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Police spending per capita has grown over the past 30 years and consumes a greater budget share in Iowas seven largest cities, while social spending has on average declined, a new report shows. The George Floyd killing in Minneapolis and other widely documented cases of police brutality have prompted large-scale protests in Iowa and nationally. With a spotlight on police spending and police practices, a new IPP report by Colin Gordon and Peter Fisher looks at budget trends by state and local governments, not just for policing but other public services.
See IPPs new report. July 22, 2020
9-page PDF.
News release. Or 2-page PDF.
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Iowa neared the 46,000 mark in COVID-19 positive cases by Monday night after passing 45,000 during the weekend, while the death count total increased to 884.
See more on IPPs COVID-19 page. LATEST!
State fiscal relief from Congress must do more than meet emergency services
Iowa Fiscal Partnership brief by Peter Fisher UPDATED July 14, 2020
Iowa bottle law benefits to resume after COVID interruption
Grocery stores in states with bottle deposit laws like Iowa are resuming bottle collection after an interruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Iowa is scheduled to resume grocery store redemption on July 25th.
IPP backgrounder by David Osterberg July 21, 2020
19 weeks: 403K new claims
Last week, another 7,414 Iowans applied for unemployment insurance. That brings the total, in the 26 weeks since the COVID-19 recession began in February, to about 420,700 or almost a quarter of the entire Iowa labor force. Of that, over 403,000 are the change over the last 19 weeks, in which these numbers first spiked. For more, see Colin Gordonâs Iowa Policy Points blog post.
Iowa's broadband gaps are significant and important
As so much of daily life moved online during the pandemic, unequal access to the internet became an urgent problem for communities across the state. Two decades after the emergence of broadband, or high-speed internet, many rural communities lack the infrastructure to support distance education, telecommuting, or telehealth.
Backgrounder for IPP by Karen Mossberger, Caroline Tolbert and Scott LaCombe.
Or 2-page PDF
Also see full report
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Rent and mortgage relief is sorely needed to prevent a wave of evictions and foreclosures, forcing families to double up or seek homeless shelters at a time when social isolation is still needed to prevent a resurgence of the coronavirus. A step forward came with Governor Kim Reynoldsâ creation of the âIowa Eviction and Foreclosure Prevention Program,â funded with federal relief dollars, though it is questionable that the amount will be enough, and its design will miss many families needing assistance in this economic crisis.
See IPP backgrounder by Peter Fisher. |
Spotlight shows rural areas, especially with packing plants, are COVID-19 trouble spots
Now 13 of Iowas 99 counties had 10 or more confirmed cases per thousand residents on June 10. Each has one thing in common a large pork or beef or turkey plant.
Updated IPP backgrounder by Peter Fisher and David Osterberg 爬墙器下载
June 1 IPP backgrounder by Peter Fisher and David Osterberg
Or 爬墙器下载
Also see Peter Fisher's recent blog
Bolster LIHEAP to help struggling Iowans â key piece of putting economy on track
Other states have innovative programs for home energy assistance. In the short term of responding to the COVID-19 crisis, simply adding to federal LIHEAP funds could serve Iowans struggling to meet home energy bills â and boost the economy.
See Iowa Policy Project backgrounder May 29, 2020
Or 2-page PDF
COVID-19 responses could also address climate change and help low-income Iowans
While federal and state responses to climate change have been slow, there are ways national leaders now dealing with the spread of COVID-19 could address both threats and help low- and moderate-income families at the same time.
See IPPs new report.
Or the news release.
Jobless benefits directive misreads Iowa, federal law in crisis
Iowans want to get back to work. But much more importantly they want to get back to work under conditions that protect their health and safety, and the health and safety of their families and communities. 爬藤植物平面cad专题_2021年爬藤植物平面cad资料下载:今天 · 本专题为爬藤植物平面cad专题,全部内容来自与筑龙学社论坛网友分享的与爬藤植物平面cad相关专业资料、互动问答、精彩案例,筑龙学社论坛聚集了1300万建筑人在线学习交流,伴你成长达成梦想,更多爬藤植物平面cad资料下载、职业技能课程请访问筑龙学社论坛。
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Contrary to her claims, workers have protections from unsafe work
Governor Kim Reynolds has publicly warned workers that if they do not return to jobs in businesses reopening during the COVID-19 pandemic, they do not qualify for unemployment benefits. Not so fast, Governor. See the statement from IPP director Mike Owen
COVID threat spreads; state policy response is needed to augment federal actions; good start on jobless benefits
Responsible actions at the federal level require a state response as well.
See Iowa Policy Points post by David Osterberg
Unemployment insurance
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See Iowa Policy Points post by Peter Fisher
Medicaid and SNAP
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See Iowa Policy Points post by Natalie Veldhouse
State fiscal relief a lesson from the Recovery Act
The 2009 Recovery Act offered a good example of how state fiscal relief, in addition to the temporary boost in Medicaid funding, can aid in recovery from economic problems caused by the current health emergency in the United States.
See Iowa Policy Points post â Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
Decade average is below new 2.3 percent deal
and behind average for previous 10 years
To put the House-Senate agreement on school aid in perspective, take a step back for a better view. It's not a pretty picture for Iowa public K-12 schools.
See Iowa Policy Points post by Mike Owen
Governor Reynoldsâ tax plan
breaks free of votersâ intent Iowa voters should be getting more than Governor Kim Reynolds is proposing for purposes they expected in approving a constitutional amendment in 2010 to improve outdoor recreation and water quality.
Full report (4-pg) Feb. 14, 2020
News release (2-pg)
Backgrounder (2-pg PDF)
Peter Fisher's guest opinion in the Des Moines Register
David Osterberg's guest opinion in the Waterloo-Cedar Falls Courier
How to keep clean water and revenue equity together as priorities
Full report
News Release
Cost of Living in Iowa update shows how âcliffsâ
in work supports send families over the edge
Work support policies help low-wage working families survive, keep children out of poverty, and provide a path to better education and better jobs. Before the current pandemic, nearly 120,000 Iowa working households did not earn enough to meet basic needs. Single parents face greater challenges than married parents, and Iowans of color face greater challenges than white families.
Strengthening Pathways to the Middle Class:
The Role of Work Supports Jan. 8, 2020
Backgrounder, 2 pages
News release
The Cost of Living in Iowa 2019 Sept. 24, 2019
Backgrounder, 2 pages
News release
Equity, opportunity, policy challenges
in Iowa and Midwestern states
A half-century removed from the high-tide of the civil rights movement, progress on racial equity
has slowed or stalled on many fronts. Nowhere is this more starkly evident than in the 12
states of the Midwest region, where racial disparities in economic opportunity and economic
outcomes are wider than they are in other regions, and policy interventions designed to close
those gaps are meager.
Full report by Colin Gordon Oct. 10, 2019
News release or PDF