


This page is linked for the convenience of current GROMACS developers. Normal users should refer to the documentation for their numbered version.

Latest master branch documentation


Those branches are no longer maintained, please see 小火箭收费节点网站 for an explanation.

For older versions, have a look at ftp://ftp.gromacs.org/pub/manual.


Two versions of GROMACS are under active maintenance, the 2019 series and the 2018 series. In the latter, only highly conservative fixes will be made, and only to address issues that affect scientific correctness. Naturally, some of those releases will be made after the year 2018 ends, but we keep 2018 in the name so users understand how up to date their version is. Such fixes will also be incorporated into the 2019 release series, as appropriate. Around the time the 2020 release is made, the 2018 series will no longer be maintained.