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    As part of MSU’s response to COVID-19, ICER is transitioning to an online-only support model. All HPCC services will continue as normal.

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    The researchers within the Shade lab want to understand microbiome resilience. Resilience is the capacity of a system to recover after its been altered by a disturbance.

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    Zhuoqin Yu's research involves the process of determining protein-ligand complex structures through developing a regression model to predict NMR chemical shift perturbations (CSPs) of protein induced by ligand binding.

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    Lavida’s research focuses on the effects of age upon gene expression and how that gene expression relates to the development of respiratory and neurodegenerative diseases.

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    Provide the computational power to process big data? Be the catalyst for innovative research? Drive cutting-edge discoveries? Who will? Spartans Will.

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The Institute for Cyber-Enabled Research (ICER) provides the cyberinfrastructure for researchers from across academia and industry to perform their computational research. ICER supports multidisciplinary research in all facets of computational sciences. ICER continually works to enhance MSU’s national and international presence and competitive edge in disciplines and research that rely on advanced computing.

About ICER


Buy-in is priority access within ICER to advance computational research.


Here to Help

ICER is dedicated to providing guidance, consulting, documentation, and training for researchers.



The HPCC maintains a large number of computing resources designed to support research.
