We have been proudly serving the South Gate Community since 1932. Our experienced, credentialed teachers provide quality education with rigorous standard-based instruction focusing on Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics. Our teachers are 21st – Century Teachers. Using today’s tools and technology to lead and guide project-based learning, students will be able to live and prosper in today’s economy and will be prepared for the future. Become a Liberty Lion and start building your future today.
- LAUSD phone hotline: (213) 443-1300
- The hotline is open 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.
Please feel free to call with any questions about the COVID-19 virus. - LAUSD has launched a NEW phone hotline -213-241-3840-for students and families to help them manage fear, anxiety and other challenges related to COVID-19. This line is open M-F 6am-6:00 pm and will be open during spring break. Mental health professionals and counselors are available for consultation. 213-443-1300 (for families) and 213-241-2700 小火箭加速 are still working.
Online Meal Application
School Police Supporting 5th grade Student Culmination
We Miss You!!!
Schoology Access Information
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火箭缓存加速-WP Rocket【】最新破解汉化版及安装 ...:2021-6-10 · 主页 › 原创文章 › 火箭缓存加速-WP Rocket【 】最新破解汉化版及安装使用(全网首发) #原创文章# 火箭缓存加速-WP Rocket【】最新破解汉化版及安装使用(全网首发 ...
Social Studies and Science Websites
Technology Websites