Hear God’s Voice in Today’s English

GOD’S WORD Translation Bible is easy-to-read and easy-to-understand.


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GOD’S WORD is an easy-to-understand Bible.... it is a wonderful version to give to someone who is a new believer or is not yet a believer.

Dr. Billy Graham

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Dr. Ben F. Goldsmith

GOD’S WORD is a remarkably fresh, accurate, and readable translation that communicates well the original text for modern readers.

Dr. David Dockery


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When I read GOD’S WORD I totally understand what is going on because it’s written in the language I have been taught all of my life! It’s smooth and totally comprehensible. When I was younger, I really could have used a Bible that could speak to me the way it does.

Giesla Moore

My experience in reading GOD’S WORD is as if I’m hearing God’s actual voice speaking to me and feeling the breath from his very mouth. It’s a magnificent experience that I’m finding difficult to convey in words.

Adrian Fuentes

GOD’S WORD is truly an accurate and easy-to-read translation. It’s like sitting down with God the Father himself and having a meaningful conversation. Whether you’re a new Christian or a faith veteran, you can rest assured that you’re holding God’s word in your hands.

Christian Roberts

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“GOD’S WORD is an easy-to-understand Bible... it is a wonderful version to give to someone who is a new believer or is not yet a believer.”
Dr. Billy Graham

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