
LEARN. "HIT THE GROUND RUNNING" CANVAS SITE. Join our Canvas site to work through a series of self-paced modules and access curated resources on teaching remotely. ENGAGE. SYNCHRONOUS TRAINING. 3-session training via Zoom will cover the basics of teaching remotely and allow you to practice and collaborate with peers. EXPLORE. PLENARY SESSIONS. Synchronous sessions on topics of interest, including equitable and inclusive teaching and responding to student writing. PRACTICE. PRACTICE TEACHING SESSIONS. Join a small group of peers with a Bok Center facilitator to practice delivering a lesson in Zoom.
We have revamped our annual conference for new and experienced graduate student teachers in the FAS!  This year's conference will focus on the skills and tools essential to remote teaching. 



Undergraduate Ed Portal Mentors

Mentoring Online: Lessons in Motivation

July 10, 2020

As classes moved online this spring, so did the work of the Bok Center’s twenty-seven undergraduate Mentors. Responsible for engaging Allston-Brighton children in interdisciplinary science, technology, and literacy programs at the Harvard Ed Portal, these undergraduates gain experience with skills central to good teaching, and reflect on their own development as teachers and learners.

When the Ed Portal’s programming shifted online...

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three glasses of white wine touching in "cheers"


July 1, 2020

Congratulations to the recipients of the 2020 Derek C. Bok Award!

The Derek C. Bok Award for Excellence in Graduate Student Teaching of Undergraduates is given each year by the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences to five teaching fellows who have been nominated by their departments. The award includes a $1,000 prize from a gift given by David G. Nathan '51, M.D. '55 (Robert A. Stranahan Distinguished Professor of Pediatrics at Harvard Medical School) and his wife Jean Louise Friedman Nathan.

... Read more about Congratulations to the 2020 Derek C. Bok Award Recipients

Erin Hutchinson

Reflections from a Recently Graduated Pedagogy Fellow

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With the celebration of Harvard’s first-ever virtual Commencement now complete, the Bok Center bids a fond farewell to another cohort of alumni, including dozens of undergraduate and graduate student fellows. Though they may have received their degrees in topics ranging from Hebrew Philology to Human Evolutionary Biology, their shared commitment to cultivating a community of thoughtful and reflective teachers and communicators here at Harvard will serve all of them well in their future careers. We are proud of their many accomplishments, and look forward to hearing great things...

Read more about Reflections from a Recently Graduated Pedagogy Fellow


2020 Aug 05

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9:30am to nutsvp.net官网



During this 3-day synchronous training, graduate student teachers will have the chance to explore, discuss, and practice the fundamentals of teaching remotely in more depth, and share ideas and strategies in a cohort of peers.

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This session is part of the Fall Teaching Conference, which is designed to prepare new and experienced graduate student teachers for their roles as Teaching Fellows in the FAS. 东方评论:关注沙特阿美|2021-08-14 | 汉风1918-汉唐归来 ...:2021-6-22 · 2021-08-12 东方时事解读 【管理员】伙夫 越通社8月11日:越南始终率先落实联合国海洋法公约并努力把该公约落到实处。按照公约,12海里领海、200海里专属经济区和至少200海里大陆架,越南享有的海域和大陆架面积为近100万平方公里,是陆地面积的近3倍。

Read more 苹果下架VPN 在遵守当地法律的情况下做生意_新闻频道_中国青年网:2021年8月4日 - 日前,苹果公司CEO蒂姆库克回应苹果应用商店中国区将VPN下架一事说,我们在遵守当地法律的情况下在当地开展生意。一些网民将此事与去年苹果就是否协助执...
2020 Aug 05


2:00pm to 3:30pm



During this 3-day synchronous training, graduate student teachers will have the chance to explore, discuss, and practice the fundamentals of teaching remotely in more depth, and share ideas and strategies in a cohort of peers.

苹果:收到要求,在中国移除了不符合规范的VPN应用_荔枝 ...:2021-7-30 · 7月30日,苹果中国公司回应中国区App Store(应用商店)下架 VPN 应用一事,称“我们已经收到要求,在中国移除一些不符合规范的 VPN App。

This session is part of the Fall Teaching Conference, which is designed to prepare new and experienced graduate student teachers for their roles as Teaching Fellows in the FAS. Sessions are capped and pre-registration is required....

Read more about Fall Teaching Conference: Synchronous Training Cohort 2 Kickoff
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天行ⅴpn Aug 10

绿叶VPN应用排名和商店数据 | App Annie:查看例如绿叶VPN这种热门应用在iOS商店中的每日应用排名、排名历史、评级、特性以及评价。 Either we haven't yet collected data for this app, or it has been removed from the app store. Sign up for free to learn everything about millions of apps and ...

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抓小精灵啦!Pokemon GO懒人电脑版下载及最新攻略--人..._人民网游戏:2021年8月11日 - 方法二:下载“夜神安卓模拟器”最新版本V3.7.0.0,点击立即下载,然后把任何Pokemon GO的APK文件(官方也可下载)拖入模拟器内,安装好之后根据下载VPN设...

*Note: this is the first of 3 training sessions for this cohort.*

This session is part of the Fall Teaching Conference, which is designed to prepare new and experienced graduate student teachers for their roles as Teaching Fellows in the FAS. Sessions are capped and pre-registration is required....

Read more iPhone6 VPN是什么?VPN使用教程分享_iPhone技巧_爱思助手:2021-8-4 · VPN是什么?VPN属于远程访问技术,简单地说就是利用公用网络架设专用网络。例如某公司员工出差到外地,他想访问企业内网的服务器资源,这种访问就属于远程访问。大家都知道iphone、ipad 、ipod touch等都是用的IOS系统,最近听身边很多朋友 ...
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2020 Aug 10

Fall Teaching Conference Opening Plenary: Creating the New Normal as a Teacher-Scholar

11:30am to 12:30pm



Robert Lue, Richard L. Menschel Faculty Director of the Derek Bok Center for Teaching and Learning

In this opening plenary, hear some words of welcome and encouragement from the Bok Center’s Faculty Director as you think about how to approach your teaching under unprecedented circumstances this fall. As a graduate student and teacher, you are undertaking the exciting process of translating and transmitting your discipline to undergraduates, under remote circumstances, while at the same time developing as a scholar in your field. You will consider...

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西风app官网 Aug 10

Fall Teaching Conference: Synchronous Training Cohort 4 Kickoff

2:00pm to 3:30pm



During this 3-day synchronous training, graduate student teachers will have the chance to explore, discuss, and practice the fundamentals of teaching remotely in more depth, and share ideas and strategies in a cohort of peers.

打工信部公安部旗号卖VPN 这家公司胆子有点大 - · 来源:澎湃新闻 原标题:打着工信部和公安部的旗号卖VPN,这家公司胆子有点大 一款号称“国内首个获工信部VPN业务销售许可证”的产品,近日 ...

This session is part of the Fall Teaching Conference, which is designed to prepare new and experienced graduate student teachers for their roles as Teaching Fellows in the FAS. Sessions are capped and pre-registration is required....

Read more about Fall Teaching Conference: Synchronous Training Cohort 4 Kickoff
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