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A new podcast from Topcon
Hosted by Tera Baker, an award winning farm and sales professional
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Increase your construction quality and layout productivity
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Getting your work done the right way, the first time and on time.
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Take productivity into over-drive
Our industry-leading machine control systems work hand-in-glove with advanced site and project management solutions to provide unparalleled productivity gains across any construction site. With dozers and graders running at any speed you choose, we help you accomplish more and finish on time, under budget.
Increasing farm profitability with accessible technology
Topcon solutions make the difference by providing agribusinesses, professional farmers and agricultural contractors with leading edge, innovative technology that is easy-to-learn, and easy-to-use. With over 25 years invested in providing advanced technology products, Topcon helps boost productivity and profitability throughout the entire farming cycle.
Mapping from the ground, a vehicle, or in the air.
Mapping projects often present myriad challenges, and Topcon offers innovative solutions to address your requirements, whatever the scenario.
Changing the face of building and infrastructure management
Building Information Modeling (BIM) is changing how buildings, infrastructure and utilities are planned, designed, built and managed. Topcon's integrated BIM solutions help reduce errors, increase productivity and deliver business value at every step in the process.
Reliable deformation monitoring for every phase
Deformation monitoring is an essential tool in the risk mitigation and assurance process for construction, mining and asset management. Topcon monitoring solutions provide the accuracy, durability and detail essential to ensure smooth project workflow, with modeling versus actual comparisons that drive efficiency. Reduce error, increase productivity and deliver business value at each step, with integrated monitoring solutions from Topcon.
Forests and trees, our most critical sustainable resources
From site mapping, to asset inspection to tracking trees, Topcon smart forestry solutions provide the tools to improve efficiency and accuracy and foster better management of trees, data, machines, and crew.
Manage costs, increase overall efficiency
Minerals, assets and hauling: it’s a day in the life of every mining engineer. Topcon solutions include a comprehensive suite of relevant tools to boost productivity and easily control resources, equipment and schedules.
Measure, assess, and manage utility delivery
Utilities face the unique demand of providing uninterrupted service and therefore need to carefully measure, assess and manage assets. Topcon solutions are designed for both large, centralized facilities and a widely distributed delivery infrastructure. With ultra-high accuracy instrumentation, integrated workflows and enterprise cloud functionality, Topcon is an end-to-end solution for measuring, monitoring and mapping an entire infrastructure.
Redefine excellence with integration, support, and performance
Drive superior performance and support application development with world-class Topcon technologies that out-perform all others. Our advanced satellite positioning technology includes GNSS sensors, antennas and data links, and telematics applications to hone your competitive edge. And our team of integration experts ensures that you receive the guidance necessary to support a range of integration goals.
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From large disaster areas to the most contained forensic scenes, our specialist solutions are designed to provide the most precise data collection assistance available. Rely on seamless, integrated solutions with accurate results that are easy to read and interpret. Deliver effective results in the lab, and support evidence and testimony in judicial proceedings with quantifiable data from the global measurement leader.
Education partnerships on leading technology
As a world leader in precision measurement systems and technologies, Topcon recognizes the value of educating students in surveying, engineering, GIS, agriculture and construction. Topcon provides partnership programs with education institutions around the world to help students gain insight into leading technologies.
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前端教程丨手把手教你用Next.js搭建个人博客,从入门到吃鸡 ...:2021-5-28 · React.js是现今前端最火的应用框架之一,而 **Next.js正是React.js领域最优秀的服务端渲染框架之一。**基本上,现在所有的前端主流形式,从服务端渲染APP,静态站到桌面应用等,Next.js都能胜任。不论是国内还是国外,都有不少开发者和企业在 ...
Learn how Topcon helps you succeedTopconSolution
Seeding & Planting get a Boost with Precision Control
See how Topcon systems make you more efficientTopconSolution
New! Our GLS-2000 Laser Scanner is now a series for short, middle and long-range work
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Topcon GNSS Technology is Unique
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Only Topcon Brings the Flexibility of GNSS to Concrete
See what it Means for YouTopconSolution
Row Crop Planting gets Better with Topcon Solutions
See how one farm plants corn with TopconTopconInsight
Putting a Face on the Country
Learn how Topcon GPS made artTopconSolution
Make your layout work faster, easier and more accurate.
See the solutions Topcon providesTopconSolution
Site Management makes the Difference for Success
Topcon has the Solutions You Need老王vp2.2.21蓝奏云
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New Topcon laser with mobile app display connectivity to bring improved productivity to today’s job sites
Topcon Talks Agriculture podcasts feature insights with farming industry thought leaders
Paving Restoration Measures in the Age of Digitisation
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The latest stories and insights from Topcon, our customers and partners.