The Religion of Peace

安卓 green

TROP is a non-partisan, fact-based site which examines the ideological threat that Islam poses to human dignity and freedom

Jihad Report
Jul 25, 2020 -
Jul 31, 2020

Attacks 34
Killed 182
无忧加速器 157
Suicide Blasts 1
Countries 13

安卓 green

Attacks 166
Killed 781
Injured 741
Suicide Blasts 6
Countries 23
List of Attacks

It's much easier to act as if critics of Islam have a problem with Muslims as people than it is to accept the uncomfortable truth that Islam is different




安卓 green

Last 30 Days
2001 (Post 9/11)

TROP Android App

What can we learn about
Islam from this woman?

      This Day in History      

Aug 04, 2013: Aramo, Syria
Religious radicals slit the throats of a Shiite
family, including four children: 无忧加速器能改ip么

Given the recent interest in assessing historical characters by
their views on slavery, it bears mentioning that Muhammad,
the prophet of Islam, owned and traded African slaves.


Courtroom Killer Glorified as "Lion of Islam"…
Religious Authority Tells Women to Accept Domestic Violence…
Man Who Memorized Quran Joins ISIS…
Cleric Insists on Animal Slaughter…
Twitter Censorship Puzzles with Khamenei Double Standards…
Nike's 'Hijab to Pride Flag' Ad Stirs Controversy…
Syrian "Refugee" to Canada Plotted to Massacre Christians…
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Turkish General Executed after Exposing Covert Terror Funding…
Fetus Discovered at Home of Quran Teacher Who Abused Children…
Poet Told to Remove Hindu Marks Before Entering Bollywood Home
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Migrants Kill Hedgehog after Using It as a Soccer Ball…
ISIS Assault on Afghan Prison Leaves 29 Dead…
15 Homeless People Eliminated by Boko Haram…
(Graphic) Animal Blood Flows as Muslims Celebrate Islamic Fest…
Ilhan Omar's Campaign Pays Her Husband's Firm Another $600,000
Cops Injured as UK Eid Celebration Turns into Mass Brawl…
Street Interviews: Worldwide Muslim Dominance is 'Final Solution'…
Cows Run Through Local Car Wash Ahead of Eid…
Move to Keep Brits Safe Decried as 'Islamophobia'…
German Party Expels Islam Critic
Erdogan Gloats over Hagia Sophia: Eid "More Joyous"…
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Arab Clans Flout Social Distancing in Germany…
24 Dogs Beaten and Tortured to Death at Refuge…
Yazidi Family Rescues Girl from ISIS Slavery in Turkish Capital…
Court Overturns Death Sentence for Boston Marathon Bomber…
Activists Protest Animal Slaughter Ahead of Eid…
"Online Qurbani" Lets Religious Slaughter Animals Remotely…
US Navy Sailor Gets Permission to Grow 4-Inch Beard…
"Refugees" Land with Smartphones and Poodle…
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Workers Replace Cloth Around Kaaba…
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Afghan Migrant Who Raped 11-Year-Old Freed to Rape 13-Year-Old…
8 Villagers Beheaded…
NAACP Leader's Mosque: Jews are 'Satan', Should Be Stoned…
Hajj 2020: Masked Pilgrims Throw Sanitized Pebbles at Satan…
Christian Family Beaten for Protecting Young Daughter…
UK Prosecutor: Migrant Plotted Mass Murder to "Please" Allah…
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Asylum Seekers Push 54-Year-Old German onto Train Tracks…
Afghanistan: 17 Dead in Blast Targeting Holiday Shoppers…
Faithful Urged to Weaponize Themselves with Virus and Infect Unbelievers…
Twitter: Calling for Destruction of Israel Not a Violation of Rules…
Murdered "Blasphemer" was American Citizen…
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Facebook De-Platforms Ex-Muslim Group Speaking of Persecution…
Atheist's Family Threatened on YouTube Channel…
Famed Preacher Divorces First Wife for Second Married in Secret…
Human Rights Report Details Abuse of LGBT in Syria…
UK: Begum Return Opens Door to 150 More Terrorists…
Florida Man: Hoped to Kill 50 Non-Muslims in the Tampa Area…
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ISIS Replaces Egyptian Flag with Allah Banner in Sinai Squares…
(Nigeria) Rain Douses Muslim Attempt to Burn Down Church…
Man Accused of Insulting Islam Killed in Court…
Moral Cop Spits on Girls Not in Hijabs: "Where's Your Owner?"…
Imam Denounces Lynching of 90-Year-Old Woman to "Allah Akbar"
Illinois Imam Resigns over Sexist Posts and Racial Slur…
ISIS: We Practice "Submission and Obedience to Allah"…
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Iran Tries to Blow Up Toy Ship in Exercise Dubbed "Great Prophet"…
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Asylum Seeker Avoids Deportation after Killing Teen Girl…
Egypt Sends 5 Women to Prison over 'Indecent' TikTok Videos…
Britain's Largest Muslim Charity 'Surprised' by Anti-Semitism…
Islamist: Murdered Secularist to "Be Closer to Allah"…
(Swedish) Cops Say Somali Car Ramming Tied to Sexual Assault…
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'Incite the Believers' Video Calls on Faithful in the West to Set Fires…
CAIR Jumps on Senator's Misquote about Slavery…
Arab League Advisor Cites 'Protocols of the Elders'…
Sharia Police Raid Budget Motel…
British Academic Sent to Women's Prison Notorious for Rape…
Russia Thwarts Religion of Peace Mass Shooting Attack…
