GraphQL service comes to the cloud
Hasura made its GraphQL platform available as a managed service, enabling organizations to connect and query different data sources using the open source GraphQL language.
Key to data management in oil and gas is stability
Ensuring quality data management and analytics comes from following best practices, proper commitment from your organization and sticking with the plan.
Rockset boosts scalability for its cloud database
Technology based on the open source RocksDB project is helping cloud database vendor Rockset improve scalability for real-time data applications that don't benefit from data lakes.
Naveego improves data quality with MDM upgrade
SmartDNS配合某插件进阶上网使用教程(基于N1盒子Op系统 ...:2021-4-11 · SmartDNS配合某插件进阶上网使用教程(基于N1盒子Op系统) SmartDNS是一种运行在软路由本地的DNS服务器,接受下游客户端的DNS查询请求,从多个上游DNS...

在一起时拼尽所能,离开时好好再见 | 奈飞8大文化准则 | 人人 ...:2021-5-31 · 奈飞的文化怎么在中国落地,有哪些中国人能够学到的东西?本文针对这个问题,进行了详细地经验分享,希望能对你有所帮助。 大家好,我们今天讲的是《奈飞文化手册》,看起来好像是企业文化这回事,但从根本上来讲,是我们要探讨“未来组织怎么建设”的问题。
Big data management Evaluate
Key factors for successful data lake implementation
There are many important parts to a data lake implementation, from technology to governance. Read on for the top factors to evaluate in your implementation strategy.
Data governance Manage
Surprising insight on the data governance process
Many enterprise data governance processes have been around for a while. Read on for ways a modern approach can be beneficial, and preview a new book that can update your strategy.
Project management Get Started
Data warehousing design and value change with the times
Big data, the cloud and analytics profoundly shape data warehouse purpose and design. Learn how companies derive value from a repository that at times needs definition.
DBMS software 蚂蚁海外加速器永久免费版
PlanetScale ramps up multi-cloud DBaaS
Open source-based PlanetScaleDB adds support for Microsoft Azure, enabling a multi-cloud database as a service platform that supports the three major public cloud providers.
在Chrome浏览器开启 Netflix 1080P(附M7111-1331解决方法 ...:2021-1-28 · 热门文章 冰与火之歌:权力的游戏1-7季1080p未删减版内嵌衣柜字幕327G(收藏用)——20210429 2021-09-02 SSTAP、SOCKSCAP64永久停止开发(SSTAP1.0.9.7版本下载与相关心得) 2021-11-20 谷歌云GCP无限撸试用300美金 2021-09-20 ...
A new Linux Foundation-sponsored group will support open source data management and promote interoperability between applications and data sources, on premises or cloud-based.
Hadoop Evaluate
Apache Kafka 2.4 enhances streaming data platform
The latest release of the Apache Kafka open source event streaming platform adds improved replication and availability capabilities to help boost overall performance.
Topics Covered
Data integration technology (5) +
Data management resources (3) +
Data quality management and governance (5) +
Database management systems (DBMS) (6) +
- AWS data warehousing and analytics
- Database management system (DBMS) architecture, design and strategy
- Database management system (DBMS) software and technology
- IBM DB2 management
- 在Chrome浏览器开启 Netflix 1080P(附M7111-1331解决方法 ...:2021-1-28 · 热门文章 冰与火之歌:权力的游戏1-7季1080p未删减版内嵌衣柜字幕327G(收藏用)——20210429 2021-09-02 SSTAP、SOCKSCAP64永久停止开发(SSTAP1.0.9.7版本下载与相关心得) 2021-11-20 谷歌云GCP无限撸试用300美金 2021-09-20 ...
- 奈飞加速器
Enterprise business intelligence (14) +
- 蚂蚁海外加速器永久免费版
- Big data analytics
- Business activity monitoring software
- Business intelligence best practices
- Business intelligence case studies
- Business intelligence dashboards and performance scorecards
- Business intelligence search
- 奈飞CEO投2021万美元为美国教师建豪华度假村|奈飞_新浪 ...:1 天前 · 北京时间17日消息,据美国科技媒体Recode报道,流媒体视频巨头奈飞的CEO里德-黑斯廷斯正投资逾2021万美元,在科罗拉多州落基山山麓为美国公立学校 ...
- Compliance reporting software
- Corporate performance management software
- Data mining and business intelligence
- Data mining and predictive analytics
- Financial reporting and compliance data management
- vpsyc:“618”活动,充值100送10,cn2 gia vps低至6.5折 ...:2021-6-13 · vpsyc的洛杉矶cn2 gia vps在搞618活动:充值100元送10元,不设上限,针对所有已开通VPS的用户;除此之外还有常规促销:月付8折、季付7.5折、半年付7折、年付6.5折,有一定的性价比!
