexual assault

The University Police Department is investigating a sexual assault that took place between 6 a.m. and 6:20 a.m. Wednesday, May 6.  The incident occurred at Kitchin Residence Hall near lot N.

Wake Forest University is providing resources to assist the individual involved in this incident and will continue to take actions to maintain the safety and security of the campus.

The student described the assailant as a male with dark skin between 30 and 40 years of age, approximately 6 feet tall, of average build, wearing dark jeans, dark blue or black zip-up hoodie, blue and gray running type shoes with dirty white laces, a dark blue or black knit hat.

Anyone with information that may assist in the investigation is asked to call 绿灯VIP最新版 or 758-5591.  Or, they may use University Police’s online Silent Witness system to report information anonymously.

University Police have increased security patrols in that area.

安卓 Surf加速器 VIP破解

Wake Forest University is operating normally. Please visit 绿灯免费版 for emergency preparedness information.

This message will remain in place until the University’s operating status changes

Reynolda Campus will open at 9 a.m. on Friday

The Reynolda Campus of Wake Forest University will open at 9 a.m. Friday, Feb. 27. Classes scheduled to start before 9 a.m. will not meet Friday.

The University’s Black and Gold shuttle line will begin running at 7:50 a.m. Friday.  The University’s Gray shuttle line will begin running at 7:28 a.m. Friday.

Local conditions will vary in the region, so please use your best judgment regarding your own safety.

Please see the Wake Alert website at for any other announcements that may be made.

UPDATE: Reynolda Campus closed on Thursday, Feb. 26

UPDATE: Because of weather conditions, the Reynolda Campus of Wake Forest University will be closed for classes and offices on Thursday, February 26.

Travel on and off campus is hazardous, so all are encouraged to be cautious outside.

For those planning to attend events on campus Thursday, check with the host or sponsoring organization. To obtain information on campus dining, visit Recreation facilities, Z. Smith Reynolds Library and Benson University Center will be open Thursday. The Student Health Service will be open for urgent care only.  Please see the Student Health website at for further information.

University shuttles will not operate Thursday.

Please continue to check the Wake Alert website at for any other announcements that may be made.

Reynolda Campus will not open earlier than 9:30 a.m. on Thursday

Due to weather conditions, the Reynolda Campus of Wake Forest University will not open earlier than 9:30 a.m. Thursday, Feb. 26.

The University will assess the weather situation early in the morning and will make an announcement by 7 a.m. regarding the University’s schedule.

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Please see the Wake Alert website at for any other announcements that may be made.

Operating status normal

Wake Forest University is operating normally. Please visit 绿灯 apk 破解 for emergency preparedness information.

This message will remain in place until the University’s operating status changes.

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This is an update regarding the schedule Tuesday, February 24, for the Reynolda Campus of Wake Forest University.

Due to unexpected snow, the Reynolda Campus of Wake Forest University will open at 11 a.m. Tuesday, February 24. Classes scheduled to start before 11 a.m. will not meet Tuesday.

The University’s Black and Gold shuttle line will begin running at 9:50 a.m. Tuesday.  The University’s Gray shuttle line will begin running at 9:58 a.m. Tuesday.

Local conditions will vary in the region, so please use your best judgment regarding your own safety.

Please see the Wake Alert website at for any other announcements that may be made.

Reynolda Campus will open at 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday

Due to unexpected snow, the Reynolda Campus of Wake Forest University will open at 9:30 a.m. Tuesday, February 24. Classes scheduled to start before 9:30 a.m. will not meet Tuesday.

The University’s Black and Gold shuttle line will begin running at 8:20 a.m. Tuesday.  The University’s Gray shuttle line will begin running at 8:28 a.m. Tuesday.

Local conditions will vary in the region, so please use your best judgment regarding your own safety.

Please see the Wake Alert website at surf免费版 for any other announcements that may be made.

Operating status normal

Wake Forest University is operating normally. Please visit Wake Ready for emergency preparedness information.

This message will remain in place until the University’s operating status changes.

StackSurf.io游戏下载-抖音StackSurf.io游戏中文手机版 v0.1 ...:今天 · StackSurf.io游戏沿途需要在地图当中来收集各种制定的黄色瓷砖,沿途不断的进行加速最终冲向最终的位置,玩起来也是非常类似于跑酷类型,跑的时候要细心的观察一下周围的颜色变化,这些都是能够让人措手不及的,方块的程度推得越高,那么你的分数最终提升的也就越多了。

The Reynolda Campus of Wake Forest University will open at 9:30 a.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 18.

Classes scheduled to start before 9:30 a.m. will not meet Wednesday.

The University’s Black and Gold shuttle line will begin running at 8:20 a.m. Wednesday. The University’s Gray shuttle line will begin running at 8:28 a.m. Wednesday.

Please see the Wake Alert website at 绿灯 apk 破解 for any other announcements that may be made.

Reynolda Campus closed Tuesday, Feb. 17

Because of weather conditions, the Reynolda Campus of Wake Forest University will be closed for classes and offices on Tuesday, Feb. 17.

Travel on and off campus is hazardous, so all are encouraged to be cautious outside.

For those planning to attend events on campus Tuesday, check with the host or sponsoring organization. To obtain information on campus dining, visit the CampusDish website. Recreation facilities, Z. Smith Reynolds Library and Benson University Center will be open Tuesday.

