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    In The 80s is a pop culture site devoted to the music, 老王 2.2.7, television, fashion/fads and 老王app官方下载 of the 1980s. We started out as ChuckyG's 80s Page way back in 1995 and have grown larger with every passing year. Material on this site has been contributed by visitors to the site, and we welcome new submissions.


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    I was in my 8th grade history class. I had to go to the office to turn in some papers for the teacher. All of our school was watching the shuttle launch in their classrooms because we had a teacher from our high school whom had made it to the final group of teachers chosen to train for that flight. So it was a huge deal for us. Of course, our teacher wasn't picked for the mission but we were proud of him just the same. I was halfway to the office when I heard screams bellowing down the hallway coming from everywhere, I stopped in my tracks and peeked into a classroom where I could see everyone in shock staring at the tv. I then focused on the tv and saw what they were upset over. I remember my throat hurting and then tears streaming down my cheeks. Everyone was so distracted and upset they decided to release our school and the high school early. I remember when we went to board the buses to go home, the teacher that has gone through the training with Christa was crying and we all ran over to hug him before we left.
    Submitted by Kelly Griffith. Added to the site on August 28, 2015
    I was in my bed and didn't get up until 11 am. turned on the tv and saw what happened. the most unruly thing had happened to me was my late father came into my room and asked me to type something for him. I had a typewriter at the time. he didn't relize how I reacted to this trajedy.
    Submitted by RODNEY . Added to the site on August 28, 2015
    老王 杨绛PPT - PPT课件推荐- 21世纪教育:2021-6-9 · 21世纪教育网小编给大家整理了八年级语文老王ppt的图片及文字,希望对大家进行课件备课时候有所参考: 【教学目标】 知识:了解基本的常识,梳理课文中的记事,初步整体感知课文内容。 能力:培养学生的阅 ... ,21世纪教育
    Submitted by Charlotte Riely. Added to the site on August 28, 2015
    I was 19 yrs. old. I was at work in Melbourne Fl. I worked at a restaurant,(Bobby Rubinos) which is no longer open. When the challenger was nearing takeoff time,all of us employees went up to the roof to watch. It was a very cold morning,I had frost on my car that morning. Not normal launch weather. The feeling during a launch was amazing such a sense of pride, and excitement. You could feel the rumble for miles away. We were just across the river. I remember we were all waiting for the separation. When it did happen it didn't look right, after seing many a person knew what to look for. We all knew that something terrible was happening before our eyes . We ran down into the restaurant to look at the news. Our worst fears were confirmed.brevard county was never the same. The sense of loss was and still is devastating. The counties economy has always revolved around the space industry. Every business was struggling to survive,it took a few years for the economy to get back to normal. Florida is now again suffering through the housing crisis and the loss of the space program as it once existed. I no longer live there, but a part of my heart always will. Wishing Brevard county the best!!!
    Submitted by Lisa Ebertowski. Added to the site on August 28, 2015
    "The Donger Needs Food"老王v1396737037
    Submitted by TexasBlonde. Added to the site on April 05, 2014
    I was not born yet though but when I learned of it when I was young, I was absolutely horrified! It was so bad. I remember watching a clip of it for my school and I was just shocked. My mom and Dad remember that day. I was am still amazed at what happened to this day. today is 3/25/14
    Submitted by CallaHanR. Added to the site on April 05, 2014
    I was in 9th grade at Cocoa Beach High in Florida when the Challenger exploded and saw the whole thing live. My friends and I didn't actually realize anything had gone wrong until an announcement came over the PA system that we were all to head to the nearest classroom immediately. There was fear of debris/fallout. Classes were eventually canceled and the numbness of the tragedy set in. For months, Cocoa Beach was inundated with reporters and visitors (and gawkers). When they finally opened them again, people would search the beach for wreckage "souvenirs". I have seen every shuttle launch since the first one (not to mention every rocket launch since I was born) and the shock of witnessing the Challenger disaster is still haunting.
    Submitted by Gary. Added to the site on April 05, 2014
    Robble robble!
    said by Hamburglar on the McDonald's commercials
    Submitted by Jeremy. Added to the site on April 05, 2014
    Stars, return!
    said by Jezmine on Conan the Adventurer
    She magically summon the throwing stars to return to her after she throws them at any object or villain.
    Submitted by Jeremy. Added to the site on April 05, 2014
    Bozhe moi!
    said by Linka on Captain Planet and the Planeteers
    股民老张遇到炒房的隔壁老王-爱卡汽车网论坛:2021-5-27 · 爱卡汽车论坛网为大家提供股民老张遇到炒房的隔壁老王,让您对股民老张遇到炒房的隔壁老王相关信息更加了解,更多精彩内容请关注爱卡汽车网论坛论坛。
    【小明v老王】大忠若奸_哔哩哔哩 (゜-゜)つロ 干杯~-bilibili:2021-7-9 · 【小明&老王 】此物天下绝响 此物天下绝响 1360.7万播放 · 19.3万弹幕 03:50 【康熙说唱王朝】部落到帝国·怒斥群臣 非桥段 1312.2万播放 · 13.2万弹幕 ...