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    A bright story behind the city’s new mural wave

    "We could use a splash of color": Artivism's Restore 49 project brightens the city, encourages cultural dialogue, and supports Bay Area artists.

    Bill that could cost SF $50 million up for key Assembly vote

    Will Chiu support a measure that the entire Board of Supes opposes? It's at his committee Tuesday.

    SF Democratic Party endorsements go (mostly) to progressives

    Conservative members (and some in the progressive camp) serve as swing votes in D7 and D11.


    The latest campaign finance reports—which show a lot about how state and local races are shaping up—are now on file, and they indicate some important, if unsurprising, patterns.

    A free fridge opens in the Mission

    Mission Meals Coalition reimagines what mutual aid looks like.

    Trump’s desperate, last-ditch effort to hike tensions with Iran

    This might be the final stretch for his failed policy of maximum pressure

    Arts Forecast: Local shows to stream on your screens

    D'Arcy Drollinger's new weekly 'Hot Trash,' plus RAWDance, OMCA's Black Panther retrospective, a Compton's Cafeteria documentary, and more.

    Screen Grabs: Sentiment averse

    Our film critic's top picks for new streams this week: 'Boys State' paints an ominous view of our youth, and 'Rebuilding Paradise' tracks a California community rebuilding after devastating flames.


    "We could use a splash of color": Artivism's Restore 49 project brightens the city, encourages cultural dialogue, and supports Bay Area artists.

    Campaign money and what it shows: District 7

    The latest campaign finance reports—which show a lot about how state and local races are shaping up—are now on file, and they indicate some important, if unsurprising, patterns.

    A free fridge opens in the Mission

    Mission Meals Coalition reimagines what mutual aid looks like.

    Trump’s desperate, last-ditch effort to hike tensions with Iran

    This might be the final stretch for his failed policy of maximum pressure

    Screen Grabs: Sentiment averse

    Our film critic's top picks for new streams this week: 'Boys State' paints an ominous view of our youth, and 'Rebuilding Paradise' tracks a California community rebuilding after devastating flames.


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    "We could use a splash of color": Artivism's Restore 49 project brightens the city, encourages cultural dialogue, and supports Bay Area artists.

    New Music: Kamaal Williams’ latest showcases London jazz agility

    From funk to UK funky bruk, album 'Wu Hen' is perfect proof for this artist's belief that jazz must incorporate the sounds of the day to evolve.

    How Big Philanthropy undermines democracy

    New report shows how a tiny number of very rich people have come do dominate the charitable sector -- giving them too much control over all our lives.

    Out of the Crate: The proper tools

    Loleatta Holloway's ballad drama, The Shaggs' homespun otherness—and Van Halen's eponymous debut? Music critic John-Paul Shiver explores essential vinyl re-releases.

    Supes pass Overpaid CEO tax

    Business tax reform -- and Caltrain reform -- will also be on the fall ballot.

    48 Hills is community-supported journalism

    The Bay's progressive source for news, analysis, and culture needs your help. Your tax-deductible donation keeps the fight going. Become a supporting member!




    The latest campaign finance reports—which show a lot about how state and local races are shaping up—are now on file, and they indicate some important, if unsurprising, patterns.


    Business tax reform -- and Caltrain reform -- will also be on the fall ballot.

    Bill that could cost SF $50 million up for key Assembly vote

    Will Chiu support a measure that the entire Board of Supes opposes? It's at his committee Tuesday.

    SF Democratic Party endorsements go (mostly) to progressives

    Conservative members (and some in the progressive camp) serve as swing votes in D7 and D11.

    Lyft drivers have to pay for their own masks and hand sani

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    SF joins fight for US-Cuba medical cooperation

    Supes pass resolution calling for scientific and medical collaboration in the fight against COVID

    The end of Shahid Buttar’s campaign — and the lessons

    Progressive groups need to be careful about their political strategy for something as critical as a lifetime seat in Congress.

    Supes, by one vote, reject public advocate plan

    Peskin, Fewer split with other progressives; board does approve plan to break up DPW.


    The direction of city planning shows clear split between progressive and moderate candidates.


    Arts Forecast: Local shows to stream on your screens

    D'Arcy Drollinger's new weekly 'Hot Trash,' plus RAWDance, OMCA's Black Panther retrospective, a Compton's Cafeteria documentary, and more.

