I think we can all agree that this pandemic is a giant pain in the backside. COVID-19 has rudely disrupted everyone’s summer plans, from sunny holidays abroad to day drinking with friends in beer gardens. Now that pubs are opening up again and travel restrictions are easing, it’s true that you could book that trip [...]
Many of us have been spending our days at home since the coronavirus hit the UK. Whether you’ve been working or on furlough these last few months, ‘the new normal’ has most likely taken some getting used to. There are certain things I miss about pre-pandemic work life, like laughing with the people in my office and the [...]
Since gyms have closed, we have all had to get a little more creative with our exercise regimes. A lack of weight machines, treadmills and cross trainers has forced many of us to go back to basics in order to stay active. My biggest challenge when it comes to exercising without the gym is finding [...]
How to Self-care: Lockdown Edition
‘Self-care’ has become something of a buzzword over the past few years. I don’t know about you, but for me the term conjures up images of willowy women doing yoga while simultaneously sipping herbal tea. If that’s how you self-care, then more power to you – I envy anyone with the balance to practise yoga [...]