
Supporting our customers

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How we support our customers during the pandemic
Helping our society

Helping our society

During times of uncertainty, it is more important than ever to do what we can to make a positive difference in our communities.

How we help society during the pandemic

A global partner

We offer financial solutions to customers that buy a Volvo Group product. We are part of the Volvo Group. So we know your vehicles, your equipment and your industry. We understand your business better than anyone else. Therefore, we can offer a customized solution from a global partner you can trust.

A complete solution


From a single unit to an entire fleet. New or used. You get a total solution for your business. Your vehicle or machine, parts & service, finance and insurance all in one offer. A Volvo Group offer. And you get the strength of a provider who will support you in good and challenging times. Every step of the way.



We are easy to do business with. We operate fast. Our services are conveniently available through your local dealer.  You can get a customized solution you can rely on.


We have received recogonation from the Great places to work Institute in various markets, including Brazil, Canada, Chile, Great Britain, Italy, Mexico, Poland, Spain, Sweden and USA. Eighty percent of our employees work in a market that is GPTW certified.

Innovation leader


We have the ambition to be an innovation leader in the captive financial services industry in order to meet our customers’ changing needs and attract the best talent.

We develop solutions that deliver an exceptional customer experience, respond to changing business models, and meet the demands of today’s changing environment.

Click here to read more

The Volvo Financial Services team is always available to us, they are fast, and always offer us different options and solutions.


Owner Luxury Coach, Canada