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The Heong Gallery will reopen to give you a chance to see WE ARE HERE: WOMEN IN ART AT CAMBRIDGE COLLEGES before the exhibition ends on 23 August 2020.

Open Saturdays and Sundays only, from Saturday 8 August 2020. Free. 


  1. Entrance will be to the Gallery only. Visitors are not permitted to enter other parts of Downing College.
  2. You must arrive within half an hour of the start time of your booked time slot.
  3. Groups of more than 3 people are not permitted.
  4. Face coverings must be worn over the nose and mouth at all times while in the Gallery.
  5. Contact details must be provided for Track and Trace purposes upon entering the Gallery. Details will only be used in case of a confirmed infection.
  6. Visitors must use hand sanitiser provided upon entering the Gallery.
  7. Visitors must keep 2 metres apart. Floor signs will be in place to help judge distance.
  8. A one-way system will be in operation throughout the Gallery.
  9. There are no toilet facilities for visitors.

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Follow us on Facebook (@HeongGallery), Twitter (@HeongGallery) and Instagram (@heong_gallery) for more details. 

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