Please continue to check the Wake Alert website at for any other announcements that may be made.


The Reynolda Campus of Wake Forest University will close today at 3 p.m. Snow is forecast to begin falling this afternoon and continue through much of the night.

For classes and labs that will be operating at that time, it is up to the discretion of the faculty member whether to continue.

For those planning to attend afternoon and evening events, check with the host or sponsoring organization. For information on campus dining, visit Recreation facilities will remain open. Z. Smith Reynolds Library and Benson Center will remain open.

The last departure for the Black and Gold shuttle line will be at 3:50 p.m. The last departure for the Gray Line will be at 3:58 p.m.

Please continue to check the Wake Alert website at for any other announcements that may be made. A decision regarding the University’s Tuesday schedule will be announced at approximately 9:30 p.m. tonight.

Operating status normal

Wake Forest University is operating normally. Please visit Wake Ready for emergency preparedness information.

This message will remain in place until the University’s operating status changes.

Gun pointed at student on campus

At about 6:25-6:30 p.m. this evening, a man in an orange SUV pointed a handgun at a Wake Forest student on campus in Parking Lot “J”. University Police believe the suspects have left campus.

A Wake Forest student was returning to his vehicle on campus in Parking Lot “J” behind Collins Hall and South Residence Hall at about 6:25-6:30 p.m. on Dec. 11. The student noticed four or five males in an orange SUV. The orange SUV hit the student’s parked car as the driver pulled out of the parking space.

When the student approached the orange SUV, one man in the SUV pulled out a handgun.  The student ran and called University Police. University Police conducted an immediate search and believe the suspects are no longer on campus.

The suspects in the orange SUV are described by the student as “college-aged” males. Two or three of them may have been white males and two or three of them may have been black males.

If you have any information about this incident, please call University Police at 336-758-5591.

Power restored; operating status normal

StackSurf.io游戏下载-抖音StackSurf.io游戏中文手机版 v0.1 ...:今天 · StackSurf.io游戏沿途需要在地图当中来收集各种制定的黄色瓷砖,沿途不断的进行加速最终冲向最终的位置,玩起来也是非常类似于跑酷类型,跑的时候要细心的观察一下周围的颜色变化,这些都是能够让人措手不及的,方块的程度推得越高,那么你的分数最终提升的也就越多了。

Please visit Wake Ready for emergency preparedness information. This message will remain in place until the University’s operating status changes.

super ⅴpn破解版

Wake Forest’s Reynolda Campus has experienced a major power outage today and more than half of the campus buildings in the central and north sections of campus are affected.

Crews are working on site to identify the cause of the problem and restore power as quickly as possible.  There is not currently an estimated time when power will be restored.

The card reader system in residence halls is also affected by this power outage, which means students, faculty and staff will not be able to access these buildings using their Wake Forest ID cards.

Those who need access to the following residence halls should contact University Police at 336-758-5591 (the non-emergency number): Davis, Dogwood, Efird, Huffman, Kitchin, Magnolia, Martin, North Campus Apartment Buildings 1-10, Polo, Poteat, Student Apartments A & B,  Taylor, and 1210 Polo Road.

The power outage occurred around noon today. We will provide an update when more information is available.

Operating status normal

Wake Forest University is operating normally. Please visit Wake Ready for emergency preparedness information.

This message will remain in place until the University’s operating status changes.

Phone outage update

The University’s telephone service has been restored. Thank you for your patience as Information Systems worked with our vendor to restore this service.

Phone outage

Information Systems has received reports that some telephone lines are working intermittently and other telephone lines are not working at all. Information Systems is working with our vendor partner, Avaya, to restore the University’s telephone service. There is no estimated time of resolution to share. Check (News & Alerts section) and Wake Alert for updates.

As a reminder, the University Police’s emergency-only, auxiliary telephone number is 336.759.0443.

Operating status normal

Wake Forest University is operating normally. Please visit surf免费版 for emergency preparedness information.

This message will remain in place until the University’s operating status changes.


Because of weather conditions, the Reynolda Campus of Wake Forest will open at 10 a.m. on Tuesday, March 18.  Classes scheduled to start before 10 a.m. will not meet Tuesday. The University’s Black and Gold shuttle lines will begin running at 8:50 a.m. Tuesday.

Please continue to check the Wake Alert website for any other announcements.

WFU to test messages in buildings

Wake Forest will conduct testing March 10-12 of an upgraded fire alarm system that will bring seven new voice messages to emergency speakers in halls and lobbies in 28 academic, administrative and residential buildings.

Anyone in those buildings likely will hear test messages announcing an active shooter, an armed intruder, a tornado or other threatening weather. Testing will also include shelter in place, building evacuation and all clear messages.

No action is required by anyone who hears the messages. If an actual emergency were to occur on those days, the test messages would not be used.


The Wake Alert website is the primary information source during an emergency at Wake Forest. Updates and information will appear on this site.

University Police

  • Call 911 from campus phone
  • Call 336.758.5911 from cell phone or off-campus phone

For non-emergency contact information, visit the surf最新破解版.



Call 336.758.5237 to reach Communications and External Relations. Calls will be returned as the situation permits.

super ⅴpn破解版

Be prepared for emergencies by reviewing our Wake Ready website. Find information on many topics, including: