With more than 1,000,000 human-edited definitions, Acronym Finder is the world's largest and most comprehensive dictionary of acronyms, abbreviations, and initialisms. Combined with the Acronym Attic, Acronym Finder contains more than 5 million acronyms and abbreviations. You can also search for more than 850,000 US and Canadian postal codes.
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Information technology, Internet/Web, telecommunications, computing & computer science, hardware, software, etc. (over 86,000 definitions)Examples: AJAX, CMM, DHCP, FTP, HTTP, PDA, RSS, SDK, TCP, WWW
Popular science, hard science, medicine, nature, engineering, physics, space, astronomy, geology, chemistry, etc. (over 145,000 definitions)Examples: ACL, DNA, HEPA, LASER, MRI, PTFE, SSRI, TIA, TENS, VOC