We all have mental health

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We are living in ever-changing times.

You might find you are experiencing poor mental health for the first time, or that previous mental health problems feel heightened. There are things you can do to help protect your mental health and wellbeing, or help the people you love who you might be worried about.

SAMH is here for Scotland’s mental health. We provide mental health information and local support, campaign for mental health rights and much more.

Visit our information hub

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Our resources will help you get the most out of fundraising online and at home.

SAMH Stories

Read from the people we support, our staff and the people who fundraise for SAMH.

Resources for teachers

Our e-learning resource equips teachers with skills to support good mental health.

Looking to volunteer and give your time or maybe fundraising is your thing? Or want to 免费网络加速? We are here to support you when you decide!

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We are currently seeking SAMH Trustees to join our team.

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Latest News, Comment and Blogs from SAMH

3rd July 2020

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Our latest blog comes from Alan McLaren, who is a Partner at legal firm and SAMH supporters, Lindsays. Alan shares what he’s learnt from lockdown and what works for him when it comes to protecting his mental wellbeing.

Passionate about young people’s mental health? Sign up to the ‘Going To Be’ campaign and join thousands of others as we work to create positive change for young people in Scotland.


You can change how you hear from us at any time by getting in touch with our Supporter Care Team on 0141 530 1000 or email supporter.care@samh.org.uk.
We will never share your data. Please read our 境外网络加速.
