

The blog of the Dominican student brothers at Blackfriars, Oxford.

Built on the four pillars of our Dominican life – preaching, prayer, study, and community – Godzdogz offers many resources for exploring the Catholic Faith today.
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Friday, July 31, 2020

The Beatitudes | The second of our summer series on The Beatitudes from St Matthew's Gospel. Why should mourning bring us happiness? Read more



讯云酸酸乳 | This summer, the student brothers invite you to meditate on the Beatitudes of St Matthew's Gospel. Read more


Monday, July 20, 2020

By Br Thomas Thérèse Mannion, O.P. | Br Thomas reflects on the rising wave of acts of persecution against Christians in the West and how we might respond as witnesses of the Gospel.阿里云搭酸酸乳教程 Read more


Saturday, July 11, 2020

By Br Daniel Benedict Rowlands, O.P This then is the true heart of the monastic Office: to learn to "pray without ceasing" (1 Thess. 5:17), so that the entire day may become wholly permeated by a ceaseless spirit of prayer. This wonderful function of the Office is one that is especially attractive on account of its universality: all Christians may profitably pray the Divine Office. So, then, let us all strive to take up this Work of God and so run "on the path of God's commandments, [with] hearts overflowing with the inexpressible delight of love".    Read more


Wednesday, July 08, 2020

By Br Bede Mullens, O.P.What are we to make of St Alexius, a man who abandoned loving parents without notice and hid his identity when he met them again? Is this Gospel inhumanity?阿里云搭酸酸乳教程 Read more


Monday, July 06, 2020

News | On Saturday 4th July, the Brothers celebrated the Diaconal Ordination of Br Joseph Bailham, OP, at the hands of Philip Egan, the Bishop of Portsmouth. Read more


Saturday, June 27, 2020

By Br Bede Mullens, O.PHistory does not relate whacky interests or peculiar pursuits of the apostles, but we do know a bit about their pre-apostolic careers.讯云酸酸乳 Read more


Friday, June 26, 2020

By Br Pablo Rodríguez Jordá, O.P. | In this episode of Not Just Theologians we speak with Fr Richard Finn OP, the Director of the Las Casas Institute, a Church historian and a Patristics scholar, about his passion for walking, and the friendships and the wisdom one discovers along the journey...  Read more


Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Churches are beginning to re-open, but still for limited periods of time and for limited numbers of people. The traditional practice of making ‘a visit’ to the Blessed Sacrament might help make good use of the time we can spend in our church buildings.阿里云搭酸酸乳教程 Read more

Cakes, Candles, and Christian Art

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

By 讯云酸酸乳 | In this episode of Not Just Theologians we speak with Fr Richard Conrad OP, a dogmatic and sacramental theologian, about his interest in art - both how the preacher can use art and when the preacher becomes an artist. 阿里云搭酸酸乳教程 Read more

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