The Dauphin Island Sea Lab’s (DISL) is to serve the public, all levels of government, and the academic community, by improving ocean literacy and providing the best available science for coastal policy.
The Dauphin Island Sea Lab was founded in 1971 by the Alabama legislature to provide marine science programs for many of the state’s colleges and universities. Today, 23 member institutions partner with the Dauphin Island Sea Lab to provide studies to undergraduate and graduate students. Since 1971, the DISL mission has expanded to include K-12 education, professional development, and a public aquarium.
The Alabama Marine Environmental Sciences Consortium (MESC) is comprised of 23 public and private colleges and universities. The Presidents of each school make up the MESC Board of Directors. The Program Committee members consist of one faculty member, appointed by the President, from each of the member institutions.
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The mission of the Mobile Bay NEP is to promote wise stewardship of the water quality characteristics and living resource base of the Mobile Bay estuarine system. Administered through and funded by the EPA under provisions of the Clean Water Act (CWA) of 1987, the initial task for the MBNEP was the development of a Comprehensive Conservation Management Plan (CCMP) as a blueprint for conserving the estuary.
Discovery Hall Programs marine education programs include K-12 students, teacher training/ enhancement programs, and public outreach. It promotes conservation through education, research, and outreach.
The K-12 School Year Programs are available through Discovery Hall Programs. These programs are available September through May and are by reservation only.
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The BayMobile is DISL’s science classroom on wheels, whose mission is to visit underserved schools in the state of Alabama which do not have the opportunity or the means to visit the Dauphin Island Sea Lab on a field trip.
University programs at DISL consists of two parts: our Summer Undergraduate programs and our year round Graduate Programs.
While the DISL serves as the focal point of graduate education in marine science in the state of Alabama, it is not a degree-granting institution, and graduate degrees are offered through ten of the 23 DISL Member Schools.
Between May and August, the University Programs offers more than 25 marine science courses of varying amounts of credits for undergraduate students.
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See what you can expect when you come to the Dauphin Island Sea Lab for Graduate and Undergraduate coursework.
Since 1971, the Dauphin Island Sea Lab researchers have collected valuable environmental and ecosystem level data as part of the research and monitoring efforts in the fields of oceanography and ecology.
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Since 1971, research personnel at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab (DISL) have collected valuable environmental and ecosystem level data as part of research and monitoring endeavors.
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A Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative consortia led by the Dauphin Island Sea Lab, the Alabama Center of Ecological Resilience (ACER) investigates how biodiversity influences an ecosystem’s resilience. Specifically, the ecosystems of the northern Gulf of Mexico to the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill.
The Dauphin Island Sea Lab’s digital library gives the public access to more than 200 publications authored by faculty, staff, and students dating back to 1974.
Find all the information you need to make the most of your visit in our public aquarium. Hours, Pricing and even our live streaming webcams can be found here!
The Estuarium at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab hosts a number of events for the public. The free, twice-monthly 手机怎么登录国外网 offers the public a chance to engage with the experts at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab. The 手机浏览国外网站的方法 takes visitors into the habitats studied by our marine scientists, researchers, and students at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab.
Make your next function a memorable event for you and your guests at this beautiful and unique location.
Our roaming webcam will give you a live peek inside our aquarium with new views each day.
Discovery Day is the Dauphin Island Sea Lab’s open house for the public. Unfortunately, due to COVID-19 concerns, the 2020 event is delayed. Once a year, the public is given a tour of our research facilities to learn about our coastal environment and the research our team is working on.
The Dauphin Island Sea Lab is the perfect place to host your next meeting, wedding, or birthday party. Let our special events team guide you to creating a memorable experience for you and your guests.
This unique seafood culinary art competition features area high school hospitality and culinary arts programs’ students transforming marine science education into delicious seafood dishes to enjoy throughout the evening.
Discover an authentic Gulf Coast experience at The Dauphin Island Sea Lab. Our 5 unique venues combine on-point technology and amenities to keep you focused.
From inviting breezes on the open decks to the unmatched visual exhibits of the fourth largest estuary system in the United States, the Estuarium at The Sea Lab is the perfect venue for your indoor or outdoor functions.
Climb aboard the Miss May May, and set sail for a birthday destination to remember. Both entertaining and educational, the adjacent aquatic and hands-on exhibits inside the Estuarium provide hours of excitement while guiding your child through a journey of our precious coastal habitat.
Personal, practical, and beautiful gift ideas from conscious brands that are making a difference.
Every reason for supporting and donating is different, but every donation matters. Your donation enhances the Dauphin Island Sea Lab’s educational, research and service programs.
T-shirts, sustainable gifts, and souvenirs
Learn about the Oceans and Coastal Environment
State of Alabama's Research and Education Center
Graduate and Undergraduate Studies
DHP adjusts summer camp, class schedule
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Copyright 2016 Dauphin Island Sea Lab All Rights Reserved 101 Bienville Boulevard Dauphin Island, AL 36528
p: (251) 861-2141 f: (251) 861-4646"