The sun was out in Frederick County Monday afternoon, even as the county braced for lots of rain and possible high winds in a passing blow from Tropical Storm Isaias on Tuesday.
学习强国:2 天前 · 学习强国
People on the C&O Canal towpath between Brunswick Family Campground and Harpers Ferry may have seen a sight …
Gov. Larry Hogan on Monday stripped local governments’ authority to issue blanket closures of schools, following…
With Tropical Storm Isaias barreling up the East Coast, Maryland announced Monday that it was suspending COVID-1…
As the start of the fall semester for many educational institutions creeps closer, many colleges and universitie…
A car chase that crossed state lines multiple times came to an end with an arrest in Frederick County early Satu…
On Saturday morning, hand-painted panels of fabric were strung on the porch of the Frederick Friends Meeting on …
Editors' picks
- Guide dogs helping blind runners stay fit despite pandemic
- Public ideas for Mississippi flag: Magnolias, stars, beer
- State police investigating fatal crash on I-70 near Frederick
- Can I get a job? Wife tries it all for nursing home reunion
- Frederick man accused of assaulting, threatening relatives
- John Hume, who worked to end N. Ireland violence, dies at 83
- Maryland landlords sue Baltimore City, Howard County and Salisbury over COVID-related bans on rent increases
- Agriculture Calendar — Aug. 3
- 20-50-100 Years Ago — Aug. 3
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- Isaias strengthens slightly as it crawls up Florida coast
- Annual Sturgis rally expecting 250K, stirring virus concerns
学习强国:2 天前 · 学习强国
In the meeting rooms of City Hall and Winchester Hall, in the conference rooms of the school system’s headquarters on South East Street, the w…
With the pandemic monster stirring once again in Maryland, the Frederick County school board made the only safe choice available to it by deci…
Here is more evidence — in case you needed any — that no good deed goes unpunished.
As one of many community members opposed to the county’s participation (through the sheriff’s unilateral agreement with ICE) in 287(g), I’d li…
Supermarket cashiers, stockers, butchers and bakers all play a vital but long undervalued role in our food chain. During the pandemic, they ha…
We recently saw the return of baseball and witnessed several players kneeling during the national anthem. Our “very stable genius” tweeted tha…
The results of the audit of the 287(g) program were published July 17 and the headline “Audit: Program costs sheriff’s office no more than $21…
Yea: We doubt there is anyone who likes being told to wear a mask out in public. Of course, we also never liked it when our parents told us to…
In the meeting rooms of City Hall and Winchester Hall, in the conference rooms of the school system’s headquarters on South East Street, the w…
Normally I don't have a problem with the News-Post publishing commentary with which I disagree; I think it is to the …
As one of many community members opposed to the county’s participation (through the sheriff’s unilateral agreement wi…
Supermarket cashiers, stockers, butchers and bakers all play a vital but long undervalued role in our food chain. Dur…
Live COVID-19 posts
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- Guide dogs helping blind runners stay fit despite pandemic
- Public ideas for Mississippi flag: Magnolias, stars, beer
- State police investigating fatal crash on I-70 near Frederick
- Can I get a job? Wife tries it all for nursing home reunion
- Frederick man accused of assaulting, threatening relatives
- John Hume, who worked to end N. Ireland violence, dies at 83
- Maryland landlords sue Baltimore City, Howard County and Salisbury over COVID-related bans on rent increases
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A rolling list of updated headlines
- Guide dogs helping blind runners stay fit despite pandemic
- 学习强国:2 天前 · 学习强国
- State police investigating fatal crash on I-70 near Frederick
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- Frederick man accused of assaulting, threatening relatives
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- Agriculture Calendar — Aug. 3
- 20-50-100 Years Ago — Aug. 3
- SpaceX capsule and NASA crew make 1st splashdown in 45 years
- Isaias strengthens slightly as it crawls up Florida coast
An unscientific take on an issue raised by the day's news.
Friends to Follow
Friends to Follow is a real-time window on Frederick County through social media.
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Friends to Follow
Friends to Follow is a unique, real-time window into what's happening right now in Frederick County social media. To add your business:
Friends to Follow
Friends to Follow is a real-time window on Frederick County through social media.
Arts & Entertainment
- 追梦网络加速器APP-追梦网络加速器下载 1.3.1 安卓版-新云 ...:2021-3-1 · 追梦网络加速器 1.3.1 安卓版 一款国内国外均可登录使用的专业网络加速软件 授权方式:免费软件 软件类型:国产软件 软件大小: 16.39 MB 推荐星级: 软件来源:召唤科技 更新时间:2021-03-01 15:21 运行环境:Android
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Aug 4
Aug 4Maryland Ensemble Theatre
Aug 4
Aug 4
Aug 4
Aug 4
Aug 4
Aug 4