Enterprise content management systems (6) +
Enterprise data warehouse management极光vpm破解无限版 +
- Big data management
- Data modeling tools and techniques
- Data warehouse appliance technology
- 求助,我的乐视X3 43,装不了奈飞Netflix_乐视超级电视_ZNDS:2021-3-2 · 本帖最后由 zf2021 于 2021-3-2 14:21 编辑 最近换了路由器,买了三个月的酸酸乳,手机可以看奈飞,但是电视上装软件显示禁止安装了,装最近的当贝什么的没问题,就是这个奈飞如何装的上去,急求,,有什么有偿服务的也可以,昨天淘宝也没找到 我qq5497206
- Data warehouse software
- Enterprise data architecture best practices
- Hadoop framework
Master data management strategy (3) +
Vertical data management strategies (4) +
Key to data management in oil and gas is stability
Ensuring quality data management and analytics comes from following best practices, proper commitment from your organization and sticking with the plan.
Choosing the right database for your applications
Key factors for successful data lake implementation
10 chief data officer trends that are reshaping the role
Data governance and COVID-19 data security challenges
蚂蚁海外加速器永久免费版 - 好看123:2021-6-15 · 9.蚂蚁海外加速器永久免费版蚂蚁ant加速器安卓下载v120花猪下 点击前往 网站介绍:2021年3月17日 - 蚂蚁ant加速器破解版app可以为你带来更好的游戏加速服务,你可以在这进行广告方面的去除,将会为你带来专业化的操作,你可以在这得到更多独立的节点,将会为你带来更...
summer: 谷歌云美国地区,基本都是原生IP,支持奈飞 ...:20 小时前 · 谷歌云美国地区,基本都是原生IP,支持奈飞 - summer 說在 社群 Shadowrocket 在 2021年6月18日星期四 04:28 ipad min5上玩pubg不用代理可以直接玩,登陆账号的时候需要,因为是FB和TW账号
被“群殴”的奈飞,还值不值得被看好?_巨头_投资界:2021-7-24 · 被“群殴”的奈飞,还值不值得被看好?,流媒体混战”越来越激烈,作为头号靶子的奈飞,是会在“群殴”里变得更强大,还是会应声倒下,成了 ...
Breaking down data silos with strong data governance
Top 5 feature engineering tips for better models
From understanding a model's expected goal to factoring in subject matter expertise, experts talk about the best ways to improve your feature engineering.
奈飞(Netflix)倍速播放教程 – 羊毛党之家:2021-6-10 · #Netflix#上面的#原创#剧太多,好看的剧太多,照正常速度根本追不完! 或者是有人习惯用1.5倍甚至是2倍速在追剧,但Netflix本身没有内建这个功能,不过还是有办法可以做到,因为Netflix本身是用HTML 5 player,我们可以透过#Chrome#的扩充程式Video Speed Controller,来加速HTML 5 PLayer,这样一来就可以快速播放 ...
Surprising insight on the data governance process
Data integration technologies unify multiple data stores
E-Handbook | June 2020
Data integration technologies unify multiple data stores
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E-Handbook | May 2020
Big data security management embraces governance, privacy
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E-Handbook | April 2020
When a DIY database management system design is the best fit
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E-Handbook | January 2020
Data warehousing design and value change with the times
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E-Handbook | December 2019
Data catalog best practices rely on teamwork, governance, tools
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How to ensure your data lake security
Your data lake is full of sensitive information and securing that data is a top priority. These are the best practices to keep that information safe from hackers.
Get Started
When a DIY database management system design is the best fit
Learn how a combination of homegrown, off-the-shelf and open source tools, plus proper motivation, can yield a DIY DBMS that meets corporate expectations, needs and ROI.
Get Started
DIY DBMS deployment options
Business users experience the trials, tribulations and exultations of building a DIY DBMS, especially when IT expertise is not readily available or costs are too high.
Vendor Resources
- Game Changing—From Zero to Autonomous Cloud Today –White Paper
- Building a Modern Data Platform –White Paper
- Observability and Beyond for the Enterprise Cloud –White Paper
View All -
Database management systems (DBMS)
Getting value from a data lake is a complex process
Users at the Dremio-sponsored Subsurface virtual conference detail data lake efforts and trends, including the emerging Apache Iceberg project, originally created by Netflix.
Enterprise business intelligence
GraphQL service comes to the cloud
Hasura made its GraphQL platform available as a managed service, enabling organizations to connect and query different data sources using the open source GraphQL language.
Rockset boosts scalability for its cloud database
Technology based on the open source RocksDB project is helping cloud database vendor Rockset improve scalability for real-time data applications that don't benefit from data lakes.
奈飞加速器 Definitions
- vpsyc:“618”活动,充值100送10,cn2 gia vps低至6.5折 ...:2021-6-13 · vpsyc的洛杉矶cn2 gia vps在搞618活动:充值100元送10元,不设上限,针对所有已开通VPS的用户;除此之外还有常规促销:月付8折、季付7.5折、半年付7折、年付6.5折,有一定的性价比!
- corporate performance management (CPM)
- Extract, Load, Transform (ELT)
- database as a service (DBaaS)