



Infrastructure Minister Nichola Mallon has had an inaugural meeting with her southern counterpart ... more


31 July 2020
The Department for Infrastructure Minister has announced the extension of Non-Executive Member appointments 加速器


Road improvement schemes

菠萝加速器免费支持低配版“吃鸡”《PUBG Lite》 - 知乎:2021-1-21 · 据悉:《绝地求生》即将在本月24号开放新的服务器,就是《pubg lite》;就是泰服版本,该版本会比原版的配置底很多,目前吃鸡泰服的官网已经制作完成,第一波压力测试截止到10月15日,公测即将开启,那么泰服的公…

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BitTorrent Turbo AcceleratorPC版下载-BitTorrent Turbo ...:2021-1-6 · BitTorrent Turbo Accelerator是一款针对 BitTorrent下载工具的加速器。它采用最新技术,可以保证用户的带宽得到充分利用。

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Roads policies and legislation including the process and licencing requirements for road openings carried out by utility companies

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Public transport

The Department's role in bus, rail and ferry travel including relevant legislation and our supported travel programmes

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Sustainable transport policies, primarily focused on cycling and walking in Northern Ireland.

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Inland Waterways, the Lagan Towpath and the Department's work with, the cross-border body, Waterways Ireland.


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Procurement activities, ranging from supplies and services, and small-scale works to major road maintenance and high value capital construction projects.

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Road users

Promoting and improving road safety via education, licensing and regulation of transportation.

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Water and sewerage services

Policy in relation to the water and sewerage industry and for discharging the Department’s statutory and other duties

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The Department’s role in air and seaports serving Northern Ireland

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Statistics and research

Statistics and research that inform decision making within the Department’s areas of responsibility

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Rathlin Island Policy

Delivering the Rathlin Island Policy

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Crumlin Road Gaol and St Lucia Site

The Department's role in the regeneration of the Crumlin Road Gaol in Belfast and the St Lucia site in Omagh.

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Living With Water Programme

攻略:免费上校园网(ipv6百兆带宽),技术分享!文章被删 ...:2021-9-1 · 富强,民主,文明,和谐,自由,平等,公正,法治,爱国,敬业,诚信,友善免责声明:本文讨论的技术和相关方法仅作为学术交流之用,因使用本教程造成的任何后果与文章作者无关。 未经作者许可,严禁转载抄袭。一 …

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安全加速介绍-安全加速技术相关产品介绍及解决方案-阿里云:2021-5-13 · 阿里云安全加速介绍页面为您提供关于安全加速介绍、安全加速技术相关产品介绍,包括产品优势、技术构建、解决方案、以及使用支持文档等全面内容信息。您还可以通过安全加速介绍页面进行咨询,对产品进行详细了解。想了解更多关于分布式文件存储有哪些,分布式系统与计算讲解的相关产品 ...

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Reducing the risk to life and damage to property from flooding from rivers and the sea, undertaking watercourse and coastal flood management in a sustainable manner.

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Access to information

How to request information from the Department for Infrastructure including Freedom of Information (FOI) and the use of our Publication Scheme.


The Department operates under the direction and control of the Minister for Infrastructure. Civil Servants are accountable to the Minister and the Minister is accountable to the Assembly ... more

Contact us

Department for Infrastructure
Corporate Policy Unit
Clarence Court
10-18 Adelaide Street

Email:  info@infrastructure-ni.gov.uk

Telephone: 028 9054 0540 (Text relay prefix 18001) 

You can contact any specific member of senior staff in the Department through the main Departmental e-mail address by naming the officer you want your correspondence forwarded to.

Alternatively contact us using our feedback form or view our turbo加速器安卓.

In the event of an emergency outside office hours please contact the relevant DfI Roads Division.

There is presently no public access to our Roads or Rivers offices; please contact our Roads and Rivers teams by telephone, mail or email. 

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