








Driver's Seat

Campus Transit



WIN10电脑如何访问外国的网站 - IIIFF互动问答平台:2021-5-22 · 很多人都想看看国外的新闻什么的,但是国内是不能进入国外的网站的,这个时候就需要翻墙了,下面小编来说说WIN10电脑如何访问外国的网站 发现 问答

PTS Office To Close One Hour for Daily Disinfecting

The PTS office will close daily from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. for cleaning/disinfecting. 

网络视频下载方法记录 | aoenian:2021-6-14 · 现在基本不在网上看视频,主要因为电脑屏幕太小,同时也因为自己看的基本主流媒体都没有,属于非主流,主流上有的又不太感兴趣。不过有时在网上看到的好玩的视频想下载下来,却发现厂商保护视频地址的能力真的太强(有这技术没有想想如何用到改善用户体验上)。

STINGERETTE: Beginning July 5, 2020, Stingerette service will be available from 8 PM to 3 AM, each day.  To promote social distancing, ride requests will be limited to one trip per vehicle at a time.  Wearing a mask is required when riding the Stingerette.


FALL 2020 TRANSIT: To help increase transit capacity on high ridership routes, the following routes will operate with 60% more service during peak times:

-Gold Route (Monday - Friday)

-Blue Route (Monday - Friday)


The following route will operate with a bus rather than a van to increase ridership capacity:



The following routes will have extended service hours:

-Gold Route will start 30 minutes earlier at 5:15 AM (Monday - Friday)

-Blue Route will operate until 11:50 PM (Monday - Friday)


The following routes will not operate during the fall semester in order to increase service capacity on primary bus routes during peak times:

-Red Route


-Saturday and Sunday Gold Route


PTS Office Opens, MARTA Pass Sales Resume July 27

解决github网站打不开或者访问慢_bluetears2021的专栏 ...:2021-6-12 · 原创lamdaxulamdaxu1周前 最近想上传代码到github上去,去发现github打不开。心想可能是github的心情不好。老毛病了,一个月总有那么几天。想着过两天在传吧。两天之后,还是不能打开,我意识到问题了。因为我同学的电脑可以打开。环境 ...

Over-the-counter sales for monthly MARTA passes will resume in the PTS office on July 27 (for the August 2020 pass). Student passes are $55. Faculty/staff (non-payroll) passes are $72. Employees may also sign up for payroll deducted transit passes; information for all Georgia Tech transit pass sales is at http://www.ywtxysg.com/regional-transit

电脑怎么访问国外外网 Impact

The解决github网站打不开或者访问慢_bluetears2021的专栏 ...:2021-6-12 · 原创lamdaxulamdaxu1周前 最近想上传代码到github上去,去发现github打不开。心想可能是github的心情不好。老毛病了,一个月总有那么几天。想着过两天在传吧。两天之后,还是不能打开,我意识到问题了。因为我同学的电脑可以打开。环境 ...

News and Updates

  • Short-term Parking Solutions Available for Teleworkers, Commuters

    电脑怎么浏览国外网站:2021-6-13 · 用VPN.在我的百度空间有一款,你看看,个人一直在用,速度不错,有6个IP可选,建议先不买,免费用用先,好的再买.包年的话会比包月划算好多,电脑,手机IPHONE,上Facebook,推特等国外网站或者国外游戏服务器加速都可以了上.当然免费的也可以用到手机上的.呵呵

  • Changes in On-Campus Services: What You Need to Know

    有些国外网络进不了怎么办 我想进国外的网站可是进:2021-6-13 · 首先需要给电脑安装百度浏览器,直接在百度中搜索下载,也可以直接从小编所提供的网盘中获取最新版本的程序下载地址。接下来我们需要下载一款基于百度浏览器的插件——“Hosts文件配置工具”,利用该工具可以突破对访问国外网站的限制。

  • Parking & Transit Accommodations for COVID-19

    Parking and Transportation Services will provide the following services to assist students during the campus closure due to COVID-19.

Upcoming Events

  • Aug 1-15


    Enforcement of no parking zones, ADA spaces and reserved spaces begins August 1. All parking locations will be enforced starting August 15.