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The Widener Advantage
苹果外区ID注册现在可行的两种方法。 - 简书:如果需要买软件去某宝购买礼品卡。什么?你没有不会梯子?那就再给你个方法。方法二: 在app store登陆我刚刚注册的ID,密码Aa147369 或自行百度共享的香港ID(切记不要在iCloud登陆要在app store登陆不然你的手机就会被别人锁定基本无解)
The Widener AdvantageWidener students, faculty, and staff are leading conversations on diversity and inclusion in the wake of nationwide protests for the deaths of Black individuals.
Internships, co-ops, research, and clinical experiences are continuing in various formats, with Widener students learning invaluable lessons in this new environment.
Whether applying from a four-year institution or a local community college, transfer students at Widener are finding academic programs that fit their goals and put them on track to earning a degree.
Your path to a rewarding future starts here. Uncover a personal, powerful program that meets your learning goals.
Our two law schools, located in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, and Wilmington, Delaware, offer unique, rigorous approaches to legal education.
Delaware Law SchoolCommonwealth Law SchoolNo matter your age or where you are in life, Widener can help you advance in your career.
Adult & Professional StudiesOur points of pride not only designate us as a top tier university, they also demonstrate the resources and connections we offer that lead students to successful, rewarding careers.
A faculty-student research team was awarded $50,000 in state funding to develop innovative solutions to a leading problem in 3D printing and manufacturing.
As Widener continues to navigate these unprecedented times, the university is building on the success of the spring semester and preparing for a productive fall by upgrading technology to accommodate students’ learning needs and supporting faculty as they find creative ways to engage students.
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Whether you're studying on the quad or exploring cultural treasures in nearby Philadelphia, you'll discover a vibrant second home at Widener.
In the finance lab, DeShawn managed an investment fund using the same technology found on Wall Street.
Student Government Association representative and president of Black Men United, DeShawn was a campus leader.
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Financial Analyst
Clinical rotations taught Kaylee how to interact with patients and handle real-world scenarios.
Our proximity to Philadelphia provided Kaylee with access to world-class medical facilities.
Our flexible nursing program meant Kaylee could pursue nursing and play lacrosse.
Pediatric Nurse
Small classes allowed for one-on-one interactions with professors, helping Luis develop an interest in neuroscience.
An international student, Luis was far from home, but he found a welcoming community.
Through the 4+1 engineering program, Luis earned his degrees in less time, jumpstarting his career.
Technology Mentor Promoting STEM Fields
Multiple internships prepared Danielle for a job with the Philadelphia Eagles.
In Widener’s state-of-the-art broadcasting studio, Danielle gained experience with industry-standard equipment.
Her professor's strong industry connections opened the door for Danielle.