Devout Muslim Sociologist Calls for Crucifixion of Islam Critics…
Iran Religious Leader Dismisses COVID-19 as a "Secular" Virus…
Scholar: Palestinian Families Can Pay Zakat by Sacrificing Children…
Woman Harassed for Letting Her Kids Mix with Gay Cousin…
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Muslim Cleric Vows to Take Over Sikh Temple Land…
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After Turning Historic Church into Mosque, Turkey Accuses Critics of Ill-Will toward Islam…
Germany Arrests Man for Protesting Muezzin Call…
Arab Writer: Colonialism Cured Backwardness of Islamic Empire…
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Afghan Tribal Elder Pulls a 'Lady Godiva'…
Migrant Dragged French Woman 800 Meters after Striking with Car…
Married Couple Honor-Hacked-to-Death…
Islamic Relief Director Called Jews "Grandchildren of Apes and Pigs"
Sharia Flogging for Gambling Leaves 'Gruesome' Injuries…
Pak. Official Accused of Blasphemy for Promoting Religious Equality…
Turkey Sends Uighurs Back to Certain Persecution in China…
Muslim MMA Champ will 'Only Fight Non-Muslims'…
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Imam Displays "Sword of Conquest" in First Hagia Sophia Sermon…
Top Apologist Condemns Pakistan for Allowing Hindu Temple…
NOI Official: Jews "Sold Nooses to the KKK"…
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Arizona Woman Arrested for Helping al-Qaeda "Fight for Allah"…
British Sunni Purchased Sword in Planned Attack on Shia Imam…
German Lawyer Sues to Block Loudspeaker Call to Islamic Prayer
Magic 'Allah' Goat Demands Big Money…
Afghan Girl with a Gun: "Ready to Kill More Taliban"…
Woman Honor-Killed by Father in the Street with Bricks…
No Joke: Turkey Invites Pope to Opening of "Hagia Sophia Mosque"
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Palestinians Push Fake News that Israel Destroyed Testing Center…
Video Catches Christian Woman Harassed at Speakers Corner…
British ISIS Members Admit Torture of American Journalist…
Clarion: 'Muslims for Abolition' Forget Islam Allows Slavery…
Ten Syrian Refugees Convicted of Gang-Raping German Woman…
Pregnant Woman Found Beheaded in a Canal: Cops Suspect Foul Play
Labour MP Alleges Life at Risk over Satirical Headline…
Five Aid Workers Executed…
Islam Rising in Mozambique: 200000 Displaced…
Writer Calls for Stripping Hagia Sophia of Christian Imagery So that Muslims Don't "Pray Under Whores"
Pal. Auth: "Martyrs" Will Be Led Directly into Wedding Procession…
(Sudan) Sharia Hardliners Protest Freedom of Conscience…
New Evidence Links Qatar to Financing of Terrorism…
Pakistani Man Beats Mother on Video as Wife Encourages Him…
al-Azhar Professor Blasts Erdogan: "It is the Nature of Political Islam to Take Others' Possessions"…
South Africa Threatened by ISIS…
Kuwait Mulls Booting Expatriates…
Girl Burned Alive by Uncle for Rejecting Marriage to Cousin…
Kim Kardashian Warns of Attack on Armenian Nuclear Plant…
15 Children Rescued from Torture and Chains at Islamic School…
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Netflix Cancels Turkish Production amid Furor over Gay Character…
MP: COVID-19 Will Disappear When Muslims Return to Mosques…
Kidnapped Christian Women Renounce Forced Conversion…
Palestinians Blame Israel for Coronavirus as Israelis Try to Help…
Another Saudi Journalist Dies Under 'Mysterious Circumstances'…
Turkey Moves to Tighten Censorship on Social Media…
Christian Converts Harassed in Morocco…
Afghan Cleric Saves Girl from Child Marriage…
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Afghan Girl Kills 3 Taliban Members Who Murdered Her Parents…
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Islamic Teacher Throws Acid on Students…
Gay Imam: Islam "Believes Your Repentance is to Be Killed"…
Biden "Wishes" US Schools Taught that Islam is a "Great Faith"…
Young Woman Embraces Islam, Becomes Terrorist…
Palestinians Glorify Terrorists Behind 1929 Massacre…
Quran School Teacher Rapes Teen Student…
Imam Slams Social Distancing…
Packed Funeral at UK Mosque Leads to COVID-19 Outbreak…
German Teens Kicked and Spit on for Rejecting Refugee's Advances
US Sanctions China over Abuse of Muslims…
Iran Gets in Bed with China Despite Abuse of Muslims…
UK Police May Call Islamist Attacks "Faith-Claimed" Terrorism…
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PETA Billboard Decrying Cruelty Removed on Islamic Demand…
Saudis Call for UN to Jail and Fine Critics of Islam…
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Sharia Councils Confiscated Christian Property in Syria…
World Health Organization 'Erases' Taiwan but Recognizes 'Palestine'…
Turkey Convicts German Journalist of 'Propaganda'…
Cleric Charged after Bilking Day Laborer of Earnings…
Op-Ed Calls Out Kareem Abdul Jabbar for Hypocrisy…
Pakistan: Kidnapped Christian Girl Now Pregnant…
India Offering Sanctuary to Afghan Minorities Facing Attacks…
Cleric: Christians are the "Worst Infidels," Have "No Right to Live"…
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CAIR Sues US Professor over Exam Question…
Ex-Muslim Finds Turkish Extremists Working at Local Grocery…

