




Last checked: 03 August, 2020


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Our community of respiratory professionals is growing each year. Becoming a member of ERS means you can join this expanding network and boost your career by sharing knowledge across borders and professional disciplines.


We organise a range of scientific and educational events including the ERS International Congress, the largest conference in the respiratory field. Other events include courses, research seminars, the Lung Science Conference and, Sleep and Breathing conference.

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Bern, Switzerland

5 September, 2020

The ERS HERMES examination in adult respiratory medicine will now take place at University of Bern, Switzerland on Saturday 5 September 13:00…

ERS HERMES examination in paediatric respiratory medicine

Bern, Switzerland

5 September, 2020

The ERS HERMES examination in paediatric respiratory medicine will now take place at University of Bern, Switzerland on Saturday 5 September…

Clinical exercise testing: basic principles and practice

Rome, Italy

Live streaming available

22-23 October, 2020

This course is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of the physiological basis of exercise testing, to identify the indications and…
Research Seminar

Time to move forward: Challenges and Research Opportunities for Lung Cancer Screening and Early Detection in Europe

Berlin, Germany

11-12 February, 2021

In Europe, lung cancer ranks third among the most common cancers, however, it remains the biggest killer. Recent European cancer mortality…


We produce a range of publications to promote knowledge and research in respiratory health, including our flagship publication, the European Respiratory Journal (ERJ), which aims to publish the highest quality scientific and clinical material from the field.

The European Respiratory Journal (ERJ) - 2019 impact factor 12.339 - is the official journal of the European Respiratory Society (ERS). It publishes clinical and...

ERJ Open Research is a new fully open access original research journal, published online by the European Respiratory Society. The journal aims...


The European Respiratory Review (ERR) is an open access journal published quarterly by the European Respiratory Society (ERS), providing an...


The ERS Monograph is the quarterly book series from the European Respiratory Society. Each Monograph covers a specific area of respiratory...


Breathe is the clinical educational publication from the European Respiratory Society. It is published quarterly and is free to access for all in order to bring...

The European Lung White Book draws on the latest data from the World Health Organization and European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control...

The ERS Handbooks are compact guides to broad areas of the respiratory field. Launched in 2010, the series now covers adult, paediatric...

The new Respiratory Equipment and Devices (RED) Congress Magazine supports the contribution that equipment and devices make to respiratory...

The Forum of International Respiratory Societies (FIRS) is composed of the world’s leading international respiratory societies. The purpose of this...


‘Air Quality and Health’ was published in September 2010 to coincide with the ERS Annual Congress in Barcelona. Part of the 2010 Year of the Lung initiative...


The European Respiratory Roadmap seeks to serve as a basis for the respiratory community to communicate with key decision and policy ...

COPD audit text: The aim of the COPD Audit is to develop a core data set that can be used to audit COPD in acute hospital admissions across Europe.


Continuing professional development (CPD) encompasses all the teaching and learning activities that a respiratory professional may follow to ensure that they are up-to-date and in touch with today’s clinical practice. CPD is essential for all professionals to ensure better patient care and outcomes. ERS funded a PhD to understand how re-validation is organised on an international level and how it supports medical specialists in remaining competent professional.


- More on the PhD project


We are committed to promoting the best science in respiratory medicine through financial support to professionals looking to produce consensus statements and guidelines, and in-depth research seminars putting a spotlight on specific issues in the field.

Raising the profile of respiratory health

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