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    For over 100 years, the League of Women Voters Austin Area has worked to Empower Voters and Defend Democracy. Even during a pandemic, we are here providing nonpartisan voting information. But, we have not and can not do this without you! Please join us for Power The Vote, a virtual fundraiser, to help us raise the funds we need to continue providing nonpartisan voter information.

    If you would like detailed instructions about the registration steps, click here for an easy to follow guide.

    We have a big night planned! There will be:

    • Community and celebrity testimonials,
    • A decadent shopping spree at the Virtual Silent Auctions (get some early holiday shopping done!),
    • Support our Voters Guide and other work with a donation,
    • Honor our Making Democracy Work® award winners,
    • And laugh your socks off with entertainment from Over The Lege.

    We’re working with some local restaurants where you’ll be able to order some delectable delights where part of the proceeds will be donated to us. We will share more information on this soon.

    Most importantly, we will come together as a community that cares about Empowering Voters and Defending Democracy. Visit this site often to get updates.

    We can’t wait to see y’all!


    Travis County needs more than 700 poll workers to staff election day voting. Submit the form below to sign up now!


    The League of Women Voters encourages all voters eligible for ballot by mail to skip the lines and limit their exposure to crowds by voting at home. You can apply for a ballot by mail if you are:

    • 65 years or older
    • ssr客户端android
    • Out of the county during early voting and election day 
    • In jail but otherwise eligible to vote

    The Texas Supreme Court ruled that merely having a lack of immunity to COVID-19 without other underlying physical conditions does not make an individual eligible to vote by mail. Shadowsocks 源码分析——协议与结构:2021-12-6 · Shadowsocks 是一款著名的 SOCKS5 代理工具,深受人民群众喜爱。它的源码工程质量很高,十分便于研究。不过当你真正开始读源码的时候,会有一种似懂非懂的感觉,因为虽然它的大体框架容易理解,但是其中的诸多细节却不是那么简单明了。 that, 科学上网不求人,购买VPS主机搭建属于自己的 ...:2021-6-30 · 本帖最后由 迷路的叉叉熊 于 2021-6-30 14:52 编辑 楼主购买的是bandwagonhost(搬瓦工)的Micro-64。 属于其最低级的配置(貌似现在已经下架了),作为科学上网使用那是足够的,每月100G的流量,无限速,秒开各种视频。  The elections office has no legal authority to require voters verify their disability to apply for ballot by mail.

     Center for Disease Control list for People who Are at Higher Risk for Severe Illness.

    There is still a federal lawsuit arguing that Texas’s vote-by-mail scheme violates the United States Constitution before the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals.  It is hoped that the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals will provide at least a partial ruling very soon.

    Voters who have already applied to vote by mail but no longer wish to do so may cancel their ballot by taking it with them and surrendering it when they go vote in person. There are also other options to cancel a ballot.

    Please note that you must return your mail-in ballot in person before election day ends or by mail with a postmark before 7:00 pm on election day and received by 5:00 pm the day after election day. If you are returning your ballot from out of town, please allow enough time so it arrives before 5:00 pm the day after election day.

    Info about voting by mail for Travis County residents. – Travis County Application for Ballot by Mail.

    Info about voting by mail for Williamson County residents. – Williamson County Application for Ballot by Mail.

    Start here for mail-in ballot information for Texas counties other than Travis.

    Additional voting information.



    Listed below are the wonderful businesses and individuals that provided live and silent auction items originally for our Celebrating Democracy Dinner which had to be cancelled but are now supporting our Power The Vote fundraiser. Please support them during this difficult time of COVID-19 with your purchases and let them know you appreciate their generosity for supporting the League of Women Voters Austin Area.


    34th Street Café

    Alamo Drafthouse Cinemas


    Arbor Car Wash

    Austin Classical Guitar

    Austin Eats Food Tours

    Austin Flower Company

    Austin Opera

    Austin Spurs

    Austin Steam Train Association

    Austin Symphony Orchestra

    Becker Vineyards

    Bicycle Sport Shop


    Birds Barbershop



    Blanton Museum of Art



    Bouldin Creek Café

    Brenda Ladd Photography

    Brooklyn Beauty

    Mary Jane Burson & Mike Polston

    Capital Cruises

    Central Market


    Jaci Collins

    Elizabeth Cooper


    Mary Cullinane

    Alison Dieter


    Dripping Springs Distilling

    Dulce Vida Tequila


    Eddie V’s Prime Seafood

    Eldorado Café 

    Embellish Nails & Boutique



    Golden Nails Salon & Spa

    Grand Hyatt San Antonio

    Hai Hospitality

    Handmade Saori Weaving Studio


    Hiatus Spa + Retreat

    Ross High, Eye of the Dog Art Studio

    Home Slice Pizza

    Hyatt Regency Austin

    Hyatt Regency Hill Country Resort and Spa

    i3 Event Marketing

    InterContinental Stephen F. Austin

    Hal Jennings

    Johnny Was

    Juliet Italian Kitchen


    Michael Keller

    Kellie’s Baking Co.

    Kendra Scott

    Kerbey Lane Café

    Debbie Kern

    la Madeleine French Bakery & Café

    Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center

    Lather Salon – Kristin Isaac

    LBJ Library

    League of Women Voters Austin Area

    Joyce LeBombard & Benny Souder

    Lenoir Restaurant

    Lombardi Family Concepts


    Luxe Apothetique

    Magnolia Café


    Messina Hof Winery

    Michelle’s Patisserie

    milk + honey

    Moonshine Patio Bar & Grill

    Morris Williams Golf Course

    Moviehouse & Eatery

    Myo Massage

    Nothing Bundt Cakes

    Ornamental Things

    Painting with a Twist North Austin

    Judy & Ed Parken


    Peoples Rx

    PoK-e-Jo’s Smokehouse

    Precision Camera & Video


    Robin Jackson Photography

    Ruiz Salon

    Heidi Schoenberger-Cobert

    Snarkily Adorable


    Texas Coffee Traders

    Texas Disposal Systems

    Texas Honey Ham Company

    The Cheesecake Factory

    The Domain

    The Driskill

    The Grove

    The Soup Peddler

    The Steeping Room

    Susan & John Theiss

    Tiff’s Treats

    Tito’s Handmade Vodka

    Total Wine & More

    Trader Joe’s

    Urban Lagree


    Waterloo Ice House

    Cinde Weatherby


    Whim Hospitality


    (for more info, click here)

    History Maker

    Alamo Drafthouse Cinema

    Texas Disposal Systems

    Democracy Champions

    Joyce LeBombard & Benny Souder

    Mari Robinson and Greg Ritzen


    Austin Firefighters Association PAC

    American Standard HVAC – Deborah Voss

    Heidi, Brian & Sophia Schoenberger-Cobert

    Capitol Wealth Strategies – Liz Walton & Erik Antener

    The Hotel San Jose




    Gwen Santiago

    Ranveig Borland


    First Texas Honda

    My Medicare Maven – Carol Eckelkamp

    Honorable Velva Price and Honorable Jan Soifer

    In Kind

    Cake Rocks!!!

    Capital Printing