Atrocity of the Week

Atrocity of the Week

Other Recent "Misunderstandings
 of Islam"

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A suicide bomber blows himself up outside a restaurant, killing two guards.

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Boko Haram throw grenades into a camp for displaced people, eliminating seventeen.

2020.08.02 (Afghanistan)
A suicide bombing sets off an attack on a prison that leaves two dozen dead.

2020.07.31 (Chad)
Sharia proponents burn and loot a fishing village, killing ten residents.

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Boko Haram plant a bomb at a furniture store that kills the owner and his son.

2020.07.30 (Afghanistan)
A Shahid suicide bomber takes out seventeen shoppers at a mall.

(Note: Data for each attack is sometimes pulled from multiple  sources.  The provided link may not be in complete agreement with the updated detail for the incident).

Islamic Propaganda


Myths of Muhammad

Games Muslims Play

Discover the Truth?


Myths of Islam

Snopes and Muhammad

of the Month
August, 2020

July, 2020

Ian Manning
June, 2020

Mayor Jacob Frey
May, 2020

Father Stephen Farragher
April, 2020

New York Times
March, 2020

The Henry Jackson Society
February, 2020

Michael Moore
January, 2020

Infidel from Hell
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August, 2020

Thilaga Sulathireh
July, 2020

Nicholas Damask
June, 2020

Mubarak Bala
May, 2020

Anamaria von Roteliuc
April, 2020

Huma Younus
March, 2020

February, 2020

Ashwaq Haji Hamid
January, 2020

About CAIR

CAIR's Agenda: Islamization, Not Civil Rights

Time to Revisit CAIR's Non-Profit Status



Questions CAIR Refuses to Answer

Anti-CAIR Site

"Copy that."

Put the Numbers
in Perspective

安卓 green

...killed more people in one month (5000+ in November, 2014) than were killed in 350 years of Inquisition (3000-5000).

...murder more people every day than the KKK has in the last 70 years (26 since 1945).

...killed more civilians in two hours on September 11th (2977) than in the 26 years of sectarian conflict in Northern Ireland (2236).

