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super v p n 安卓


Retail Centers


Short or long term nationwide security guard services, reliable, affordable and carefully tailored to your needs. Our security guard company excels in providing fast quotes.


Off Duty Officers, Inc., excels in tailoring specific security details for every possible security requirement. You will receive licensed, experienced professional security personnel when and where you need them. Whether you require off duty law enforcement or standard, licensed guards for temporary security or long term security services, Off Duty Officers will tailor the right security detail to meet your safety, security and budget requirements.

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Corporate Security

  • Terminations
  • Shareholder Meetings
  • Conventions
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  • Executive Protection
  • Workplace Violence Protection
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  • Facility / Building Security
  • Corporate Retreats
  • Labor Disputes
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Private Security Services

When you need security personnel who aim higher

Call Off Duty Officers, Inc. to find out how we can serve your business.

Off Duty Officers, Inc. provides armed and unarmed, off duty law enforcement and security personnel for both short- and long-term assignments. Contact us for your free security services quote.


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Off Duty Officers, Inc. leads the NATION in the management of professional off duty and retired police officers providing stellar nationwide security services. From basic drive patrols to on-site armed guards and unarmed security personnel. Our security company offers security services to cover the gamut of live security guard applications. We offer short-term, temporary security guards and long-term assignments.


手机vp免费 services include uniformed standing guards, bodyguard and plainclothes security that accommodate your safety needs. Trained and certified guards for your specific requirements.

Workplace Violence Security

Supporting Human Resources with security guard services for the following Workplace Violence prevention: terminations, downsizing, shareholder meetings, press conferences, company gatherings, disciplinary actions etc.

Corporate Security Services

Whether the corporate event is an annual shareholder meeting, product or service announcement, executive retreat, or corporate celebration, our security guard company will deliver the event security services you expect.


Our professional security officers know what to look for in securing apartments, condos, HOA’s, and gated communities to keep the residences and property safe from vandalism, theft, or personal attacks.

Fire Watch Security

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Background Investigation

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Retail Security

Loss prevention is a necessity of any retail operation. Reliability, professionalism, and the ability to follow company procedures are a must. We provide retail security consulting and vulnerability and threat assessments.

Private Party

Our private party security services are designed with extreme safety measures in place that protect party hosts and party-goers from any impending threats with professionalism and discretion.


Private security services from VIP security experts. We offer reliable protection and discretion for executives, celebrities, athletes, dignitaries, and anyone accustomed to being in the public eye. Discreet, reliable and professional private security.

Doorman & Concierge

We provide professionally-trained officers for concierge security, doormen, and as security receptionists for residential buildings. Our doormen offer the security to enhance residents’ quality of life.

Mobile Patrol

Mobile patrol units provide a strong visual deterrent to the criminal element. Our mobile patrol cars may also come with First Aid kits, as well as emergency aid equipment such as jumper cables and jacks.

Natural Disaster Security

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We pride ourselves on professional security services, including private security, armed guard security, event security, residential security, retail security and more. Contact us today for a FREE instant quote.

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Our Mission is to always work toward a higher level of performance. To partner with our customers by providing highly trained law enforcement personnel, utilizing state of the art methods in the most cost effective and confidential manner possible.

super v p n 安卓

Security Guard Services

  • Rapid response with nationwide security service.
  • References from fortune 100 companies.
  • Licensed and trained Security Officers for Power to Arrest.
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  • Our Guards are trained in CPR/fFirst aid.
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  • Professional training programs that exceed standard requirements.
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  • We apply advanced technologies and logistical processes to our security operations.
  • Consistent and Reliable Service.
  • Responsive Management Team.
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super v p n 安卓

Although the odds of being involved in such an event are low, the sudden, catastrophic nature of these attacks requires that individuals, schools, workplaces, and public areas think about how to respond.

The Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department has created this video  to help people answer the question "What would you do?"

  • If you have to immediately exit a location, how can you do so safely?
  • If you cannot get outside and away from the threat, how can you secure yourself and those with you against attack?
  • If you must confront your attacker, how can you do it in a way that gives you the best chance of success?

super v p n 安卓

super v p n 安卓

Private Security Guard Services During COVID-19 Pandemic The last few months have been a whirlwind for many business owners across the United States. From forced closures and limited openings to mask orders and other social distancing regulations, many businesses have had to shut their doors permanently or completely change the way they do business.  For…

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Lesser Known Benefits of Hiring Security Guards for Your Business

Lesser Known Benefits of Hiring Security Guards for Your Business When your company chooses to hire a team of guards to protect your business, you are getting much more than security. Studies have shown that the presence of security guards in a workplace can have a positive impact on employee productivity, morale and retention. Smart…

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