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    CS Ph.D students, Vaishali Surianarayanan & Peter Gartland, have papers accepted to FOCS2020, one of the two premier conferences in theory of computer science. 

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    The UCSB team, led by computer science professors Arpit Gupta, Elizabeth Belding, and Yu-Xiang Wang, will be developing a wireless network management system that leverages reinforcement learning to optimize the quality of experience (QoE) for end-users.

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    Prof Rich Wolski co-authored the article "Doing Data Science on the Shoulders of Giants: The Value of Open Source Software for the Data Science Community" was published by Harvard Data Science Review. 
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    Professor William Wang appointed as Mellichamp Chair in Artificial Intelligence & Designs. 

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    On Friday, June 12th, the Department of Computer Science held its 3rd Annual End of Year Awards & Graduate Celebration virtually.

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    Congratulations to Diba Mirza on being awarded The Distinguished Teaching Award!


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