    Screen Grabs: Sentiment averse

    Our film critic's top picks for new streams this week: 'Boys State' paints an ominous view of our youth, and 'Rebuilding Paradise' tracks a California community rebuilding after devastating flames.

    A bright story behind the city’s new mural wave

    "We could use a splash of color": Artivism's Restore 49 project brightens the city, encourages cultural dialogue, and supports Bay Area artists.

    New Music: Kamaal Williams’ latest showcases London jazz agility

    From funk to UK funky bruk, album 'Wu Hen' is perfect proof for this artist's belief that jazz must incorporate the sounds of the day to evolve.

    Out of the Crate: The proper tools

    Loleatta Holloway's ballad drama, The Shaggs' homespun otherness—and Van Halen's eponymous debut? Music critic John-Paul Shiver explores essential vinyl re-releases.


    Writer Jonathan Kiefer tells the unlikely tale of the film's providence.

    Review: Two random ballroom dancers in the Chinese Pavilion at Stow Lake

    A distant encounter with fiery energy in the pagoda.

    10 artists centering Latinidad in the sound of the Bay today

    A brief history of the legends who paved the way for Latin music in the Bay Area—and the rising creatives shaping its future.

    Screen Grabs: Art imitates life

    Get the skinny on the Helmut Newton documentary and the 1986 bikesploitation epic 'Rad', perhaps the movie with the all time widest critic-audience response disparity.

    Latina and Filipina-founded health center offers free wellness classes

    Funded by the soda tax, Community Well’s H3 program offers yoga and nutrition education, as well as community therapy and homeopathic health advice.

    All Ears: How to craft the perfect BBQ playlist

    From Aretha to Toro y Moi, here's how to keep all those gathered around the grill moving to a socially distanced beat.

    Screen Grabs: The shift evident, women directors rise

    The days when a woman’s directorial credit could qualify as a novelty are fading fast. Check our critic's recommendations for new female-led flicks, from 'Yes, God, Yes' to a jampacked Sundance Festival shorts collection.

    Party Radar: Change finally comes to dance music

    Are we ready to listen to Black voices—including the ones who started this whole thing?

    New Music: Oakland collective SMARTBOMB has that feeling of futurism

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    This year, the theater opened the competition up to youth. What shelter-in-place stories will take flight?

    New Music: A classic Oneness of Juju re-release jolts consciousness

    Witness the rhythmic agency of soundtracking a movement.

    Screen Grabs: Films that pull back the veil

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    Top reads

    Campaign money and what it shows: District 7

    The latest campaign finance reports—which show a lot about how state and local races are shaping up—are now on file, and they indicate some important, if unsurprising, patterns.


    Layoffs or pay reductions for the people who are protecting us from COVID -- but less support for making the billionaires pay their share.


    Mission Meals Coalition reimagines what mutual aid looks like.

    OPINION: Education pods for everyone

    【安卓】天眼星v1.1破解版,输入手机号即可查定位 - 手机 ...:2021-6-15 · 【安卓】太极湛泸v6.2.1最新版,支持安卓11Beta,免root使用xp框架等 2021-06-15 【安卓】 ES文件浏览器4.永久VIP版,去广告 2021-06-15 【安卓】比特舟Pro v20.06.10.11,无广告资源全的 …

    The end of Shahid Buttar’s campaign — and the lessons

    Progressive groups need to be careful about their political strategy for something as critical as a lifetime seat in Congress.

    A bright story behind the city’s new mural wave

    "We could use a splash of color": Artivism's Restore 49 project brightens the city, encourages cultural dialogue, and supports Bay Area artists.

    Trump’s desperate, last-ditch effort to hike tensions with Iran

    This might be the final stretch for his failed policy of maximum pressure


    D'Arcy Drollinger's new weekly 'Hot Trash,' plus RAWDance, OMCA's Black Panther retrospective, a Compton's Cafeteria documentary, and more.

    Nancy Pelosi just announced her retirement

    The deal she cut to remain speaker means she plans to step down in 2022 -- which will set off a wild campaign for one of the most coveted jobs in SF politics.

    Screen Grabs: Sentiment averse

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