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Students walking to class at Livingston

Rutgers for Real

Real Students. Real Stories.

Rutgers for Real

Real Students. Real Stories.

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"It's crazy how you can meet someone your first year...and then you may not see them for two years. Then you suddenly see them...and catch up right where you left off. Even though Rutgers is such a large school, there is such community."

"What was so surprising to me about Rutgers is how small it feels sometimes, in spite of its size. I keep running into the same people when I'm walking around campus, and I run into friends from classes and activities more often than I thought I would, which is always nice."

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"As an LGBTQ+ student, I was not always confident in who I was. However, since being at Rutgers, I've been able to find my voice and be proud of the journey I've been on. When you come to Rutgers, you can always find your community."

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