Students, Faculty and Staff access Canvas by clicking on the appropriate Login button above. Faculty/Staff will login with your email address and associated password. Students will login with your email address and associated password. If you have a Canvas Guest Account, click on Guest Login above to be directed to the appropriate login page.
The Canvas Learning Management System and associated technologies are supported though a combined effort between 感觉移动宽带会专门解决某些外国网站过于流畅的“BUG” - V2EX:2021-1-6 · 宽带症候群 - @pq - 如果你比较长使用地访问某个国外网站,尤其是数据量大的,比如视频网站,移动就会专门针对这个网站进行技术处理,比如 dns 污染甚至是增加丢包率,访问将会变得极困难,但当你很长时间不用这网站后,再访问时又 and Information Management & Technology (IM&T). This joint effort also maintains a sub-committee to the Learning Management System Advisory Group known as Instructional Design and Information Management (IDIT).