The American Welding Society (AWS) Foundation has awarded scholarships to three students enrolled in welding programs offered at East Mississippi Community College's Golden Triangle campus.
The regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Trustees of East Mississippi Community College will be held on Monday, August 3, 2020, at 6:00 p.m. in the F. R. Young Student Union Board Dining Room...
Students have more options than ever to register at East Mississippi Community College for the upcoming Fall 2020 term that begins Aug. 17.
SmartAsset ranked East Mississippi Community College 12th in the nation in "The Best Community Colleges in the U.S. -- 2020 Edition."
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Cutting edge technology used by collegiate and professional sports teams to enhance athletes' performance has been adapted for industrial use to help reduce the spread of the novel coronavirus amongst employees, according to information provided to regional industry leaders during a Zoom virtual conference hosted by Athlete Engineering at Mississippi State University and The Communiversity at East Mississippi Community College.
Recent East Mississippi Community College graduate Camille Cooper was one of five students nationwide who participated in a webinar titled "Today's Students Speak Up: The Student Perspective on College This Fall."
East Mississippi Community College's Division of Nursing and Allied Health will conduct a drive-through graduation ceremony Saturday, July 25, at 10 a.m. at The Communiversity at EMCC for students enrolled in the Paramedic, Practical Nursing and Surgical Technology programs.
Longtime East Mississippi Community College employee Dr. James L. Rush has been named the college's vice president of instruction.
Athlete Engineering at Mississippi State University and The Communiversity at East Mississippi Community College are hosting an online Zoom discussion to examine how wearable technology widely used in sports can benefit industry.
Tentative plans are in the works for East Mississippi Community College's Columbus Air Force Base Extension to resume in-class instruction for the fall term that begins Aug. 17.
East Mississippi Community College's radio station on the Golden Triangle campus hasn't missed a beat since March 23 when colleges in Mississippi transitioned to online instruction in response to the novel coronavirus.
East Mississippi Community College students who need help with writing assignments can take advantage of free online tutoring services available through the college's Golden Triangle and Scooba campuses.
Area residents who qualify can get free short-term workforce training at East Mississippi Community College through the Skills2Work (S2W) program.
For the first time, East Mississippi Community College's eLearning Department will offer four-week online classes during the July term.
East Mississippi Community College President Dr. Scott Alsobrooks has announced the Spring 2020 Semester Honor Roll students.
All 15 colleges in the Mississippi Association of Community Colleges system plan to resume traditional operations and classes on their campuses this fall, according to a statement issued June 10 by the MACC President's Association.
East Mississippi Community College Golf and Recreational Turf Management student Payton Smith patches the baseball mound on Mississippi State University's Dudy Noble Field. Smith, who graduates from EMCC in December, works on MSU's ground crew and has landed a paid internship working on the football field at the Kansas City Chief's summer training camp.
EMCC received approximately $1.7 million through the CARES Act to disburse to students to counter any economic hardships they may have experienced because of the global pandemic and a subsequent shift from in-class instruction to online classes.
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Registration for the Fall 2020 semester is now ongoing weekdays at our Scooba and Golden Triangle campuses and The… http://t.co/fVqkrV87qa
REMINDER: We are offering more registration options than ever for the Fall 2020 term that begins Aug. 17. Students… http://t.co/rysiAjVm32