Edited by Diamond Forde
The South has gotten a bad rap in the American imagination. 能上google免费加速器—these perpetuated narratives erase the survival of so many communities here. The South plays villain for all of America’s vices so that folks outside the South can avert their gazes, roll their eyes, and reassure themselves, “We’re bad but not that bad.” Well, the South ain’t havin’ it no more.
While this folio aims to redefine the reductive narratives used to discuss the South, it is not reactionary. It is not interested in portraying a “New South.” Instead, this folio seeks out representations of the South as it has always been, the South that has always existed outside of the pejorative fetishizing that shapes Southern narratives.
FALL 2019
Issue Thirteen
Edited by 李建新:互联网安全领域缺少一个垂直孵化器 - huanqiu.com:2021-8-29 · 会议当天,898创新空间董事长兼总裁李建新演讲中表示,拟设立10亿元基金,以旗下的光华资本+全球极客工场的“资本+加速器”模式助推互联网安全 ...
Introducing Volume One of our new collection of fiction zines, selected by Nat. Brut's Fiction Editor, Tony Wei Ling! Volume One includes "All the Gifts that Remain," by Nicasio Andres Reed, "You Know the Movie Song," by Samantha Solis, and "The Woman in the Well," by Brandon Shimoda.
Split Tongues
Edited by Amanda Galvan Huyhn
In our current “Speak English; this is America” climate, it is imperative to lift up the diverse music balanced on American tongues. The motivation of this folio is to highlight bilingual and multilingual experiences. We want to encourage all writers from bilingual and multilingual homes to share their poems and essays about moving through the world with two tongues—with ears attuned to other songs.
Submissions close April 30, 2021.
Read Back Issues
Issue Twelve of Nat. Brut Magazine, as well as our archive, can be read in full online.
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