To integrate a safe, healthy and environmentally responsible culture into the working and learning experience at the University of British Columbia.
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To integrate a safe, healthy and environmentally responsible culture into the working and learning experience at the University of British Columbia.
During the current Coronavirus situation, many people are working from home. We are excited to let you know that UBCO is offering virtual home office ergo assessments, has home office set-up and posture guides, and UBCV will be offering a home office ergo webinar. This live webinar will be offered on multiple dates. Click on ergonomics for more information. Ergonomics
AEDs have been installed in a variety of UBC Okanagan buildings to provide quick response in the event of a cardiac arrest. A map of AED locations can be found here: "First Aid & AED Locations"
Emergency Procedures and Information. Learn what to do in case of an emergency at UBC's Okanagan campus. Please visit
Centralized training through HSE is in place to ensure compliance and to support supervisors in ensuring that employees are appropriately trained to safely perform their work activities Register for courses here
The protection of community health is focused on the management of risk factors in the environment. This includes risk exposure identification, assessment and control, as well as proactive interventions including educational campaigns, musculoskeletal injury prevention, immunization clinics, respiratory protection, hearing conservation, infectious disease control and pandemic planning. More...
UBC strives to send every employee home healthy at the end of each day. To this end, the University has instituted a safety management system built on comprehensive and structured programs designed to reduce accidents and eliminate injuries. This includes research safety, emergency and disaster planning, chemical safety, and general safety programs. More...
Environmental Programs support departments across the University in meeting their environmental obligations as prescribed by UBC Policy #6 - Environmental Protection Compliance and UBC Policy #9 - Hazardous Materials Management. More...