Contact details for CAS & CASSH offices at this time
The College of Arts and Sciences remains dedicated to supporting the campus population. We are actively practicing social distancing, which means we remain open for business but we are limiting the number of students, faculty and staff on campus. At this time, we are currently working to provide assistance virtually or by phone. If you need to contact the Office of the Dean, please do so between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. via phone at (828) 262-3078 or email at For the College Advising and Support Services Hub (CASSH) Office, or (828) 262-3076. (Updated 3/19/20)
- Anthropology
- Biology
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- Computer Science
- English
- Geography and Planning
- Geological and Environmental Sciences
- Government and Justice Studies
- History
- Interdisciplinary Studies
- Languages, Literatures and Cultures
- Mathematical Sciences
- Philosophy and Religion
- Physics and Astronomy
- Psychology
- Sociology
Residential College
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In any area in the college, you can study how to make positive impacts on the environment.
The College of Arts & Sciences at Appalachian State University is home to 16 academic departments, one academic program, two centers and one residential college spanning the humanities and the social, mathematical and natural sciences. The college is dedicated to providing instruction and research essential to the University's mission and seeks to cultivate the habits of inquiry, learning and service among all its constituents.
College News

超级兔子加速器官方下载 免费版_第六下载:2021年10月4日 - 经测试,使用超级兔子加速器后,对于上网浏览等一些日常应 用程序的运行速度会有明显的提升,并且将IE缓存和临时文件 夹设置在虚拟磁盘后,会大大的减小垃...
In Appalachian State University’s College of Arts and Sciences, we strive to make a lasting impact on our students in order to motivate, inspire and...

Center Director Dr. T. Pegelow Kaplan Publishes Co-Edited Volume on Jewish Petitioning during the Shoah
Dr. Thomas Pegelow Kaplan, the Leon Levine Distinguished Professor and Director of the Center for Judaic, Holocaust, and Peace Studies, just published...

Ten App State students awarded NSF supported S-STEM scholarships
Ten students from Appalachian State University’s departments of Chemistry and Fermentation Sciences, Computer Science, Mathematics, and Physics and ...

【超级兔子加速王下载】2021年最新官方正式版超级兔子加速 ...:2021-3-18 · 腾讯软件中心提供2021年最新2.0.0.3官方正式版超级兔子加速王高速下载,本正式版超级兔子加速王软件安全认证,免费有插件。 超级兔子是一款拥有超过10年历史的老牌计算机功能辅助软件,它能帮助用户轻松辨别硬件真伪、安装硬件驱动、维护系统安全、安装系统补丁及软件升级、优化清理系统 ...
Dr. Shea TubertyProfessor and Assistant Chair, Department of BiologyStudent and Faculty Excellence (SAFE) fund recipientProject: “The New ...

Hands-on learning in the High Country

油门加速器、电子涡轮、节油卡,一套下来你就是街上最快的 ...:2021-6-6 · 大家晚上好,我是传垚。今天的话题源于我们工作室里对海洋的调侃,“40多万买个184匹的宝马”是我们经常diss海洋的一句话。买都买了,怎么办呢?改装大佬兔子给出了他的方案:“油门加速器+电子涡轮提升动力,顺手再来一张节油卡,这样油也省了。
In Appalachian State University’s College of Arts and Sciences, we strive to make a lasting impact on our students in order to motivate, inspire and...