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The Department of Physics at Kansas State University is built around 30 highly productive faculty members whose research expertise here at K-State and world-class facilities such as Fermi National Lab, CERN, DESY (German Electron Synchrotron), SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab  provides students a wide variety of research experiences.

These faculty members include

  • 10 American Physical Society Fellows,
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  • two Carnegie Foundation CASE National Professors of the Year.

Junior faculty members have won National Science Foundation's (NSF) CAREER awards and DOE Outstanding Junior Investigator awards.

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Read a welcome letter from our department head.

Earn a degree in Physics at K-State


The highly-rigorous undergraduate program prepares graduates to be competitive in top graduate programs or for employment. The programs can lead to the Bachelor of Science or Arts degree, as well as a various dual majors and minors.


The graduate program provides research opportunities in numerous fields including

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Our programs emphasize core academic competency and research excellence.

Contact us for more information about our programs