...massacred more Iraqis on a single day in June, 2014 (1566) than the number of criminals executed by America in 44 years from 1976 and 2019 (1511).

...killed more Americans on American soil than did the combined militaries of Japan and Nazi Germany in WWII.

...slaughter almost twice as many people everyday than were killed during the entire Salem Witch Trials (20).

In 2007, Islam and Judaism's holiest
 holidays overlapped for 10 days.
 Muslims racked up 397 dead bodies
 in 94 terror attacks across 10 countries
 during this time... while Jews
worked on their 159th Nobel Prize.

David Wood

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Gates of Vienna
A Triple Murder in New Jersey: Connect the Dots

Answering Muslims
Unsheathed: The Story of Muhammad

Bill Muehlenberg
Australia: A Different Law for Muslims

Turkey's Brain Drain: Youth Find Brighter Future in 'Infidel' Lands

Raymond Ibrahim
Leftist Historians Call 1,400 Years of Jihad a 'Myth'

Robert Spencer
UK Police Consider Making 'Islamic Terror' Disappear

Bill Warner
Islamic Ethics (Video)

The Unknown Victims of Sharia Oppression

Middle East Forum
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Yazidi Children Still Haunted by Islamic State

David Wood
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Catholic Current
Battles to Conquer the West: Then and Now (Interview with Raymond Ibrahim)

Palestinians Accept Western Donations, Yet Vote for Jihad

David Wood

Islam is Government

David Wood
How Muhammad’s Best Quran Reciter Became an Apostate (Video)

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Raymond Ibrahim
Turkey's Open Commitment to Jihad on Non-Muslims

Bosch Fawstin
Islamophilia is the Problem

Refuting an Apologist's Defense of Muhammad's Child Bride

Islamic Persecution of Christians: June, 2020

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Hagia Sophia’s Muslim Prayers Evoke Ottoman Treatment of Armenians

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David Wood
Students at Quran Schools Shackled and Tortured (Video)

Muslim Scholars Shatter Myth of Quran Preservation (Video)

FrontPage Magazine
Katie Hopkins: Sharia is Overthrowing My Country from Within (Video Interview)

"Best of"
Articles Archive

Iran Jails Christians - Publishes Book on "Islamophobia" in US

Rape and Devastation: When Islam Came to Constantinople

The Muslim Genocide of 2.5 Million Christians

Jews Should Demand Compensation for Centuries of Abuse under Islam

Radical Islam: The Most Dangerous Ideology

Hating and Loving for Islam

France: An Inverted Colonization

What is the Muslim Brotherhood?

A Rising Tide of 'Islamophobia'? Get Real

ISIS: What Crime? We're Just Applying Allah's Sharia

Migration from the Islamist Perspective

Silicon Valley Sharia

The Multculturalism Umbrella: Made in Islam Wool

The Privileged Palestinian "Refugees"

Atheist: Political Correctness Shuts Down Reasonable Critique of Islam

More Americans Killed by White Surpremacism than Islamic Supremacism?

Facebook Champions Blasphemy Laws

Terrorism is Motivated by Religion - Not Retribution

'Allah Akbar' is the Motive for Islamic Terror

Muslim Migration is Europe's Biggest Threat Ever

Do Muslim Terrorists Really Get 450% More Coverage?

The Shia vs. Sunni Schism

The Ugly Truth about Muslim 'Grievances'

Critiquing Islam Makes You an "Anti-Muslim Bigot?"

Is Islam a Religion?

Islamic Terrorists Not Motivated by Hate

How Islamists are Slowly Desensitizing Europe and America

Political Correctness Kills

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The Islamic Scam

Right-Wing Terror vs. Islamic Terror

The Real Source of Muslim 'Grievances'

Tiny Minority of Radicals? Try 72%

A Word to Offended Muslims (Video)

Islam and the Rule of Numbers

What is 'Islamophobia'? Who are the 'Islamophobes'?

Islam in Africa

Why Islam is Not a Religion

European Slave Trade by Muslim Turks

Upset about the Iraq War? Blame Iraqis

50 Reasons Why Muhammad is Not a Prophet

Why 'Moderate Islam' is an Oxymoron

Islam, Africa and Black America

Why I Left Islam

Pat Condell: Appeasing Islam

The Muslim Case for Killing Non-Muslims

Violence in the Bible - Same as the Quran?


A Picture of Life in Gaza



CAIR: Islamists Fooling the Establishment

6th Column: The Religion Barrier

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