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The COVID-19 pandemic has disproportionately affected African Americans and other racial and ethnic minority groups living in the United States, as well as Blacks worldwide. The Association of Black Cardiologists (ABC) continues its commitment to addressing this toll on minority communities through education, research and advocacy. Improving access to care and thoughtful actions to address this crisis are important to address underlying cardiovascular health disparities that are, in part, rooted in structural discrimination and segregation. In an effort to identify solution-focused mechanisms aimed at mitigating the pandemic’s impact, ABC has established the Association of Black Cardiologists COVID-19 Innovation Awards.
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The ABC is proud to announce its partnership with HEARTLINE, a randomized, pragmatic, direct-to-participant digital trial sponsored by Johnson & Johnson in collaboration with Apple. The Heartline™ Study is a nationwide heart health research study designed to explore if the Heartline Study app on iPhone and heart health features on Apple Watch can enable earlier detection of an irregular heart rhythm known as atrial fibrillation (AFib), and potentially improve heart health outcomes, including reducing the risk of stroke.
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The coronavirus infection represents a global pandemic, that by definition, affects all populations. However, history has taught us that a differential impact often exists and is tightly linked to socio-demographic factors. There are a lot of questions about COVID-19, and the impact is evolving every day. Therefore, it is essential that we remain educated about ongoing events.
Stay informed with the latest science and clinical aspects of the coronavirus infection, and find helpful resources including frequently asked questions (FAQ) for health care providers, patients, and the public developed and curated by the ABC’s COVID-19 FAQ Watch editors and community programs committee.
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The ABC Clinical Research Network (ABC CRN), provides investigators from multiple specialities with unparalleled access to clinical studies of interest while offering industry “one-stop” access to multiple investigators that ascribe to the same standard of clinical trial conduct.
Comprised of investigators from a variety of therapeutic areas, the ABC CRN was developed to serve as a central “wheel hub” to identify and vet clinical trial opportunities, match investigators to trials of inerest, and provide some of the infrastructure support that physicians say would be beneficial.
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Through the ABC, I have developed significant mentoring relationships with many prominent cardiologists throughout the nation who have helped to broaden my research focus and strengthen my clinical endeavors.
ABC is on the forefront of health equity. Even though I am not a black cardiologist, I feel that the mission and values of the organization are very aligned with my own and the organization is very inclusive.
I was successful in winning the Dr. Jay Brown Best Abstract award. This helped to foster collaborations and mentorship which have been invaluable for a junior attending.
The ABC has helped me to build and maintain professional relationships across numerous specialties in different institutions.
One of the things I like best about ABC is that they actively promote research and collaboration among its members and with other groups/institutions.