Welcome and Overview

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布谷加速器网络状态 未连接

This is the web development resource website for the Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts at Georgia Tech, maintained by the college’s Senior Web Developer, Kevin Pittman.

The role of the college Senior Web Developer is to:

  • Oversee the many college, school, project center, and special-purpose websites utilized by the college.
  • Provide education and development services to any unit of the college that is creating or redesigning a website.
  • Help ensure that all unit websites adhere to college and institute guidelines, and state and federal regulations.

All of the information provided here is geared specifically to the web design and development needs of the Ivan Allen College, but may be useful to others outside the college or institute who are building their own websites.

If you are Ivan Allen College faculty or staff and need web development assistance, please feel free to contact Kevin.