In downtown Seattle, for Building Cure issues or emergency, please contact us.
In downtown Seattle, for Building Cure issues or emergency, please contact us.
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From Aug. 10 to Aug. 16, construction crews are scheduled to perform the following activities:
Construction noise will be generated throughout the week. The fireproofing will generate some odors. Expect heavy truck traffic, primarily for concrete and material deliveries. Construction activity is weather-dependent and subject to change based on conditions.
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Please call 206-987-8000 or email with questions.
Seattle Children’s recently submitted a permit application with the City of Seattle under our 海外加速器永久免费ios (MIMP) to pursue a proposed project to construct a surgery pavilion and parking garage north of the existing Ocean buildings on the main hospital campus. The proposed project would add much needed capacity to our operating rooms and additional parking.
This is the first preliminary step in a multi-step process that requires several approvals before the project can move forward. We are required by our MIMP to notify the Standing Advisory Committee (a citizen group who advises on our MIMP) when we submit a new permit application with the City, and because of COVID-19 we have done so via a recorded presentation. Master Use Permit signs for this project will go up around the Hospital Campus soon.
For questions, email
Building Care construction is underway. There will be ongoing construction activity at the hospital campus until the building opens in spring 2022. Seattle Children’s will publish a weekly post on this Construction Blog that outlines the work expected to occur the following week. We will also post to this blog whenever a construction activity will be especially impactful to neighbors.
From Aug. 3 to Aug. 9, construction crews are scheduled to perform the following activities:
Construction noise will be generated throughout the week. The soil installation and fireproofing will generate some odors. Expect heavy truck traffic, primarily for concrete and material deliveries. Construction activity is weather-dependent and subject to change based on conditions.
All work will take place within standard construction hours: 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday to Friday, and 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturday.
Please call 206-987-8000 or email with questions.
Building Care construction is underway. There will be ongoing construction activity at the hospital campus until the building opens in spring 2022. Seattle Children’s will publish a weekly post on this Construction Blog that outlines the work expected to occur the following week. We will also post to this blog whenever a construction activity will be especially impactful to neighbors.
From July 27 to Aug. 2, construction crews are scheduled to perform the following activities:
Construction noise will be generated throughout the week. The soil installation will generate some odors. Expect heavy truck traffic, primarily for concrete and material deliveries. Construction activity is weather-dependent and subject to change based on conditions.
All work will take place within standard construction hours: 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday to Friday, and 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturday.
Please call 206-987-8000 or email with questions.
Building Care construction is underway. There will be ongoing construction activity at the hospital campus until the building opens in spring 2022. Seattle Children’s will publish a weekly post on this Construction Blog that outlines the work expected to occur the following week. We will also post to this blog whenever a construction activity will be especially impactful to neighbors.
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Construction noise will be generated throughout the week. The soil installation will generate some odors. Expect heavy truck traffic, primarily for concrete and material deliveries. Construction activity is weather-dependent and subject to change based on conditions.
All work will take place within standard construction hours: 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday to Friday, and 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturday.
Please call 206-987-8000 or email with questions.
雷霆加速器下载ios版本,雷霆加速器免费苹果IOS下载,雷霆 ...:这可能是最好的免费加速器,雷霆加速器提供800+ 节点全球覆盖,用专线加速低延迟来确保您的任何网络通信通道安全 下载雷霆加速器IOS版 真正的免费加速器,无任何流量限制 安装步骤 1 先安装苹果官方软件TestFlight(已安装的直接看第2步),然后返回 ...
From July 13 to July 19, construction crews are scheduled to perform the following activities:
Construction noise will be generated throughout the week. Expect heavy truck traffic, primarily for concrete and material deliveries. Construction activity is weather-dependent and subject to change based on conditions.
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Please call 206-987-8000 or email with questions.
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From July 6 to July 12, construction crews are scheduled to perform the following activities:
Construction noise will be generated throughout the week. Expect heavy truck traffic, primarily for concrete and material deliveries. Construction activity is weather-dependent and subject to change based on conditions.
All work will take place within standard construction hours: 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday to Friday, and 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturday.
Please call 206-987-8000 or email with questions.
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If you have questions, please contact Meghan Fuller, manager of Grounds Maintenance, at 206-307-6687.
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From June 29 to July 5, construction crews are scheduled to perform the following activities:
Construction noise will be generated throughout the week. Expect heavy truck traffic, primarily for concrete and material deliveries. Construction activity is weather-dependent and subject to change based on conditions.
All work will take place within standard construction hours: 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday to Friday, and 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturday. The job site will be closed Saturday, July 4, for Independence Day.
Please call 206-987-8000 or email with questions.
At the end of March, the City of Seattle implemented a temporary suspension of Seattle Children’s employee parking restrictions near the hospital campus and reserved several streets east of the hospital campus to support Children’s essential health care workers responding to the COVID-19 public health crisis. This week, the Seattle Department of Transportation will be returning these previously reserved streets to public use and will remove the “Reserved for hospital employees only” signs.
For questions, please call 206-987-8000 or email