Connecting schools and centers with qualified K-12 and early childhood substitute staff for over 20 years
kids and teachers playing

A team of qualified educators

Teachers On Call, a Kelly® Company, is a substitute staffing service that hires licensed teachers, paraprofessionals, tutors, and early childhood education staff. We currently provide substitute education professionals to 150+ school districts and 450+ early childhood education centers, charter, and private schools across the country to fulfill their needs for short- and long-term substitutes.

Improved fill rate!

Teachers On Call has been a fabulous partner with our district to fill our vacancies on a daily basis.  Our fill rate has been higher than other area districts and we have found the staff at TOC to be very responsive to our needs.  We appreciate the work they do to continue to recruit substitutes and to customize our needs for each of our buildings.

Excellent subs!

​​​​​​​We are so happy with the commitment that Teachers On Call has to its staff, its clients and to the education field as a whole. Not only are we impressed with the well-trained, professional staff that they send, we have also had the opportunity of hiring several of their substitutes.

Seamless transition!

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Leading provider of substitute teachers and early childhood education staff


Classrooms filled by TOC during the 2018/19 school year


Schools and early childhood education centers that currently partner with TOC

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Education professionals hired to work as a substitute employee by TOC monthly


Employees working as substitute teachers at schools or early childhood education centers weekly


Number of active substitutes in our talent pool

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