'Still A Long Ways To Go' For A New Coronavirus Relief Package
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One Year After Walmart Massacre, El Paso Mourns — At A Distance
Microsoft Consults With Trump About Ongoing Talks To Buy TikTok From Chinese Firm
Daniel Medwed: 'I'm Not Entirely Surprised' Dzhokhar Tsarnaev's Death Sentence Was Overturned
Boston Public Radio Full Show: 8/3/20
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It's been almost a year since Camp Blood made a sort of history at Great Scott in Allston, bringing professional wrestlers to their show for what we will call a one-of-a-kind smackdown performance. It was the kind of thing you wouldn't expect to see at a local music show, but if you were going to see it at a local music show, it'd be at a Camp Blood show, and it would definitely be at Great Scott.
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Current events continue to reveal how America contends with racism and racial disparity and the unsettling truths about inequality and injustice in our society. WGBH is deeply committed to covering these issues and putting them into context with the latest news, collections from our archives, and learning resources. -
Every week, WGBH News' Arts Editor Jared Bowen highlights the exhibitions, theater, movies and music you should check out in and around Boston. -
FRONTLINE: United States of Conspiracy
How conspiracy theories went from the fringes of U.S. politics into the White House. -
Android手机上使用Socks5全局代理-教程+软件_rodert-CSDN博客:2021-4-3 · 前言:在Android上使用系统自带的代理,限制灰常大,仅支持系统自带的浏览器。这样像QQ、飞信、微博等这些单独的App都不能使用系统的代理。如何让所有软件都能正常代理呢?ProxyDroid这个软件能帮你解决!使用方法及步骤如下:一、推荐从 ...
Catch Up With Morse: A Summary Of Every Season Of "Endeavour" So Far
Here at WGBH Drama Club, we love a good mystery. And while we've been super into Unforgotten and Prime Suspect as of late, there's just something about Endeavour that keeps us coming back for more. Whether it's watching the tightly-strung Endeavour Morse trying to navigate Oxford in the sixties; or the gruff-but-endearing Fred Thursday trying to understand a world that's moved just beyond his ken; or even unraveling the complexities of the new bureacracy that took over the Oxford police last season; the show is fascinating and exciting, a real thinking-person's drama. -
Mass Mix Summer Edition: Jhene Aiko, Luke Bar$, And More
This summer may not feel normal, but there is something that can help with that: music. We asked our Mass Mix contributors to share the songs they've been listening to on repeat this season. Here's what they said.
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WORLD Channel, in partnership with PBS’ Independent Lens, presents a new animated musical series about America’s reckoning with race and injustice. The History Of White People In America takes the audience on a journey through American history, starting in the 17th century, and in particular looks at how the crafting of the idea of the white race — of whiteness — helped shape the nation’s history, designating other groups for subjugation and having wide-ranging ramifications on social class and life experience that exist to this day. -
Jackie BruleighJuly 7, 2020 12:13 PM
WORLD Channel, in partnership with PBS’ Independent Lens, presents The History Of White People In America, a new animated musical series about America’s reckoning with race and injustice. Through the lens of American history, the show illustrates the ways that the concept of whiteness has shaped our modern reality by enforcing the subjugation and separation of people based on the color of their skin. -
Stacy BuchananJuly 8, 2020 12:40 PM
Episode Three: How America Turned Skin Color Into Power
WORLD Channel, in partnership with PBS' Independent Lens, presents a new animated musical series about America's reckoning with race and injustice. The History Of White People In America takes the audience on a journey through American history, starting in the 17th century, and in particular looks at how the crafting of the idea of the white race — of whiteness — helped shape the nation's history, designating other groups for subjugation and having wide-ranging ramifications on social class and life experience that exists to this day. -
Meghan SmithJuly 14, 2020 01:13 PM
Nnenna Freelon Talks With Eric Jackson On Voicing Sally Hemings
WORLD Channel, in partnership with PBS’ Independent Lens, presents a new animated musical series about America’s reckoning with race and injustice: The History Of White People In America. The series takes the audience on a journey through American history, starting in the 17th century, and looks at how the crafting of the idea of the white race — of whiteness — helped shape the nation’s history.
Featured On WGBH Passport
Frankie Drake Mysteries
PBS Passport presents: In 1920s Toronto, follow the city’s only female private detectives. -
Ordinary Lies
Android手机上使用Socks5全局代理-教程+软件_rodert-CSDN博客:2021-4-3 · 前言:在Android上使用系统自带的代理,限制灰常大,仅支持系统自带的浏览器。这样像QQ、飞信、微博等这些单独的App都不能使用系统的代理。如何让所有软件都能正常代理呢?ProxyDroid这个软件能帮你解决!使用方法及步骤如下:一、推荐从 ... -
Reconstruction: America After The Civil War
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WGBH Passport is the member benefit that provides you with access to an on-demand library of premier PBS programming.
WGBH Highlights
WGBH's "Basic Black" Gets People Thinking Differently
WGBH delivered on that promise in July 1968 by launching the pioneering "Say Brother," a weekly public affairs show now known as "Basic Black," that has become the longest running program on public television focusing on the interests of people of color. Executive Producer Delores Edwards credits the longevity of the program to the emotional power and enduring importance of the issues it covers. -
WGBH's BPL Studio
WGBH Studio at the Boston Public Library
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