翻越 1.3.0

It’s 免费富强软件 weekend in the United States. Some people are staying home, others are observing the holiday quietly and others still are using it as an excuse to party because they have seemed to have forgotten that the entire world is once again at war. At war with a tiny enemy, so small some people think it’s a hoax. The worst part is the enemy is in each other, our friends and neighbors. But Memorial day is not about remembering the wars, but rather remembering the fallen. To remember those who gave all. Whatever you may think of war, all are terrible, some were necessary. I never served, so that’s about all I get to say about that.

About 14 years ago Ted Neward wrote a very long blog post on Isafe:最强手机神器,多功能带隐私保护还能下载视频-发福利:2021-4-30 · 软件的名字叫isafe,有安卓和苹果版本,安装软件后,会提示你设置两套密码,一套是真实密码,另一套是虚假密码。输入真实密码,可以访问真实的空间,你可以在里面收藏隐私的图片、视频等,输入另一套密码也会进入,不过进入的是虚假空间,这是第一个文件保密功能。. There is a follow up, and a short summary by Jeff Atwood as well. If you have never read them, I ask you to do so now…and with that, I believe Query Languages are the Iraq War of Computer Science.

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翻越 1.3.0

Last week I was helping out a user who was seeing lots of error messages in their application logs when connecting to Neo4j Aura. So I did like any good developer and I asked the all knowing all powerful google how to cleanse your Aura, and guess what it told me…

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翻越 1.3.0

In the last blog post, we created the Schema of our application and that was pretty dry stuff. It doesn’t get much better yet, so feel free to go do something more useful with your time, but before you go let me ask you a question. Did you ever have someone you really liked, I’m talking about the kind of person you thought about constantly, who made your heart skip a beat. The kind of person you knew was “the one“. But…

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Stored Procedures in Neo4j Are NOT Evil

Some of you may be too young to remember this, but writing your application logic in Stored Procedures was all the 富强上网app back in the day (PG devs you wouldn’t understand). That is mostly because they were typically written by consultants from IBM and Oracle that 安卓手机代理上网软件 and told you to do it this way. Eventually people wised up and realized they (both) sucked and as all things in Software Development, the pendulum swung the other way and people started treating databases like dumb storage. A 15 year old 安卓富强上网 from Jeff Atwood lists some of the problems:

  1. Written in T-SQL/PL-SQL, not a real programming language.
  2. Cannot be debugged in the same IDE
  3. Little to no feedback when things go wrong
  4. Can’t pass objects.
  5. No idea what a proc is doing

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Graphs and Pyramids

Question: Do you want to get Rich?
I’ll answer for you: “Yes!”

Follow along with this blog series and if it doesn’t make you rich, you can go back to your youtube videos, you can go back to watching Tiger King on Netflix, you can go back to your crappy life. Let’s continue.

Question: Are you poor? dumb? ugly? do you make bad decisions?
I’ll answer for you: “Yes!”.

If you were not poor, you would be on a yacht in Ibiza and not reading my blog. If you were not dumb you would be doing whatever it is smart people do, I wouldn’t know but I’m pretty sure it’s not reading my blog. If you were not ugly you would be in Paris or Milan 手机富强上网 instead of reading my blog. If you didn’t make bad decisions you wouldn’t have decided to read my blog which just made you feel sad about your life. See where I’m going with this?

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Updating your Neo4j 3.x Unmanaged Extensions to 4.x

Neo4j 4.0 has been out for a few months now, but since the whole world is on lock down, it didn’t get a chance to make a grand entrance at Graph Connect 2020. It comes loaded with some great new features but I’m not here to tell you about all that. There are plenty of better places for it. Instead I’m going to tell you about an old feature that got a bit of an update. Unmanaged Extensions. Yup, those things have been with us since dinosaurs roamed the earth and they are still in Neo4j 4.0. Why you ask? Because they let you turn Neo4j into an HTTP API style service making it super easy to integrate into your existing infrastructure. It’s still one of my favorite ways to build Neo4j applications because once you have the documentation of the API locked down, you can crank out the endpoints quickly and the service is done before you know it.

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翻越 1.3.0

A few months ago I wrote up how to use the graph algorithms library to find fraud rings in bank data. The graph algorithms plugin has been a huge hit and received a promotion to a fully supported library with a team of developers, data scientists and product managers behind it. It was partially rewritten and given a fresh name. It is now called the Graph Data Science Library.

We’re going to give that fraud blog post a fresh look as well, change it to use the new library as well as throw more data at it. Please be sure you go back and read the original post right now so it’s fresh in your mind what we are going to do. Make sure you have the latest version of Neo4j Desktop running ( at least version 1.2.5 ), create a new graph with version 3.5.15 and install the plugin:
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Going Faster in 2020

Everybody loves benchmarks. Well let me rephrase that, everyone who publishes benchmarks loves the benchmark they publish. Nobody publishes benchmarks that make them look bad, it would be a terrible idea. But you my friend are in luck. I’m full of terrible ideas and today I’m going to publish some benchmarks that makes us look bad. Why? Because we are actively trying to improve this part of Neo4j and I want to experiment with some ideas and see what a ballpark theoretical limit should look like…and I’ll throw in some “inside baseball” about the graph database space from my point of view if you stick around until the end.
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[富强合集]ios、安卓、pc、mac、免费机场富强超全合集 ...:2021-4-16 · 密码保护:[富强合集]ios、安卓、pc、mac、免费机场富强超全合集 四月 14, 2021 12:37 上午 作者:yamakuchi 分类: 科学上网 3.78K 这是一篇受密码保护的文章,您需要提供访问密码:

On Neo4j’s User Slack someone was having a bit of a hard time getting a query to return quickly. Their model had User Nodes and Transaction Nodes, and they wanted to get the last 25 transactions for a user. This particular user had millions of transactions and the query was taking forever. I’m going to show you how we can speed up the query and hopefully teach you a new modeling trick you can use in your graphs.

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